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Democratic Left needs skilled volunteers!

Democratic Left is DSA’s volunteer-led nationwide print-and-online publication. It’s now America’s largest socialist publication at a time of exploding interest in socialism, and we’re eager to improve the quality of the publication and increase its online frequency and reach. To accomplish that, we have great need of skilled volunteers in the following categories: Graphic designers,…

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the logo of Las Vegas DSA

Tenant Testimony: Cindy, 65 years old, Siegel Suites

Cindy is 65 years old, disabled, and lives on the third floor of a Siegel Suites apartment complex with a broken elevator. Due to her disability, the broken elevator makes it impossible for her to bring groceries up to her apartment or do laundry without help. Her rent of $1800+ per month makes it difficult for her to save up and find a new place to live. Siegel Suites preys on their tenants, trapping them with high rents while ignoring basic repairs and maintenance.

We’re collecting stories from tenants about their living situations and predatory landlords. Have a story you’d like to share? Fill out our tenant incident report form.

Want to get involved in our housing justice work? Join us for our next meeting September 12th @ 6pm.

the logo of International Committee

For a Second Guatemalan Spring

Translated into Spanish below / Traducido al español a continuación

The DSA IC congratulates Bernardo Arévalo and Movimiento Semilla for their resounding victory with 58% of the vote in Guatemala’s presidential runoff election on August 20. We stand in solidarity with the Guatemalan people who voted to put an end to elite control and corruption in Guatemala’s political system and bring about systemic change. We fully support the call for a Second Guatemalan Spring to continue the work set out in the first Guatemalan democratic opening that was tragically cut short by a State Department sponsored coup in 1954.

The DSA IC would also like to express serious concern about the safety of President-Elect Arévalo and ongoing attempts by the Guatemalan “Pact of the Corrupt” to overturn the election. We condemn the apparent decision by Guatemala’s electorally-defeated elite to use the four months before the presidential transition in January to free military officials charged with crimes of genocide and former politicians charged in corruption investigations, to arrest and harass political opponents, and to threaten indigenous land defenders and social movements across the country

The DSA IC wishes to raise awareness of the inappropriate sharing of US military and intelligence resources with the previous Guatemalan regime. We are concerned that these assets may be used to undermine the Arevalo  government and its progressive agenda. We also call on the U.S. government to acknowledge the role that it has played in destabilizing Guatemala and provide comprehensive reparations to the Guatemalan people for the harm that the 1954 coup and subsequent 36 years of US-funded genocidal armed conflict caused.

Por una Segunda Primavera Guatemalteca

El DSA IC felicita a Bernardo Arévalo y al Movimiento Semilla por su contundente victoria con el 58% de los votos en la segunda vuelta presidencial de Guatemala el 20 de agosto. Nos solidarizamos con el pueblo guatemalteco que votó para poner fin al control de las élites y a la corrupción en el sistema político de Guatemala y generar un cambio sistémico. Apoyamos el llamado a una Segunda Primavera Guatemalteca para continuar el trabajo de la primera apertura democrática guatemalteca que fue trágicamente interrumpida por un golpe de estado patrocinado por el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos en 1954.

El DSA IC también quisiera expresar su seria preocupación por la seguridad del presidente electo Arévalo y los continuos intentos del “Pacto de los Corruptos”de anular las elecciones. Condenamos la e decisión de la elite de Guatemala, derrotada electoralmente, de utilizar los cuatro meses previos a la transición presidencial en enero para liberar a oficiales militares acusados de crímenes de genocidio y a políticos acusados de corrupción mientras que arrestan y acosan a opositores políticos y amenazan a los pueblos indígenas, defensores de la tierra y movimientos sociales en todo el país.

El DSA IC desea crear conciencia sobre el intercambio inapropiado de recursos militares y de inteligencia estadounidenses con el anterior régimen guatemalteco. Nos preocupa que estos esos recursos puedan usarse para socavar al gobierno de Arévalo y su agenda progresista. También hacemos un llamado al gobierno de Estados Unidos para que reconozca el papel que ha desempeñado en la desestabilización de Guatemala y proporcione reparaciones integrales al pueblo guatemalteco por el daño que causaron en el golpe de 1954 y los 36 años posteriores de conflicto armado y genocida financiado por Estados Unidos.

The post For a Second Guatemalan Spring appeared first on DSA International Committee.

the logo of Twin Ports DSA

Our September Meeting, This Sunday the 10th!

Join us for our monthly meeting and coffee hour! Non-members, both socialist and socialist-curious are encouraged to attend. Our first hour is dedicated to chapter business, with committee reports, updates, announcements, and other chapter news. Then at 5 pm we break for a more free flowing discussion or presentation.

This month, a representative from LEAN (Law Enforcement Accountability Network) will discuss an important case concerning racial justice in our city. Coffee and treats served!

the logo of Twin Ports DSA

Pride Fest, Pride Parade and The Labor Parade

This was an exhausting weekend. Super hot too. But we made tons of new community connections at the all day Saturday Pride Festival, and our button making station was a big hit. We had a good playlist that we blasted from our PA during the Sunday Pride Parade, and for Labor Day we narrowed it down to three solid labor songs.

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Sarah demonstrates our button making station. People could choose from our designs, or they could draw one of their own (popular with kids).

the logo of Wilmington DSA

September 2nd, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes

the logo of DSA National Statements

Cancel All Student Debt

Last year, President Biden announced a plan to cancel $20,000 in student loan debt. This plan wound its way through the courts and was ultimately struck down by the undemocratic and rightwing-dominated Supreme Court. As of today, borrowers will once again be allowed to collect student loan payments, ending the pandemic-era debt relief for tens of millions of working class people across the country. 

Since 1980, the cost of going to a four-year college in the US has tripled. The total cost for a four-year college in 1980 – including all expenses – was a little over $10,000 in today’s money. Now, the average cost  is $36,436 per year. Many, many students take out significantly more loans than that to pay for cost-of-living expenses or to pursue graduate degrees.

Governmental support for higher education has also dwindled dramatically. In previous decades, working class families could rely on significant support via Pell Grants. Now, in order to attend a four-year college, families have to take out loans, starting their young adult life on the back foot by taking on tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Now, the average American carries $37,338 in student loan debt and more than 45 million people carry thousands of dollars in student loan debt. The burden of student loan debt is not held equally–Black college graduates owe, on average, $25,000 more than white college graduates. 

During the pandemic, student loan payments were paused, buying months of relief for working families and young people. Student loan payments could just stop, like turning off a light switch, and the economy didn’t fall apart. Instead, when the payments were stopped, a new world opened up for some sectors of the working class, one where each paycheck didn’t have to be a scramble.  

Jackie Wang in Carceral Capitalism put it this way:  “The hold that debt has over our lives is not merely numerical. It functions as a disciplinary apparatus as we internalize the ideology that naturalizes indebtedness.” As we prepare to dole out 10-15% of each paycheck only to watch the total amount that we owe get bigger due to high interest rates, we cannot help but feel it not only in our pocketbooks but also internally. We can end this nightmare, but only if we act collectively to fight back against this unjust system. 

As socialists, we demand better: We demand that all student debt – and medical debt, and carceral debt – be canceled and forgiven immediately. We demand  public education from pre-K to college that is truly free for all to attend. Join us in this fight. 

  • Learn more about how we fight to abolish debt with this political education course from the Debt Collective! 
  • Sign our petition to demand that President Biden cancel ALL student debt! 
  • Join DSA and commit to Solidarity Dues to fund our fight for a democratic economy that works for all! 

The post Cancel All Student Debt appeared first on Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

the logo of Twin Ports DSA

Swag Shop!

The good folks at Worx have put together a beginner swag shop for us. Worx is a union cooperative, and they offer print-on-demand custom branded swag, union printed with a bug. A beginner store is 3 items. We went for the t-shirt in both regular and femme cut, and the hoodie. They threw in a tote bag as well. Additional items will include a set-up fee, but the hosting is free. We make no profit from the swag, so it all goes to the workers. Click on the image to see the store.

the logo of Washington Socialist - Metro DC DSA
the logo of Washington Socialist - Metro DC DSA