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the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Rent Control in the Time of Crisis

The foundation of any city is its housing. Everyone needs a place to live. In New York state the only way we can ensure this is to pass a Universal Rent Control campaign that will expand and strengthen our existing rent protections. Our existing laws expire on June 15th, and we must make them better. Join our host Desiree Frias for a conversation with Dennis Osorio, and Cea Weaver who are working on our Universal Rent Control campaign with NYC-DSA.

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Healthcare at the Intersection

With NY nurses threatening to strike, millions still uninsured and without care, and politicians co-opting our language to describe their capitalist solutions to our healthcare problems, our fight for universal healthcare is at a crossroads. What does advocating for universal healthcare mean for us as people, as workers, and as socialist organizers in an intersectional left movement? Host Amy Wilson will talk to organizer Emma Claire Foley of the NYC-DSA Healthcare Committee about this pivotal moment for universal healthcare in the United States. Get excited for the campaign for universal healthcare in New York State.

the logo of Mid-Tennessee DSA

Middle Tennessee DSA Demands No Police at Pride


It was illegal to be queer in 1969. Homosexuals – as we were all called then – were labeled dangerous and subversive deviants. We were tracked and surveilled by the FBI, considered security risks by the national security apparatus, and rounded up and driven out of cities and into ghettos. Queer spaces were regularly raided by the police; their arrestees humiliated, brutalized, and even tortured. Many of our people lived in abject poverty, especially those who did not conform to the narrow gender constructs of a hostile society.

This was America on June 28, 1969, when ten police officers entered a bar in Greenwich Village called the Stonewall Inn with the intent to arrest anyone suspected of “deviancy.” The patrons of Stonewall were divided along perceived gender lines. Cross-dressers, a dated term which included what we now call drag queens and transgender individuals, were separated from the rest and forced to expose themselves to police officers. Women in butch clothing were groped and violated under the guise of frisking; a common practice, as wearing an insufficient number of feminine items of clothing was considered a crime. Anyone found to be in violation of rigid gender norms was arrested on the spot.

When the arrestees refused to cooperate, they were brutalized. When one woman protested her treatment, she was beaten over the head with a baton. As outrage grew among the crowd gathering to witness this injustice, what began as a routine crackdown quickly escalated to two days of violent resistance we now call the Stonewall Riots. It is this event we commemorate every year with the celebration of Pride.

Standing on the shoulders of generations before it, Stonewall marked the beginning of the modern struggle for LGBTQ+ equality and, ultimately, liberation. Though Obergefell v Hodges opened the door to an unprecedented era of queer rights and visibility, reactionary efforts to erase these victories have grown just as pronounced. From a ban on transgender people in the military, to a multitude of religiously justified discrimination bills, to homegrown attempts to roll back marriage rights, all under the watch of an increasingly conservative judicial system, we stand to lose everything we have fought so hard to win.

At every stage of this ongoing struggle, the police, as the sanctioned enforcers of the state, have been our opposition and our oppressors. Indeed, it will be the police who drag us out of bathrooms and business places in shackles, who will harass us when our name or gender markers don’t match our “biological sex,” who will drive us into ghettos when we can’t find work. Why, then, are the police permitted a place at the 50th anniversary of the riot that birthed our movement?

The Nashville Metropolitan Police Department has ridiculed transgender members of our community; fought viciously against community oversight voted by a majority of our city; targets, oppresses, and murders black and brown people; and works in direct cooperation with ICE to tear families apart. We refuse to welcome our oppressors at a table ostensibly set to celebrate our hard-won and still-besieged liberties. It is therefore, in the spirit of the Stonewall Riots that we, the undersigned members of the Middle Tennessee Democratic Socialists of America, call for the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department’s booth to be disinvited and summarily ejected from Nashville Pride.

Middle Tennessee Democratic Socialists of America Queer Working Group

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Media in Late-Capitalism

The media industry is in peril, but this is felt most acutely for exploited workers and for the audience who are left wanting for real journalism and genuince content. In this show, we talk with @hunterboone, @jamie_elizabeth (from @the_antifada) about the current problems in the media industry, unionization efforts, and the capitalist contradictions in media/journalism.

the logo of Buffalo DSA

Buffalo NNAF Bowl-A-Thon

Donate Here: New York Abortion Access Fund

Saturday, April 6th, 2019
2:00 to 4:00 pm

Classic Lanes
1840 Military Rd
Buffalo, NY 14217

We’re lacing up our bowling shoes and getting to work! Help us to #FundAbortionBuildPower. Your participation could be the difference between someone getting the abortion they need, and being forced to go without.

Send a message that you believe we all should be able to access abortion no matter how much money we make or where we live. Join us on April 6th to bowl for abortion access!

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Avoiding Green New Capitalism

There’s been a ton of buzz around the proposal for a Green New Deal, on today’s show we’ll break down DSA Ecosocialists’ principles of a Green New Deal and see how the NYC DSA Ecosocialist Working Group is organizing an Energy Rights campaign and getting involved in the ConEd Rate Case to solve the climate crisis and the inequality crisis together.
the logo of Buffalo DSA

Gimme a Brake: Brake Light Clinic

Saturday, May 4, 2019
10 am – 3 pm

SEIU/1199 Main St. Office
2421 Main St, Buffalo, New York 14214

Come on out and have volunteers from Buffalo DSA change your brake light for FREE! Free coffee, doughnuts and legal advice while you wait.

This is our 4th Brake Light Clinic and each light replaced reduces the likelihood of interaction with the police.

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Lutheran climate organizer Shay O'Reilly on demonic forces, white supremacy and climate change

How do we fight the demonic principalities behind climate change? Shay O’Reilly is an organizer for renewable energy in NYC, a DSA member, a Lutheran, and a graduate of UnionTheological Seminary. We chat with him on why he believes in demonic powers (see: white supremacy), why fighting climate change necessarily means fighting for socialism, how he got into environmental issues through anti-poverty work, as well as his experience of converting to Christianity shortly after coming out as trans and gay. Yes, it’s a packed episode! Follow him on Twitter @shaygabriel

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America