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the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

New York is Ours with Illapa Sairitupac

Tonight on RPM we continue our series of conversations with DSA’s 2022 For The Many candidate slate with Illapa Sairitupac. Illapa is social worker and climate organizer who has been endorsed by NYC-DSA for Assembly District 65, a Lower East Side district once held by the notorious Sheldon Silver.  We’ll talk to Illapa about running a campaign for working class New Yorkers in a district that also includes the capital of capitalism: Wall Street.

We’ll also hear from members of the NYC-DSA Housing Working Group who were out canvassing in lower Manhattan with Illapa this weekend for the Right to Remain campaign - to pass the Good Cause Eviction bill.

Plus a breaking news update on the REI Soho Union vote with Amy Wilson. 

For more info on Illapa:

To learn more about Right to Remain and the NYC-DSA Housing Working Group:

the logo of Ithica DSA

Statement on the war in Ukraine

March 3, 2022

The Ithaca, New York chapter of Democratic Socialists of America condemns the agents of military aggression, including the Putin regime in Russia and NATO forces, whose bids for global control have driven the crisis in Ukraine and endangered civilians throughout the region and the world who need a just transition to a humane economy and a livable planet—NOT a war on behalf of ruling class interests. 


Putin is an expansionist who governs on behalf of the rich and powerful, and who aims to reconstruct the territories of the Soviet Union. His invasion of Ukraine and his claim that Ukrainians can have no identity separate from Russians violate principles of self-determination and international law that all advocates of peace must uphold. Putin has manipulated history and claims of genocide to justify unleashing Russia’s military might against the people of Ukraine. He has jeopardized the lives of countless civilians, further destabilized the world, and generated new refugee disasters. These crimes can only fuel militarism and far-right extremism within and beyond the region. Russian imperialism must be denounced. We reject the twisted logic that holds that “Socialists condemn U.S. foreign policy; Putin condemns U.S. foreign policy; so socialists should condone Putin.”  


At the same time, the U.S. and its allies deserve condemnation for their aggression in Eastern Europe and around the globe. U.S. efforts to promote a western-friendly Ukraine are designed to surround Russia while sinking the roots of global capitalism deeper in the region. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact provided an opportunity to dismantle NATO, a machine of permanent Cold War conflict. Instead, the U.S. helped NATO expand and threatened to bring Ukraine into the alliance, a provocation that amounts to installing missiles in Russia’s backyard. U.S. condemnations of Russian violence are absurdly hypocritical. The world’s chief invader, the U.S. in the last two decades has killed almost a million people while pouring trillions of dollars into a crusade for oil, power and wartime profit. The so-called War on Terror has spread chaos and bloodshed across Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, and other parts of the Middle East and Africa. Meanwhile the U.S. has continued its tradition of interfering in the affairs of sovereign nations in Latin America and elsewhere. The U.S. and NATO’s obscene assault on Libya a few years ago no doubt helped provoke Putin’s latest act of hostility in Ukraine.


People of conscience in the U.S. have a special duty to oppose American imperialism and reject its lies. That means exposing the dishonesty of American warmakers and their servants in the corporate media. U.S. political elites mouth democratic ideals while relentlessly pursuing global capitalism. Their calls for security and human rights are meant to camouflage war profiteering and empire-building. By accepting the demonization of foreign adversaries, ordinary Americans serve the private interests of a ruthless ruling class. We refuse to vilify the Russian people. As the discredited War on Terror loses its power to justify endless conflict, we must not let our government reignite Cold War hostilities or launch new overseas adventures. 


We must also unmask the racist hypocrisy behind western outrage over Russia. Where is the outcry against routine violations of Palestinian self-determination? Where is the anguish over the suffering caused by U.S. air strikes and lopsided warfare in the Global South? We must combat the white supremacist logic that normalizes violence against brown-skinned people while portraying military clashes between Europeans as unthinkable disasters. 


It is our responsibility as Americans to resist the warmongering of our leaders, just as it is the Russian people’s responsibility to defy the antihuman agenda of their political elites. We reject all forms of aggression, including sanctions, which disproportionately harm vulnerable civilians. Sending Ukraine more U.S. military aid and weapons can only further destabilize the region while empowering the far right.  


We demand an immediate ceasefire, the withdrawal of foreign troops, and an end to brinkmanship. We demand that Russia and NATO deescalate, and that all parties in the Ukrainian dispute seek diplomatic solutions. We stand with the brave Russians who have protested their government, and with the besieged Ukrainians who seek survival and coexistence. 


We recognize that the threat of mass bloodshed and nuclear war casts a perverse shadow over the dreams of the masses for dignity and peace. We pledge to work for the demilitarization of our planet, and to seek the ecological repair and the reorganization of power and wealth that a world without war requires.  


We call on people of conscience everywhere to participate in mass rallies and other actions in the name of a just peace. Soldiers, defy orders! Civilians, oppose nationalism and militarism! No war but class war!

Ithaca DSA Steering Committee

the logo of West Suburban Illinois DSA

West Suburban Illinois Democratic Socialists of America say “No To War!”

We stand in solidarity with the working class of Ukraine and Russia, who are not responsible for the violence and chaos currently being orchestrated in Eastern Europe, yet will be its ultimate victims. We support the anti-war protestors in Russia as well as Ukrainian expatriates whose families are being affected by the invasion. The United States should unconditionally accept Ukrainian refugees who are forced to leave their country as a result of this conflict. As socialists, we oppose authoritarianism, imperialism, and war in all its forms. As always, the rich and powerful will push for further American military intervention, as well as increased military spending, and we must oppose this at all costs. This conflict cannot be resolved positively with guns, tanks, or nukes, but with a unified international diplomatic response. We must say, “No to War!” 


WSILDSA Steering Committee

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Genocide in Yemen

The specter and reality of war haunts humanity. The imperialist expansion of NATO and right-wing Russian nationalism continue to escalate tensions in the Ukraine, where CIA backed fascist paramilitaries roam the streets. While Russian invasion would prove devastating for the workers of the world, further US intervention would only make things worse. War is only rational for the profiteers in the military industrial complex. Deescalation and peace are the only sensible pathways for those who value human life. A devastating war in the Middle East rages on with deafening silence from the corporate media. Saudi jets drop American made bombs on Yemeni civillians. Bombardment has not only reduced cities to rubble, but has shaken the economy to its core. Dylan and Kawthar join us to discuss the horrifying US backed Saudi led genocide in Yemen and the efforts by antiimperialists in the United States to organize to end it. Join the rally in front of Meeks’ Jamaica office on March 1st 12pm, 153-01 Jamaica Ave Call 1-833-STOP-WAR Ask them to oppose an FTO designation as well (this is more recent) Yemeni Alliance Committee Is continuing to lobby around this, Adam Schiff’s office NYC-DSA Anti-War Working Group Email us, Follow us, @nycDSAantiwar
the logo of DSA Columbia, SC

Columbia DSA Endorses the Capital for Cooperatives Act

With the impending mass of retiring business owners and the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to threaten small businesses, co-operatives must play a key role in the recovery of our economy. We believe that one non-partisan solution, the Capital for Cooperatives Act, is important to the health of our economy, because cooperatives have shown they are more resilient to shocks in the market and promote price stability by the absence of the fundamental employee-employer conflict and the shared risked between workers.

As Americans we believe in democracy, and that includes democracy at work. Cooperatives are businesses organized, owned, and governed by the people that use them. That’s why Columbia DSA has endorsed the Capital for Cooperatives Act and we are calling on all of South Carolina’s Congresspeople and Senators to co-sponsor the same (S. 1736 & H.R.6317).

The Capital for Cooperatives Act would remove bureaucratic measures that keep cooperatives from growing and thriving. It would make it easier for co-ops to receive Small Business Administration loans and collaborate with the Interagency Working Group on Cooperative Development to develop recommendations and cooperate with federal agencies and other entities to “promote, support, and increase the number of co-operatives” in the US.

This act is supported by more than 300 co-operatives and organizations including the Democracy at Work Institute and the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives. With nearly 30,000 U.S. cooperatives operating at 73,000 locations throughout the U.S., generating over $500 billion in revenue and providing over $25 billion in wages, we call on Senators Graham & Scott and Representatives Clyburn, Duncan, Mace, Norman, Rice, Timmons, and Wilson to cosponsor the non-partisan Capital for Cooperatives Act.

the logo of DSA Columbia, SC

Statement in Opposition to SC Senate Bill 935

It is no secret that South Carolina's public education system has historically been understaffed and underfunded. Even so, Republican legislators have filed multiple bills, including S.935, that would take even more funding away from our ailing public school system. S.935 would take tax dollars away from public schools in order to create Education Savings Accounts (or ESAs). These ESAs would be used to fund private providers that are not subjected to the same scrutiny and regulations as public institutions, thereby increasing the chances that students will be discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality, gender identity, religion, or disability status. If enacted, S.935 would see an estimated 3 billion dollars be funneled away from our public schools and into these unaccountable private institutions.

S.935 is a copy of legislation written by the American Legislative Exchange Council (or ALEC), which creates legislation for state legislatures on behalf of the capitalist class. ALEC's sole goal is to represent special interests and further entrench corporate control of our government. On top of these concerns, virtually any organization can be deemed qualified to receive these public funds. With no process to prevent misuse, states that have implemented ESAs have seen an increase in cases of fraud. While this bill is being branded as helping the less fortunate, the true purpose of this legislation is clear: the total destruction and privatization of South Carolina's public school system.

Columbia DSA stands with teachers, students, and our communities in opposition to these attacks on our schools. We believe that education is a public good and should not be made subject to the control of capitalist markets.

the logo of DSA Columbia, SC

Statement in Opposition to the “Reimagine Schools” Proposal

We stand in solidarity with Charleston DSA and with area parents, teachers, and activists in opposition to the “Reimagine Schools” proposal which would subject Charleston County Schools to needless experimentation and open the door to privatization under the state’s Schools of Innovation law. With a $32 million price tag, this proposal would put an unelected private group, Coastal Community Foundation (CCF), in charge of 23 Charleston County schools. 

Education is a public good and a vital service. Allowing privatization of schools would subject them to the many failings of the capitalist market. To start, the proposal would staff these under-served schools with up to 25% uncertified teachers. Given the history of racism, segregation, and inequity in our schools, we need to be raising standards, not lowering them. The proposal would also further erode the already few protections and employment rights teachers have under state law, including the right to appeal their firing.

After protests, the proposal was removed from the agenda to receive community input. But on January 20th, leaked emails show CCF President and CEO Darrin Goss asking the board that it be put back on the agenda at the next meeting, before the community could fully be heard. This kind of undemocratic behavior is typical of capitalist elites who think they know what’s best for the people. They’ll use every opportunity and excuse to make a quick buck, but education is not for sale.

Columbia DSA stands ready to oppose the proposal at the lead of Charleston DSA and area parents and teachers.

the logo of DSA Columbia, SC

Statement Regarding PSAF/Abortion Rights

Under capitalism, the forces of concentrated wealth inevitably erode democratic institutions to the point of oligarchy and tyranny. Such is the case today in America where, despite a consistent majority of Americans who support legal abortion, we stand on the brink of a total collapse of the federal protection of that freedom. This will result in a large number of states to swiftly ban abortion. Many of these will be former Confederate states whose democratic institutions never properly flourished beyond the autocratic and patriarchal influence of the plantation class due to the premature end of Reconstruction.

This is particularly cruel in a state like South Carolina, with an underfunded healthcare infrastructure that results in a maternal death rate from childbirth that is forty times larger than that of complications from abortion. This will of course disproportionately affect the poor and people of color who already suffer worst health outcomes from the vicissitudes of for-profit healthcare, crumbling hospital systems along with twin evils of environmental and medical racism.

How did we get here? The blame does not lie solely with the right. In recent years we socialists have witnessed pro-choice organizations go out of their way to endorse liberal candidates over left-wing ones, when both candidates supported abortion rights. While some leaders of these organizations may have prioritized their own idealogical preferences over the mission of their organizations, many may have simply taken liberal leaders at their word that they are the only force preserving abortion rights. Unfortunately liberalism is not up to this challenge presented today by a stacked Supreme Court that stands ready to strike down Roe v. Wade, offering only meek dissent where radical action is required.

Liberals have failed to prevent the slow but persistant rollback of abortion rights at the state and federal levels over the last 50 years. Rather than excerise the Democratic Party’s control over both houses of Congress and the Presidency (as they had in 2009-2011 and currently have since 2021) and pass a federal bill guaranteeing the right to an abortion, they instead neglected this opportunity either from a lack of foresight or political will or worse yet, from a crass desire to perpetually fundraise off of the issue, rather than resolve it. Neither Senate Democrats nor the last two Democratic presidents have exercised authority they possessed to resist anti-abortion judicial appointments, expand the Supreme Court, or even fight back against Republican obstruction of their own judicial appointments. Yet they have the audacity to continually run for office on promises of defending the right to an abortion.

It is truly a confusing time to be a liberal.

However, for socialists, the task is clear. As socialists we reject liberalism, but we do not reject the freedoms promised by it. We disagree with liberalism’s incoherent or sometimes non-existent strategy and theory of power, and we insist that liberal freedoms can only be truly guaranteed under socialism. Freedom for some is not the same as freedom for all. As such abortion rights cannot be protected for some (ie, those lucky to live in states with functioning democracies). Further, just as we understand that we must go beyond public healthcare schemes that seek only to secure the nebulous concept of “access” rather than guarantee it by making it free at the point of service, we also understand that abortion is not truly a right if those who need it lack the means to pay for it.

We socialists are presented with an opportunity to be the vanguard in the defense of reproductive rights in ways that liberal so-called “leaders” lack the will to do. Not only do our political ideals demand it, but prioritizing the defense of abortion rights can help socialists build power by broadening our ideological and electoral coalitions. This can be wielded in both electoral challenges to establishment liberal Democrats, and in attempts to recruit liberal activists, often passionate about abortion rights, to our side.

We must seek to abolish for-profit healthcare entirely, prioritize public health, standardize care, and guarantee abortion as a right no matter a person’s geography or ability to pay. We must require our elected leaders to not only resist the temptations of the medical, pharmaceutical, insurance and of course the anti-abortion lobbies, but possess the political courage to reform or abolish undemocratic institutions that thwart majoritarian rule in order to guarantee these radical transformations. And until the time such leaders are in power and can pass Medicare For All, which as proposed would guarantee all forms of healthcare, including abortion, to be free at the point of service, we must support organizations that directly fund abortion.

It is with this in mind that Columbia DSA endorses the foundation of the Palmetto State Abortion Fund. Furthermore, Columbia DSA encourages its members and allies to donate to and/or volunteer with the Palmetto State Abortion Fund (@PSAbortionFund) as well as the Carolina Abortion Fund (@CarolinaAbtnFnd) and Access Reproductive Care - Southeast (@ARC_Southeast), the other funds covering South Carolina. We also encourage other chapters and socialists everywhere to donate to and fundraise for their local abortion funds, which can be found at the National Network of Abortion Funds.

Medicare For All!

Abortion For All!

Solidarity Forever!

the logo of Quad Cities DSA

QCDSA supports striking IAMAW union

We at the Quad Cities DSA would like to voice our unequivocal support for the striking workers of Lodges 388 and 1191 of the IAMAW union. We are seeing more and groundswells from workers across industries who are demanding their rightful dues, especially when we consider that their efforts are the only reasons companies, such […]