Finals Week: Student and Worker Organizing on Campus
Welcome to FINALS WEEK at Revolutions per Minute. Inspired by the developing tuition strike at Columbia-Barnard and other actions around the country, we’re focusing on workers and students organizing on campus. Our live guest, David Duhalde, will speak on the history of the Young Democratic Socialists of America, DSA’s campus-oriented arm and a crucial part of our diverse socialist movement. We also hear from Michele of CUNY Adjuncts on their struggle against austerity and for a human-centered approach to graduate labor. Finally, farmers’ protests have made global headlines as millions of workers fight back against neoliberalism in India. We’ll end our show tonight with a brief interview with Jagpreet of Queens DSA on these massive protests and the governmental policies that provoked them.
To learn more about the Columbia-Barnard tuition strike, visit linktr.ee/columbiaydsa.
Tired of austerity measures like those that threaten CUNY adjuncts? Tax the rich! This week, NYC-DSA, NYCC, Empire State Indivisible, and DSA chapters around NYS are throwing down to protect our communities from budget cuts. As part of their Tax The Rich week of action, their campaign is calling people across New York state to pressure Albany to Tax the Rich to fund our future. NY is facing a budget deficit of over 50 billion and we need Albany to act in the new year to pass over 50 billion in new taxes on the rich to save our state from catastrophe. Go to taxtherichnys.com to get involved.

North Jersey Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Condemns Tom DeGise’s Fascist Repression in Hudson County
December 9, 2020
JERSEY CITY, NJ — North Jersey Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) condemns the heavy-handed fascist repression of Hudson County executive Tom DeGise, who responded to peaceful legal protests on public space with an unconstitutional restraining order, heavy police presence, and ultimately arrests of peaceful protestors standing legally on the sidewalk. This all reflects the catastrophic collapse of democracy under DeGise’s suffocating political machine.
In an absurd op-ed piece published today, DeGise singles out Democratic Socialists, blaming DSA and other activists for “terrorizing” his family with peaceful protest. Members of North Jersey DSA have helped organize and attend these protests, and the only people terrorized at them were participants, including a DSA member among the four unjustly arrested on Tuesday night. “It’s nice of Mr. DeGise to signal-boost DSA in his Trump-like op-ed,” says Allison Howard, a DSA member who lives in Jersey City; “I’d say we’re living rent-free in his head, but in reality DSA does a lot of work in Hudson County, from mutual aid projects for those in need to canvassing for issues and politicians who will someday replace his stale, reactionary governance. We belong to and represent this community better than he does.” In Hudson County, DSA has worked on Know Your Rights programs for tenants, organized against Airbnb’s colonization of Jersey City, and phonebanked for marijuana legalization, in addition to long protesting the county’s contract with ICE.
The recent protests result from the Hudson County freeholders’ vote to renew the county’s ICE contract for up to ten years, after they promised in 2018 to end the contract this year. They renewed it against the clear public will expressed in over ten hours of public testimony that was unanimously against the contract, which generates revenue for Hudson County by holding people detained by ICE in the county jail, whose deplorable conditions have been responsible for multiple deaths in the past several years.
DeGise’s claims must be countered. Many of DeGise’s arguments are used by far right groups and conservatives, but he distances himself from these groups through the fact that he’s an elected Democrat. It is important to recognize that the brutality of ICE and deportations were extremely common under the Obama administration. In 2008, 378,582 people were detained by ICE detention programs. A Biden/Harris presidency will not lessen the human rights violations ongoing in ICE detention centers. DeGise’s fear mongering, claiming that those detained by ICE are rapists, murderers, and drug dealers ignores the fact that all ICE detention is civil detention. ICE has detained American citizens at their facilities, and had DeGise actually listened to his constituents and neighbors, instead of referring to them as “left-wing extremists”, he would know that such an abhorrent institution has no place in our diverse community.
DeGise stated that the county is given money from the federal government to run ICE at Hudson County facilities. In Hudson County’s FY2020 budget, it anticipated receiving $17,520,000. As of November 19, 2020, there are only 83 people in ICE detention. The county will not make more than 4 million dollars this year, $13 million behind its estimation.
The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the funding losses. On that same note, Hudson County jail employees have died from COVID-19. The family of one officer reported that he was not given any PPE while working at the jail. Over 60 people in the Hudson County jail have been infected with COVID-19. Including employees, inmates, and those detained by ICE.
As a final counter to DeGise’s claim that “the county is paid by the federal government to serve this important role, and that funding helps employ hundreds of correctional officers and balance our budget”: Hudson County has faced the opposite problem. In 2019, the Hudson County Corrections Department had 100 unfilled CO positions. Overtime pay for the county’s COs was $4.8 million in 2014 and in 2018, $8.5 million was paid out. It’s obvious that the money given to the Hudson County Correctional Facilities are not used for new workers, or even for the protection of current workers.
Thomas DeGise and the Hudson County freeholders have failed our community and their constituents. They label protestors as “isolated, radical extremists who don’t understand Hudson County and never will”. This label, which is a dogwhistle in the spirit of “outside agitators,” is wrong. We are not isolated, we are not extremists for combating an unjust system, and we are united in the fight for the rights of the oppressed. DeGise and the six freeholders who voted to uphold the ICE contract who heard the voices of hundreds of citizens speaking out against the presence of ICE in Hudson County are the ones who never listen to Hudson County. North Jersey DSA invites all who oppose their corrupt, antidemocratic machine to join us. A better world, and a better Hudson County, are possible.
The post North Jersey Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Condemns Tom DeGise’s Fascist Repression in Hudson County first appeared on North NJ DSA.

The Struggle Against White Supremacy on Long Island

January 5 Runoff Voter Guide
On January 5th, Georgia will be at the center of national attention for runoff races that will decide the party leadership of the United States Senate. While Metro Atlanta DSA holds no allegiance to any capitalist political party, we recognize the significance of these races and the issues at stake.
In addition to the US Senate, there is also a closely contested election for Public Service Commission, an agency which oversees utility rates, power company regulations, and access to broadband across the state.
Metro Atlanta DSA believes the working class should be informed about the workings of government, and the issues at stake in elections. Our members have worked to put together the following voter guide that discusses the races on the ballot, the significance of the offices being decided, and provides information about how to reliably and safely vote in this election.
Over the course of this runoff campaign, Metro Atlanta DSA plans to be actively organized in supporting voting rights, as well canvassing and phone banking voters about key working class issues at stake. Join MADSA if you want to be involved!

Fund People NOT Police
On Election Day, the state of New Jersey overwhelmingly voted “yes” on Public Question 1. This public question sought to legalize the possession and use of marijuana for persons age 21 and older, and legalize the cultivation, processing, and sale of retail marijuana.
We at the North New Jersey Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America initially viewed this a victory. It seemed this would provide relief for communities that have historically been targeted by cannabis criminalization by having one less aspect in which they engage with the police.
It took no time at all for NJ State Senators Steve Sweeney (D-Gloucester) and Nicholas Scutari (D-Union) to cook up a bill in which most of the tax revenue from cannabis sales would go toward subsidizing police training.
Knowing that this would be wildly unpopular, these senators made sure that the public had only three hours on a Friday night to contest this before sending the bill to a vote. Thanks to the work of activists, the vote has been postponed and we have time to fight it.
We find this bill and these actions to be abhorrent.
Following a summer in which there was a historic call to defund the police, it is unthinkable that our local politicians would have the gall to actually put forward a bill that would provide those same police with more funding.
We demand that the subsidies from the sales of marijuana, in the state of New Jersey, fund communities that have been ravaged by the war on drugs to fund initiatives like:
- public and behavioral health
- job training
- legal aid for civil and criminal cases
- health education programs
- housing assistance
- food assistance
- healthcare services
- youth recreation
- violence prevention
- poverty mitigation
- mentoring
- literacy programs
North New Jersey Chapter of DSA is exponentially growing by the day, and we hope you will join us in fighting for a just bill.
You can help us by contacting your two assembly people and your senator by phone, email, Twitter, or anyway possible.
To enable , we will be hosting call-in day trainings on:
Friday, December 4th 7-9pm
Register for zoom link:
Sunday, December 6th, 2-4pm
Register for Zoom link:
This task can’t be conquered individually. It is in moments like these that we must UNITE! For through comradery, we achieve economic justice for all.
In Solidarity,
North New Jersey DSA!
The post Fund People NOT Police first appeared on North NJ DSA.

Religion and Socialism: What Connects Us
The winter holiday season of 2020 begins this week, bringing with it opportunities for challenging and fruitful conversations about the hot topics of religion and politics. On this week’s show, we speak with members of NYC-DSA’s Religion and Socialism Working Group on how faith and spirituality blend with our socialist organizing efforts. We also hear an update from our South Brooklyn branch and Sunset Park Popular Assembly on the inhumane conditions at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center, a Federal prison in our backyard, and the organizing to demand justice for murdered inmate Jamel Floyd.
To contact the RS Working Group, you can email: religious.socialism@socialists.nyc or follow @ReligSocialism on Twitter or @religoussocialism on Instagram.
RSVP for the next working group meeting https://actionnetwork.org/events/religion-socialism-december-2020-meeting
The RSWG is also co-sponsoring a Tax the Rich teach-in on Tuesday, December 1st: https://actionnetwork.org/events/nyc-dsa-121-tax-the-rich-campaign-teach-in
For more details on the December 4th action at MDC and the demand for Justice for Jamel, follow https://www.instagram.com/sunsetassembly/

Jewish Traditions of Socialism W/ Rabbi Andy Bachman