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the logo of Rock River DSA
the logo of Rock River DSA

the logo of Pensacola DSA

June Education Night: The Fight for Abortion in the 1970s

Before the abortion clinic bombings of the nineties, before the anti-feminist political backlash of the eighties, before the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, feminists fought for abortion both covertly and publicly. Some through organizing mutual aid networks like the Jane Collective, while others in legal challenges against state abortion prohibitions like Women Versus Connecticut.

On our education night for June we’ll discuss these important groups and how feminist resistance of the past can inform present and future struggles. It will take place on Tuesday, June 7 at 7pm (CT) on zoom. Our two readings are:

Genevieve Carlton, “Inside The Jane Collective, The Underground Abortion Network That Helped Thousands Of Chicago Women Before Roe V. Wade,” All That’s Interesting (2022).

Women Versus Connecticut, “Women vs. Connecticut Organizing Pamphlet” hosted by History is a Weapon (1970).

If you can’t read the text before the meeting, we’d still love to have you! Someone will summarize the readings and there’ll be time during the meeting for skimming the works. Register now!

the logo of Columbus DSA

Columbus DSA Housing Priority Campaign Statement in Support of Our Unhoused Neighbors

Access to safe, affordable housing is a right. However, the city of Columbus insists on letting a “market” dictate this basic necessity, where only individuals who have enough wealth to participate in the system can afford housing. The city’s reliance on handouts to developers instead of directly working to solve the housing crisis leads to residents becoming displaced by rising rents, inflated property values, and an ever-dwindling supply of affordable options. Housing does not belong in a market.

To this end, we affirm and support unhoused encampments in our city, including @heertoserve and @firstcollective614 located on East Mound Street. Unhoused communities are a direct result of the city’s market-based approach to the housing crisis. As long as the city persists in this approach, our community will have residents who cannot access housing. Until we have affordable housing for all, we must stand with unhoused neighbors who deserve the dignity to live as they can.

We demand housing justice for all.

In solidarity,

Columbus Democratic Socialists of America
Housing Priority Campaign

the logo of Washington Socialist - Metro DC DSA
the logo of Washington Socialist - Metro DC DSA
the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Abortion Is Ours: Self-Managed Abortion and Organizing For Abortion Now

This week marks both the 13th anniversary of the assassination of beloved abortion provider and patients’ rights advocate Dr. George Tiller by an anti-abortion extremist, and the second anniversary of the peoples’ uprising against NYPD sparked by the police murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many many more.


Although the official Supreme Court decision that will overturn Roe v. Wade has yet to be released, the reality on the ground in many places in the so-called United States is that abortion has been made illegal. Here in New York City, organizers are preparing for shifts in the nature of abortion care, attempting to protect providers in the face of the potential criminalization of abortion, and navigating a street landscape that lays bare the reality that organized white nationalists and fascists have thrown their lot in with the anti-abortion movement.


On this show, we're joined by NYC for Abortion Rights organizer Nix to discuss self-managed abortion and the landscape of abortion access now. We take live calls from the WBAI audience about abortion.


Continue the discussion by following NYC for Abortion Rights:

the logo of Washington Socialist - Metro DC DSA