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Champlain Valley DSA Endorsements for 2020 elections

The Champlain Valley DSA is excited to announce the endorsement of an excellent slate of candidates for the 2020 elections. Meet the candidates below.
We will also be hosting a Meet the Candidates webinar with endorsed candidates for the state legislature on Monday, July 27. Register for the webinar or tune in live on Facebook.
Finally, don't forget to request your absentee ballot today and help get these candidates into the State House.

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the logo of Champlain Valley DSA

Stop Trump’s Stormtroopers: Protest DHS and ICE in Williston!

Trump is desperate. The pandemic, recession, and uprising for Black lives have undermined his popularity and wrecked his credibility. His polls are plummeting across the country, even in the so-called “red states.”

To salvage his failing regime and hopes for reelection, Trump has turned to law and order racism and repression. At first, he tried to order the military to repress protests against racism and police brutality, but the generals blocked him.

So, instead, he deployed federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security to crush the movement in Portland, Oregon. He’s sending them to Chicago, Seattle, New York, Oakland, and over a dozen cities across the country.

These agents evoke memories of the Gestapo. Their uniforms do not have identification, they patrol the city in unmarked vans, and they pack military grade weaponry.

They have teargassed protesters, beaten them, and detained many without charges in undisclosed locations. Trump’s storm troopers are a threat to our democratic rights and their deployment must be stopped immediately.

Portland Shows Us How to Fight

Trump hoped to intimidate Portland with outright repression. But his strategy has backfired, spurring the movement for Black lives to grow bigger, broader, and more radical.

Parents of protesters formed a “Wall of Moms” and a “Wall of Dads” to protect activists. The dads showed up with leaf blowers to disperse the stormtrooper’s teargas.

More groups are joining them. Organized workers have established a “Wall of Unions” and military veterans built a “Wall of Vets.” The protests have become so militant that they successfully forced the Feds to retreat to their headquarters.

Portland has shown us how to resist. We must follow their lead and rise up against the deployment of Trump’s storm troopers everywhere. In the words of the anti-fascist movement in Spain against Franco in the 1930s, we must say “No Pasarán!”—“You Shall Not Pass!”

Bringing the War Home

Who are these federal agents? They all come from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It was formed as part of the so-called War on Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. We know that war is based on lies. It has nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with empire and oil.

The US set up DHS to be its domestic arm of the war abroad. It houses among other agencies the Federal Marshalls, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and ICE’s Border Tactical Unit (BORTAC) that are right now deployed in Portland and elsewhere. They usually police the borders as well as surveil, arrest, and deport undocumented immigrants, Arabs, and Muslims.

Trump has now turned this giant apparatus of repression against the uprising for Black lives and against all of us. Thus, as Martin Luther King said during the Vietnam War, “the bombs dropped abroad explode at home.”

Will the Democratic Party Resist Trump?

Thankfully the Democratic Party has objected to the stormtrooper’s deployment. But let’s be honest about the Democrats. They supported the establishment of DHS. Obama used ICE to deport more immigrants than any other president in US history.

Our own Senator Leahy secured contracts with DHS and ICE to establish their operations in Vermont. ICE’s office in Williston centralizes national information on undocumented workers and informs agents to arrest and deport them across the country.

Even worse, some Democrats are collaborating with Trump. Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced that she would welcome his agents on the condition that they police violent crime in her city. In other words, she will aid and abet federal police brutality.

Other Democratic Party governors and mayors oppose the deployment, but not on anti-racist grounds. They say their state troopers and local police can control protests and fight crime.

That is no alternative. We don’t want state troopers and local cops repressing our protests and policing our cities. They are part of the problem, not the solution.

Defund DHS, ICE and the Police!

Regardless, Trump won’t listen to the Democrats. He will deploy his storm troopers if we do not organize mass actions to stop him. Here in Vermont, we have a responsibility to demonstrate at the ICE and DHS offices in Williston.

They help Trump carry out repression in our state and across the country. Community Voices for Immigrant Rights already staged an emergency action in Burlington and will soon announce plans for a protest in Williston.

We all have a stake in this fight. As Martin Luther King declared, “a threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Trump is attacking immigrants, Black people, Muslims, Arabs, and Indigenous people.

In repressing demonstrations, he is undermining our collective right to organize, assemble, and fight for justice, equality and freedom. And he’s wasting our money on this repression and policing. That’s why we must unite and fight to defund DHS, ICE and the police and eventually abolish them.

We should take all that money and pay reparations to Black people and other groups oppressed by the US at home and abroad as well as fund jobs programs, Medicare for All, social services, and a Green New Deal. Amidst the pandemic and recession, it is time to invest in programs that put the needs of oppressed people, the working class, and the environment first.

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

the logo of High Peak DSA

Press Release: HPDSA & Sunrise ADK endorse Fred Balzac for Village Board

Contact: for High Peaks DSA, Zohar Gitlis,; for Sunrise Adirondacks, Kayla Lodico,; Fred Balzac, 518-588-7275/

Co-authored by the High Peaks DSA Executive Committee, Sunrise Adirondacks Steering Committee, and Fred Balzac.

For immediate release:

High Peaks Democratic Socialists of America, Sunrise Adirondacks and Fred Balzac commit to work together through the Sept. 15th election and beyond for progressive reforms—for the benefit of all Saranac Lake Village residents and the region’s environment.

high peaks dsa for fred balzac

Sign up to volunteer for the High Peaks DSA for Fred Balzac campaign:

Two local chapters of national political organizations that are at the forefront of the progressive movement in the United States have endorsed Green Party candidate Fred Balzac in the race for Village of Saranac Lake trustee. The election, which was postponed from its original date of March 18, 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, will take place at the Harrietstown Town Hall in Saranac Lake on Tuesday, Sept. 15, as well as by absentee ballot.

The two groups—High Peaks Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Sunrise Adirondacks—are urging village residents to support Balzac’s candidacy in a broader effort to raise a wide range of pressing issues and needed reforms at the local level, in the hopes of spurring a large voter turnout for the Sept. 15th election.

“We are seeing a record number of young people waking up to inequality in our society; simultaneously poor, historically marginalized and oppressed people are organizing mass movements with bold demands to address systemic injustices. It’s been astonishing to see how many people want to see change locally as well. In June we had about 700 people demanding racial justice in Riverside Park, which is more people than voted in each of the last two Village Board elections. We’ve seen this level of interest bleed into Village Board meetings, which have been well attended throughout the spring and summer. We’re excited to support Fred and feel confident that he can rise to the current moment, unlike some of our current legislators who have continued to fumble and play defense,” said High Peaks DSA Co-Chair Zohar Gitlis.

According to village records, 590 votes were cast in the most recent competitive race for trustee, in 2016. In the 2018 election, with candidates for mayor and two trustee seats running unopposed, only 255 votes were cast. The village has 5,400 residents, according to

Among the locally relevant issues that one or both groups have been grappling with are the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, housing rights, the establishment of an anti-choice pregnancy center in the village, policing reform, the lack of widespread access to renewable energy and the effect of climate change on the local environment.

Solutions and reforms being put forth by the groups include: mutual aid; rent cancellation and an extended eviction moratorium; a shift in spending from policing to social services; local implementation of the Green New Deal; sustainable development and “smart growth”; and a diversification of the local economy (more details here).

In the race for village trustee, Balzac—whose campaign slogan is “Your struggle is OUR fight”—was either already running on these issues and advocating for these solutions or has embraced them as a result of the endorsement process. Members of the two grassroots activist groups see his candidacy as a vehicle for influencing public discourse on these issues and solutions not only during this year’s election but going forward.

“We are excited by Fred’s willingness to listen and dedication to representing the people of his community, and his urgency to take action on public concerns,” said Kayla Lodico, Hub Coordinator of Sunrise Adirondacks.

As for the candidate himself, he views the endorsements by the two groups as an opportunity to build a pro-people/pro-environment coalition throughout the Adirondack North Country. “I am honored but also humbled by the endorsement of both High Peaks DSA and Sunrise Adirondacks and take seriously our joint commitment to continue working together on issues that are so critical to the well-being of village residents and the local environment, win or lose on Sept. 15th,” Balzac said.

“Both of these groups are comprised of smart, dynamic and dedicated individuals—many of whom are two, three or four decades younger than me—and they really represent the future of our village and region. I’m pleased to report that, as long as these good people stay involved, the future is in very good hands.”

To learn more about: Balzac’s candidacy and voting in the village election, including by absentee ballot, contact Fred at 518-588-7275 or; re: High Peaks DSA, email the Executive Committee at and/or visit; and re: Sunrise Adirondacks, email the Steering Committee at sunriseadirondacks@gmail.comand/or visit

About the Candidate

Fred Balzac has more than 40 years of professional experience as a journalist, medical writer-editor, publicist-promotions writer, innkeeper, nonprofit/community organizer and grant writer. He earned a B.A. in English from Columba University in 1983 (graduating with the same class as one Barack Obama!) and, 30 years later, went back to college to earn a Multimedia Journalism Certificate at SUNY Plattsburgh, where he continues to take a class each fall & spring semester.

Since moving to the Adirondacks full-time in 1993, he has been involved as a volunteer in numerous causes and community efforts. As co-organizer and president of Bridge Beyond in the Town of Jay, he led a 15-year effort to protect the Jay rapids and swimming hole and preserve the historic (circa 1857) Jay Covered Bridge (JCB)—resulting in a million-dollar restoration plan that renovated the JCB as a pedestrian-bike crossing and saved the scenic-recreational upstream river corridor from desecration via the placement of a new bridge downstream, while also restoring reliable emergency-vehicle protection to the eastern side of the Ausable River. This pro-environment struggle by Balzac and comrades was recognized early on by the Adirondack Council, which bestowed its Community Action Award on Bridge and Beyond in 1995.

Following his opposition to the creation of an occupancy tax in Essex County out of a concern that it would largely benefit the county’s richest community, Lake Placid/North Elba, and shortchange most of the county’s other 17 towns, Balzac was named by then-Jay Supervisor Thomas O’Neill to the county Occupancy Tax Advisory Committee and briefly served as its chair. A registered Democrat for most of his adult life, Fred served on the Essex County Democratic Committee from 2008-2011 before changing his registration to the Green Party.

Balzac’s reasons for switching included his alignment with the Green Party’s Four Pillars and Ten Key Values (see, the continuing influence of corporations and the wealthy on the Democratic Party at the national and state levels and the inability of the Party to endorse unions at the county level.

A formative influence on Balzac was his temporary position as a FEMA-funded crisis counselor in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene, which helped open his eyes to the impoverished living conditions of many North Country residents. Ideologically, Fred has consistently moved to the left as he has watched inequality grow under the leadership of mainstream politicians, and he is now proud to be a dues-paying member of DSA.

Issues And Solutions

Here’s how Fred Balzac’s candidacy for Village of Saranac Lake trustee aligns with some of High Peaks DSA’s concerns and aims:

Housing rights: One of the group’s earliest actions was a call for rent cancellation in the face of the COVID-19 economic shutdown. Balzac, who is a dues-paying member of DSA, supports rent cancellation or mortgage cancellation for all tenants, landlords and homeowners adversely affected by the pandemic and is calling for a local extension of New York State’s moratorium on evictions through at least the end of 2020. If elected, he is committed to at least beginning a discussion of the village implementing rent-control/rent-stabilization policies similar to what exists in New York City.

Mutual aid: As a response to the severe economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, High Peaks DSA initiated an active mutual-aid campaign that is ongoing (see Balzac supports this campaign and endorses the pandemic-response platform of Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins (see, including the implementation of such “COVID-19 emergency measures for the duration of the crisis” as “Medicare to pay for COVID-19 testing and all emergency health care; a “moratorium on evictions, foreclosures and utility shutoffs”; suspension of “student loan payments with 0% interest accumulation”; and “a 10-year, $42-trillion ecosocialist Green New Deal for economic recovery through a just transition to 100% clean energy by 2030.”

Crisis pregnancy center (CPC): As an active member of High Peaks DSA’s CPC working group, Balzac helped draft the group’s position statement opposing the establishment of the Adirondack Pregnancy Center in Saranac Lake and vehemently opposes the center on the grounds that “It will harm women.” He believes the village Development Board may be in violation of its own Development Code and is calling for the board to reverse its decision in March approving the center’s establishment. Balzac is also calling for the Development Code to be revised to enable the Village Board of Trustees to override Development Board decisions. “Elected officials should have the final say, not people who are appointed to boards and who are not directly accountable to the People,” Balzac said.

Policing reforms: High Peaks DSA has taken a leadership role on this issue, having organized the recent “Black Lives Matter” demonstration in Riverside Park that drew the largest number of protestors seen in Saranac Lake in recent memory and also meeting recently with Chief of Police James Joyce, and the group has launched a multi-pronged campaign focusing on policing and justice system reforms. Balzac, who attended the meeting with Chief Joyce and was impressed by his openness to working with the community, supports shifting Village funds from policing per se to social services—in terms of things like 911 calls about mental-health-related or other non-criminal matters. The candidate is also calling on the Village to enact a totally transparent process open to all members of the public in fulfilling Governor Cuomo’s recent executive order on reforming local police policies and practices.

Budget priorities and political transparency: Several community members, including High Peaks DSA members, spoke out and/or attended the June 22 Village Board meeting at which the board, by a 3-0 vote (with Trustee Patrick Murphy absent and Mayor Clyde Rabideau not voting), approved a $12,500 contract with the Lake Placid-based Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (ROOST) for destination-tourism marketing services, along with an additional $12,500 for the creation of a community enhancement fund available to the village’s Arts & Culture, Downtown and Parks & Trails advisory boards. While Balzac supports the latter funding, he says the funding of ROOST raises serious questions about the wisdom and transparency of the Village Board’s action.

“ROOST already receives a couple of million dollars a year in bed-tax money to do things like manage,” Balzac said. “For it to enter into a contract with the village that includes managing is double-dipping and, in my view, bad public policy. Given that ROOST has been dropped by both Franklin County and the Town of Harrietstown, I question why Mayor Rabideau and Trustee Shapiro in particular pushed to give ROOST work in Saranac Lake—at a time when New York State is facing billions in revenue loss that the state seems likely to pass on to localities in the form of cuts in state aid.

“We also need to rethink the whole approach to tourism that ROOST and its CEO, Jim McKenna, have been pushing in the region. Lake Placid is now facing a crisis in affordable housing due to the advent of Airbnb and other short-term rentals and is becoming overdeveloped and unlivable thanks to an over-reliance on tourism that benefits the big hotels and not necessarily the residents of the community. I don’t want to see that fate befall Saranac Lake and will fight it.”

An Affinity with Sunrise Adirondacks for Going Green

The alignment of Balzac’s candidacy with Sunrise Adirondacks is evident from the group’s rigorous endorsement process that encompassed a detailed questionnaire and conference-call interview with the candidate, including such questions and responses as:

Regarding the requirement that he take the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge and the Sunrise Movement’s Green New Deal Pledge to use your office to support and advance the Green New Deal through all legal avenues, Balzac affirmed that he made both pledges.

Other Important Issues To Fred Balzac

● “Working to enhance our current housing stock, protect the rights of tenants while being fair to landlords and ensure more & better affordable housing—e.g., by requiring developers of high-end housing to set aside a percentage of units for medium-to-low-income housing….”

● “Push for ecologically sustainable development and SMART growth—bearing in mind always the potentially catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis on our community”

● “A MORATORIUM on any further waterfront development: I remain hopeful that the new hotel on Rte. 86 will prove to be beneficial to the Village economy but believe the project was not well-thought-through concerning its placement, oversized mass, and impact on traffic patterns & water quality—and that similar future projects should not be allowed on our waterways.”

● “Go Green: work toward more renewable energy, preservation of open space, and local food production in both the public and private realms—while connecting local government with area schools to expand educational opportunities for all, including adults”

● “Expand local tourism efforts while diversifying our economy so that Saranac Lake never becomes too dependent on tourists and we can avoid, for example, the adverse effects Lake Placid is experiencing with short-term rentals/Airbnbs. I’m also a strong supporter of the arts as an economic driver.”

● “Enthusiastic support for Franklin County’s choice of the Franklin County Local Development Corporation (LDC) to handle marketing the region—a choice the Village Board should go with”

● “Maximizing municipal services while keeping Village taxes down as much as possible”

● “Most of all, honest, open and transparent local government, serving the interests of working people, families with school-age children, seniors, renters, property owners, the economically disadvantaged, small business owners and permanent residents—not the special interests (defined as any entities that seek consideration from government that’s not in the public interest)”

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Indigenous Socialists ft. Marcela Mitaynes and Jackie Fielder

You’re listening to Revolution Per Minute on listener sponsored WBAI in NYC broadcasting at 99.5 FM and streaming on your favorite podcast app. To connect with us after the show you can email us at You can find us on our website / or on twitter @nycRPM. 

the logo of YDSA of Boston College

Statement on CARES Act funding

YDSA of BC is calling on Boston College to divulge details about the money it received under the CARES Act earlier this year, and for BC to promptly disburse the money to students as intended under the law. We have serious concerns about the handling of this money by the university, money that was specifically designated by the congress of the United States for relief of students.

Under the law schools were required to disburse at least fifty percent of the money they received directly to students. Boston College reportedly received $6,448,576, meaning at a minimum $3,224,288 should have been given out in grants. This money was not intended to be commingled with financial aid, used to supplement existing support programs. BC cannot give this money to students in August and then determine the students need less support in the coming year. It was to be given to students to help cope with school closures and to survive during the pandemic. President Trump signed the bill into law on March 27th. It is now mid July and BC students do not appear to have received much of this money.

On May 1st Boston University announced it created a web page for students to apply for payments ranging from $500 to $6000. Students had until May 8th to apply. Salem State University set up a webpage with information about the act and instructions on how to apply for grants. UMASS  Amherst set up a similar website.

The University of Chicago announced it would be giving 100% of the $6.2 million it received to students. Harvard, before succumbing to political pressure to return the money, announced in April it would was going to  allocate 100% of the $8.6 million it received to students as well. Georgetown announced that as of July 9th it distributed $3.055 million, giving grants of $2,600 to 1077 students. We are now four months into the pandemic and students at BC are still waiting for news of any kind related to this money. Almost comically, the only mention of the CARES Act on any BC webpage is on the alumni center’s page where BC explains how the law provides incentives for people to donate money to BC.

BC closed in March. It kept several hundred students with demonstrated needs on campus until the beginning of May, but then forced them to leave campus stating it wasn’t providing summer housing to students, even those it determined just a month and a half earlier were in need of a place to stay. Then in June BC moved football players back into the dorms. Many of those students forced to leave in May faced hardships and could have used this money then for food, housing, and travel. And past information related to students’ financial aid status does not accurately reflect the situations they may be facing now. That’s why other institutions set up processes for students to apply for the money based on current needs during the crisis.

BC needs to produce a full accounting of the money it received and immediately disburse 100% of the funds to students who need financial support and  who are entitled to this money from the government. An institution with a $2.5 billion endowment and an active donor base does not need to be keeping any of this money for institutional spending.

the logo of Eugene DSA

Statement on Anti-Racism

Eugene DSA stands against the ongoing legacy of white-supremacy entrenched in our society. As Ibram X. Kendi expertly pointed out, racism and capitalism are “conjoined twins.” Thus, we recognize that to challenge capitalism and build working class power, we must directly confront and combat racism.

We acknowledge the broad reaches of the history of colonialism and its effects on disseminating racism throughout the world, including in our Oregon community. Today, we live and work on unceded lands stolen from the Kalapuya peoples, and must recognize the space we occupy and the state in which we struggle as the result of their violent dispossession and displacement. The state’s 1859 Constitution outlawed slavery, but also made it illegal for people of African descent to move to the state, creating a whites only society based on BIPOC exclusion and erasure. 

Due to this foundation of systemic racism, with COVID-19 disproportionately impacting BIPOC comrades exposing the racism and weaknesses within our healthcare system, and with the continued violence BIPOC communities are facing at the heads of the police, this confluence of factors has pulled back the curtain for many white people in America; BIPOC communities are in crisis mode right now – these matters cannot be ignored anymore.

The ability for the vigor of the current movement to blossom and thrive derives from a culmination of decades of work and struggle from BIPOC lead Black liberation movements from the past and present, like the Eugene Black Panthers in the 1960s and student organizations at the University of Oregon like the Black Student Union (BSU), the newly formed Black Student Collective, and community organizations, including BLAC (Black Led Action Coalition), BIPOC Liberation Collective, and Black_Unity, among others. 

It’s true, our DSA Eugene chapter skews white or white-presenting and we see that as a weakness. Socialist organizing thrives when the voices and experiences of all comrades are heard and valued. Without those voices, Our work to demand justice is diminished. BIPOC comrades, please know this: our socialist project demands liberation for all, and whatever we can do to help make that possible, that is what we will do.

As a chapter we have formed an anti-racist working group with a primary purpose that is two-fold: helping our membership personally do the work of unlearning white supremacy and anti-blackness, and supporting BIPOC led initiatives in our community.

All lives can’t matter until Black Lives Matter. All lives can’t matter until Black Women’s Lives Matter. All lives can’t matter until Black Trans Lives Matter. The fight continues until all carceral systems are abolished and we all are free. 

We encourage you to delve into our anti-racism resource page to engage more on this topic.

In Solidarity,

Eugene DSA

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America
the logo of YDSA of Boston College

Statement on BC not joining Harvard & MIT lawsuit vs. ICE

YDS of BC officially condemns BC for its total lack of leadership and its inaction in response to the guidelines proposed by ICE targeting international students. One hundred and eighty universities from across the country filed an amicus brief in support of Harvard and MIT’s lawsuit against ICE. Boston College was not part of this group.There is no excuse for this abdication. Read the statement from the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration here.

The UAW, the union that includes the Boston College graduate worker’s along with grad workers from Harvard, Northeastern, and Boston University, is filing an amicus brief in the case. The UAW previously filed an amicus brief in the case against Trump’s travel ban in 2018. On Monday graduate students from across Boston hosted a rally at the Massachusetts State House in opposition to ICE’s potential ban on international students. Why are graduate students doing more to fight for international students at BC than the actual university is?

BC claims to be a leading Catholic Jesuit university, but fails at almost every turn to take a moral stand when faced with the opportunity. From refusing to divest from fossil fuels, it’s association with weapons manufacturers, employing a police Chief who collaborated with ICE. continued discrimination against LGBTQ+ students, and it’s failure to confron racsim and hate crims on campus, BC fails to live up to its own claim of adhering to some set of moral values.

On BC’s website, on the page of the Office of International Students and Scholars, the school states that others have filed lawsuits and thus hopefully ICE’s proposed guidelines will not go into effect. This is completely outrageous. To say in the face of great injustice that others are doing something so hopefully it will be taken care of is morally indefensible and unacceptable.

We reiterate the call made by the BC Asian Caucus for BC to file an amicus brief in opposition to ICE’s guidelines. The fact that so many universities have done so and we are left demanding once again that BC take action in the face of a moral outrage is sadly not surprising, but it is nonetheless disheartening and unacceptable.

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Rev. Andrew Wilkes calls for a Moral Coalition to Create Lasting Structural Change

The latest episode of Heart of a Heartless World is an interview with Rev. Andrew Wilkes, longtime member of DSA, a contributor to the Religion and Socialism Working Group, and a writer for outlets such as The Huffington Post, The Guardian, Sojourners and others. A doctoral candidate in political science at the Graduate Center in the City University of New York and former Executive Director of the Drum Major Institute, Rev. Wilkes is co-pastor along with his wife Rev. Gabby Cudjoe-Wilkes at the Double Love Experience, We talk with Rev. Wilkes about the forthcoming event, “Faith, Abolition, and Socialism,” a panel discussion on Thursday, July 16th, 2020 at 7:30PM EDT. This is the first event in a conversation series organized by the Democratic Socialists of America’s Religion and Socialism working group. Rev. Wilkes will be in conversation with Linda Sarsour, the co-founder of Until Freedom and former co-chair of the Women’s March, on how faith traditions can help undergird abolition, undo structural racism, and push toward a fundamental restructuring of our political economy. We hope you can join us! Go here to RSVP: