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Freedom Is…

by Seth

Freedom is a border
Freedom is a wall
Freedom is the right to freeze
Freedom is the right to starve
Freedom is cancer without treatment
Freedom is $300 insulin
Freedom is $1200 childcare
Freedom is $2000 rent
Freedom is a once-in-a-lifetime catastrophe
Freedom is the hottest year in history
Freedom is five miles to a grocery store
Freedom is a decommissioned factory
Freedom is a shuttered school
Freedom is a forced birth
Freedom is surveillance
Freedom is silence
Freedom is slavery
Freedom is a white man’s burden
Freedom is manifest destiny
Freedom is a bomb
Freedom is a paperclip
Freedom is a backroom deal
Freedom is an empire
Freedom is a blockade
Freedom is a boss is a cop is a tyrant
Freedom is the lesser of two evils
Freedom is a prison cell
Freedom is boots on the ground
Freedom is a standing army in your neighborhood
Freedom is a knee on your neck
Freedom is being corralled on a dead end street and gassed
Freedom is a bullet
Freedom is a gun
Freedom is as American as apple pie
…tainted with disease
…painted red to hide
…the rot that lives inside

the logo of Rock River DSA

What the Fight For Freedom Means

by Chuck

This article is a part of our series Ask DSA, where we ask members of our chapter to define what a concept popular on the left means to them. The rest of the responses can be found here.

Freedom is a powerful notion, something to fight and die for, though I’m largely a pacifist. Like my father, I would enlist to fight against Hitler (my father was fortunate the Germans surrendered shortly after and he occupied their country).

But rarely is the threat to freedom so clear or the solution so obvious, a war between nations being the last resort.

More often, particularly today, we fight a different kind of war, a culture war over the very definition of freedom. It’s imperative that the left not surrender this powerful concept to the right, or their corporate sponsors.

While simple dichotomies are dangerous, this may help:

On the left side, freedom means the freedom… 

to vote, to assemble/protest, to organize unions, of women to control their bodies, to determine one’s gender, to have a clean environment, to not have to drive a car/use mass transit 

On the right side, freedom means the freedom…

to limit those who vote to the right people, to ‘speak’ with money, to bribe politicians, to fire workers, to lower wages and working conditions, to have military style weapons, to drive any car anywhere, to pollute and exploit scarce resources, to force women to carry fetuses to term regardless, to enforce patriarchal gender norms, to practice discrimination if religion dictates…

The difference between left and right ideologically has much to do with a fundamental disagreement over the relationship between the individual and the group. Capitalist ideology wants to imagine the individual exists alone, granted freedom by the marketplace operating on higher principles.

Those on the democratic left know this ‘invisible hand’ of the market is imaginary, and that an unregulated market is highly destructive, like a dangerous machine out of control. Freedom comes in a society when individuals can form communities held together by social justice. Freedom comes when individual choices are meaningfully shaped through a democratic process. When markets are limited and well-regulated, infused with social values like equality and a healthy planet. Freedom can only be achieved by pulling the evil of right-wing capitalism out by the roots, replacing it first with social democracy then democratic socialism. 

Let freedom ring.

the logo of Rock River DSA

What is True Freedom?

by A. Adams

This article is a part of our series Ask DSA, where we ask members of our chapter to define what a concept popular on the left means to them. The rest of the responses can be found here.

Freedom in this country is invariably defined in individualistic terms. Freedom is cast as the individual triumphing against the constraints imposed on the individual by laws and regulations imposed on her or him by “big government” bureaucracy, leading many, particularly on the right, to cast a cold eye on anything that has a whiff of collective action about it. I believe that this is not an accident, but is a viewpoint that has been purposely propagated by many on the right to stymie progressive change in favor of working people.

The simple truth is that one cannot begin to talk of freedom until the collective freedom of all members of the community is brought into consideration. As John Donne himself counseled us, “no man is an island unto himself.” We are all connected by social relations, and what happens to one part of the community will invariably affect the whole. Even the richest plutocrat, despite their direct role in exploiting the working-class, is affected by the consequences poverty, for it eats away at the social fabric of the same society in which they are a part as well. 

Perhaps the richest among us have dreams of sequestering themselves in high security compounds. Perhaps they will take up residence on an island far out in the ocean. Some may even harbor dreams of leaving the planet all together and leaving the rest of humanity to rot as in some Philip K. Dick dystopia. Who would want to wrench themselves away from the rest of humanity like this but the worst sort of misanthrope?

Humans are by nature social beings, and we cannot live without each other for long. None of us can claim true freedom until we can honestly say that freedom is to be found throughout society. And that must include the freedom from want.

Democratic socialism aims for true freedom: both the freedom from want, but also the freedom to develop ourselves to our fullest abilities once our basic needs have been satisfied. It is the freedom to take over ownership of our own lives as well as the well being of our shared communities. Isn’t this worth fighting for? And if not, what is the alternative? A dystopia of brutality and misery for the vast majority of people on this planet? What freedom is that? 

We as democratic socialists must redefine and extend the definition of freedom so that we can explain to our fellow members of the working-class exactly what it is that we are fighting for. In a time when the meaning of freedom has become so twisted and warped by our exploiters, the necessity for fighting for real freedom, the emancipation of the working-class, has never been more important. The stakes are high. But we can overcome if we find it in ourselves to struggle together. For it is only together that we can discover real and lasting freedom.

the logo of Rock River DSA

the logo of Columbus DSA

A statement from Columbus DSA’s Steering Committee Re: Abortion access in Ohio

The most immediate and useful thing you can do is give your money to an abortion fund – WHO/Ohio (@whoohio) Midwest Access Coalition (@midwest_access_coalition), Preterm in Cleveland (@pretermclevelandohio), the Aggie Fund in Toledo. They all facilitate people getting abortion care that they need as abortion care that is now more difficult to access than ever.

Remember that we have known – with certainty – that this was coming for six weeks. Organizers, clinic defenders, clinic workers, and other folks on the front line have known for much, much longer. Roe has been a line in the sand, allowing state level restrictions to pop up rapidly and prevent many, many people from accessing abortion services despite the theoretical right.

What is a Right without Access?

Every day of the six weeks prior to the court’s decision was a blessing for those who sought abortion care, because every day the Supreme Court delayed their decision – however cowardly it was to do so – people were able to get that care.
Abortion is older than the state.

Abortion providers have historically been witches, midwives, rootworkers, herbalists, people on the margins who serve the health of our communities, and people from who power has been withheld.

Legality hasn’t been the norm for most of human history. Stripping away the legal right to abortion will not deter us from owning and celebrating our bodies and holding our community close.

There is no pithy statement, quip or hot take that wouldn’t immediately undermine the severity of what has happened. People are suffering.
There is no usefulness in being content with our moral superiority, pointing out hypocrisy and shortcomings of the “other side.”

It is now time to dive deep within ourselves to take care of our people and to do for us what the state cannot or refuses to do.

The people in power do not care about us. not the GOP, not the Democratic Party – but there are more of us than there are of them.
It is time to join a mass movement that takes care of others and will fight back for the right to do so.

You can join ours at It will take all of us.

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Radical Queer Self-Defense & Socialism Spreads Upstate

We’re coming to the end of Pride Month amidst an environment of escalating attacks from the right on queer and trans people. 

Tonight, we speak to two grassroots organizers working on self-defense programs for queer, trans, and people of color in NYC and the Bay Area. We hear from Kenji of Soar Over Hate and DJ Guerrilla Pump of We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For on how they are protecting their communities by organizing educational programs, creating art and healing practices, distributing tools and resources, and uniting community care with self-defense.

We’re also joined live tonight by Aaron Fernando, a member of the Queens DSA Electoral Organizing Committee, to discuss yesterday’s primary election results. Because of the redistricting debacle, New York is holding two primaries this summer with voters weighing in on Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Assembly races yesterday.

DSA For the Many endorsed four socialist Assembly Members for re-election and five new candidates for the Assembly. All the incumbent DSA members won their primaries, some by a very large margin,but of the five new candidates only Sarahana Shrestha, running in the Hudson Valley won her race outright, toppling 13-term incumbent Kevin Cahill who has held the seat since 1999. Samy Nemir Olivares’ race against Erik Dilan in Bushwick and Cypress Hills is still too close to call with Samy trailing by about 200 votes.

To learn more about queer self-defense programs and how you can get involved and support, visit and

To learn more about getting involved in upcoming races to elect DSA endorsed candidates for senate visit

the logo of Peninsula DSA

Peninsula DSA Condemns SCOTUS Ruling on Dobbs, Calls for Interstate Solidarity

Peninsula DSA Condemns SCOTUS Ruling on Dobbs, Calls for Interstate Solidarity

SAN MATEO, June 28, 2022 — On Friday, June 24, the US Supreme Court released their 6–3 ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, using anti-scientific and ahistorical arguments to overturn the constitutional right to abortion established by Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992). This illegitimate Supreme Court has thwarted the will of the people and bypassed the 14th Amendment so the state can force our reproductive labor to create a readily exploitable “domestic supply of infants” for the capitalist class.

Peninsula Democratic Socialists of America (PDSA) vehemently rejects the premise that the people exist to serve the elite-captured economy, or that gender oppression is in any way compatible with democracy. We stand in solidarity with the people in other states who have lost, or may soon lose, non-negotiable human rights. The Dobbs decision is nothing short of an act of class warfare that will disproportionately harm our most vulnerable communities, no matter where they live.

  • We demand that Congress end the filibuster in order to pass legislation protecting the right to abortion and reproductive freedom.
  • We demand that the California legislature make use of its Democratic supermajority to (1) make the right to abortion explicit, (2) protect any person seeking reproductive healthcare from intimidation, interference, or prosecution, and (3) pass CalCare (AB 1400) to guarantee free healthcare to all.
  • We encourage our chapter members and potential members to support reproductive justice by donating to Oakland’s Access Reproductive Justice and by joining our Healthcare Working Group, which next meets on Wednesday, July 20 at 6 p.m.
  • We invite our neighbors in San Mateo County to join DSA and build a mass political movement to fight for abortion rights and for democracy.

In the face of barbarism, we continue to fight for equality through socialism, including universal healthcare with free abortion on demand and without apology. They may have the courts, but we have the people. Solidarity forever.

the logo of Broward County DSA
the logo of Broward County DSA


Socialist Feminism cannot ignore the brutal reality of international capitalism.

A robust critique of capitalism is the only way to achieve a global understanding of women’s oppression.

Patriarchy predates capitalism, and the oppression of women transcends class. From unpaid domestic labor to cultural expressions of misogyny, socialism must confront the specific realities of women’s lives.

The path to achieving true equality requires a focused critique of the cultural force of patriarchy.


  1. Stephano Joseph Avatar

    Hey 👋 DSA of Broward County. Pleased to meet you! I understand and sympathize with the struggle of women for their political and economic rights as human beings to be recognized and their resistance against unnecessary and sometimes brutal societal pressures; which you guys call the ‘Patriarcy’ and which I generally associate with times past. But What I don’t understand is: what does the ‘Patriarcy’ have to do with innocent lives being brutally murdered in the womb? Roe V. Wade was rightfully abolished. Just because a fetus proves to be an inconvenience to the mother doesn’t give the Constitutional right or any right to abort (kill) the fetus. No one ever, at any time has the right to take away another’s life. Now don’t get me wrong I would understand if abortion is necessary to save the mothers life or because of rape or incest and I think the question of abortion should only be left to women who fit those situations. And even if the mother’s life is at risk, abortion should not be the first resort, we can advocate for the saving of both the mother and the child. The early signs of potential birth complications can be detected and prevented and the complications that can arise during child birth that could be detrimental to the mother can be treated. And Capitalism does not pepatuate oppression of women 🙄; on the contrary, Capitalism has lifted countless women out of poverty, take Madam C.J. Walker aka Sarah Breedlove for example. And also women are not general paid less than men for the same work, in many cases women out pac men. The dilemma is that married women tend to earn less than men and less than unmarried women due to their precious and important roles as mothers. Thank you for your time!

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the logo of Silicon Valley DSA

Silicon Valley DSA Statement Regarding SCOTUS Overturning Roe v. Wade

This Friday, the Supreme Court released their ruling on the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. As feared, an unelected and illegitimate Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, a 1973 decision that protected the right to abortion as an extension of the right to privacy. This undemocratic attack on reproductive freedom by six unelected judges cannot stand. Silicon Valley Democratic Socialists of America calls on all chapter members and supporters to mobilize immediately and join the fight to defeat this blatant act of class warfare. Commit to this fight here and join us tonight, 6/24 at 6:30 pm for an emergency rally at San Jose City Hall or tomorrow, 6/25 at 10:00 am also at San Jose City Hall. 

We urge all members to support ongoing reproductive justice work. Abortion remains legal in California, but state legislatures from Texas to Missouri have already made abortion illegal and seek to impose criminal penalties on doctors and patients who seek abortions. We must commit to building solidarity with those living in states that have just banned abortion while also working to strengthen the right to abortion at home. Free abortion on demand and without apology.

We demand that Congress pass federal legislation to protect abortion as a human right and repeal the filibuster if needed to do so. We call on the California Legislature to enshrine the right to abortion in our state constitution, pass CalCare to ensure every Californian has free access to reproductive healthcare, and enact abortion sanctuary laws to protect from retaliation those who seek to have an abortion in our state. 

Together, we will join a nationwide movement committed to restoring and expanding the right to abortion for all time.
Our enemies may have the courts; we have the people.

The post Silicon Valley DSA Statement Regarding SCOTUS Overturning Roe v. Wade appeared first on Silicon Valley DSA.