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the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Viral Capitalism: Worker Struggles and Harm Reduction in the Age of COVID-19

You’re listening to Revolution Per Minute on listener sponsored WBAI in NYC broadcasting at 99.5 FM and streaming on your favorite podcast app. To connect with us after the show you can email us at You can find us on our website or on twitter @nycRPM.

the logo of DSA San Luis Obispo

San Luis Obispo Democratic Socialists of America (SLO DSA) Public Comment to the SLO City Council

We are very thankful and impressed by this community’s response to the current pandemic we are facing. As closures and social distancing set in, we are seeing the most vulnerable in our community be deeply affected by the loss of income and access to resources.

For this reason, we request that not only the governor’s executive order N-28-20 be respected, but that there be an additional suspension of rent given how many renters in this city are hourly service workers who no longer have a safe source of income while performing social distancing. We request as well that empty hotel/motel rooms be immediately offered to houseless community members who cannot self-quarantine without a space to do it in. It is vital emergency shelters be provided immediately.

As per the latest executive orders, we further recommend the city guarantee continued publicly-provided water and trash service regardless of payment.

We request that you do not fail your earlier promise to provide free tests to all who qualify and furthermore that these tests are provided regardless of doctor’s note—putting such a roadblock on students and those without insurance or local doctors will keep us from having the knowledge we need to keep our county safe.

Lastly, we ask that as per executive order N-26-20, you ensure state funds are allocated and properly used within our school systems. Parents deserve daytime childcare and school lunches need to continue to be provided.

We also ask the state for paid sick leave for those workers who have no source of income while following health directives. Flattening the curve necessitates avoiding public interactions for longer than those 14 days; disability and unemployment are not an adequate response.

In solidarity,
The Steering Committee of DSA SLO

the logo of Miami DSA

THE RED TIDE: A Weekly Bulletin from Miami DSA, (3/17/20)

Socialist Distancing

Marx with a face mask

In order to keep our members and community healthy Miami DSA has suspended all in-person activities and meetings until further notice. If you have any questions regarding Miami DSA activities please contact:

Solidarity Forever

Join the Miami DSA

Electoral Politics Working Group Meeting Image of Arrows going into voting box

If you like to renew your membership dues, or if you would like to become a new member, please click on the following link. Please note that in order to vote on important chapter decisions such as resolutions, endorsements, or steering committee elections, you must be a dues-paying member.

Click here to view the rest of the issue!

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America
the logo of Charlotte DSA

Charlotte Metro DSA for Bernie

Today the people of North Carolina, 14 other states, and American Samoa will likely decide the Democratic nominee who will face Trump in the general election in November of 2020. Alongside chapters nationwide, the members of Charlotte Metro DSA have texted and called and knocked on doors in an effort to make sure that person is Senator Bernie Sanders. Since the chapter formally endorsed his candidacy in January , our small group has knocked on 1500 doors - going into neighborhoods every weekend to talk with community members about their struggles and the need for transformative change.

We asked several of our members to reflect on their experience with our local DSA for Bernie campaign, to share what they heard, and discuss why we need to elect Bernie Sanders.

“A woman told us she felt bad about the fact that she had to use her niece's insulin. Her niece was also on dialysis. After her insurance lapsed, she couldn't afford the insulin anymore. I've had several friends that have thousands of dollars worth of medical debt from needing to go to the emergency room, but none of them have needed something so crucial on a daily basis. This is why we need Medicare for All and Sanders is the only candidate truly standing up for it.”


“Back in January we met a man who told us his 19 year old sister had just joined the military. Trump had just assassinated Soleimani and he was terrified that she would be deployed to Iran. He said Bernie is the only candidate he trusts to finally end the wars in the Middle East. Medicare for All and Bernie’s plan to make public colleges and universities tuition free also removes the coercive incentives that force poor kids to enlist just to get access to healthcare and education.

In the heavily gentrifying Belmont neighborhood we met a woman who said all but three families on her street had been pushed out of the neighborhood by new luxury development and rising rents. Charlotte at large also has a massive homelessness problem and an affordable housing shortage of 34,000 units. Bernie’s housing plan includes national rent control standards that would fight gentrification, protect tenants against rising rents, and invest $2.5 trillion into new affordable housing.”


“Only Bernie’s policies address the concerns of the American working class - this was made abundantly clear when I talked to people while canvassing. I talked to someone paying $200+ per month for medication, to someone afraid that their sister would be deployed and would die in another pointless war, to young and old people alike concerned that no one seems to be taking climate change seriously. Bernie is the only one prepared to face these issues, and who is tackling them head-on.”


“I felt encouraged this past weekend during our final canvassing push in the neighborhoods off Beatties Ford Rd. We spoke with several people who were excited and eager to let us know they had already voted for Bernie and others who are planning to do so on Tuesday. We also had some good conversations with undecided folks. After we spoke with with one undecided voter about Bernie's platform and asked what he thought, he responded with, ‘Sounds like a winner to me!’ There was even someone in a car honking, cheering and yelling ‘Bernie!’ at us at one point. Days like that just continue to push against the ‘Bernie Bro’ narrative that some are still trying to use to discredit this movement. Feeling good about Tuesday!”


We are grateful to everyone who has come out to canvass or phone bank with us over the past few months! And special shout out to Dallin, who stepped up to lead our DSA for Bernie Working Group - thank you for all of your hard work!

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America
the logo of Miami DSA

THE RED TIDE: A Weekly Bulletin from Miami DSA, (2/25/20)

Mutual Aid Mondays

Join Miami DSA’s Mutual Aid Working Group outside Lot 33 Downtown for Mutual Aid Mondays, a weekly program designed to directly address material distress and build solidarity in our community. We offer free food, clothing, and resources to anyone in need, with the aim of empowering the oppressed to fight for their dignity.

We begin serving at 7pm outside Lot 33 on SW 2nd St, near the cross street with SW 2nd Ave. The coordinates for the exact location are 25.772448, -80.196956.

Mutual Mondays

Join the Miami DSA

Electoral Politics Working Group Meeting Image of Arrows going into voting box

If you like to renew your membership dues, or if you would like to become a new member, please click on the following link. Please note that in order to vote on important chapter decisions such as resolutions, endorsements, or steering committee elections, you must be a dues-paying member.

Miami DSA for Bernie Canvassing and Training

DSA Canvas

Join our local Bernie 2020 campaign!! Meet us at 12:00 noon for a detailed training on door-to-door conversations, followed by canvassing at 1 p.m. We’ll be knocking on doors making the case for a Sanders presidency and for deep working-class organizing between elections. Let’s get some wins!.

Click here to view the rest of the issue!