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Solidarity with Palestine

Statement from Madison Area DSA

We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine, indigenous and colonized people everywhere, and all those here in Madison and around the world who are struggling for their liberation.

Since October 7th, Israel’s military has intensified its 17 year blockade of Gaza into a full siege, blocking off water, electricity, and basic supplies. In the first 6 days of this conflict, over 6,000 bombs were dropped on the 140 square miles of the Gaza Strip. Over 1.1 million Palestinians, half of them children, have been ordered to leave their homes. This is genocide.

This violence is not new. It is the culmination of 75 years of ethnic cleansing with support from the US government.

We grieve the thousands of lives that have been and will be lost and upended in the current conflict. There is one, and only one way to end the violence: End the apartheid. End the Israeli government’s occupation. End the genocide. Support the liberation of the Palestinian people.

The Biden administration has pledged further unconditional support for Israel, on top of the 3.8 billion dollars per year in military funding they already receive. We condemn in the strongest possible terms our nation’s continued and unqualified support of the apartheid regime in Israel. We demand the end to military funding of Israel, and an end to the blockade. There must be an immediate ceasefire and provision of humanitarian aid.

We remember the devastating results of Islamophobia and dehumanization in the wake of the attacks on September 11th, and are distraught by the militaristic and genocidal rhetoric that we are seeing yet again from our country’s political leaders and in the news media. Social media is awash with this as well, as false claims spread even more quickly and easily.

Standing in solidarity with the powerless in the face of oppression is often difficult, when so many are so eager to side with the powerful. We as socialists must not back down in the face of bad faith criticism, opposition, and disinformation intended only to silence critics and manufacture consent for the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

the logo of Red Madison -- Madison DSA

In Support of Palestinian Liberation

We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine, indigenous and colonized people everywhere, and all those here in Madison and around the world who are struggling for their liberation.

Since October 7th, Israel’s military has intensified its 17 year blockade of Gaza into a full siege, blocking off water, electricity, and basic supplies. In the first 6 days of this conflict, over 6,000 bombs were dropped on the 140 square miles of the Gaza Strip. Over 1.1 million Palestinians, half of them children, have been ordered to leave their homes. This is genocide.

This violence is not new. It is the culmination of 75 years of ethnic cleansing with support from the US government.

We grieve the thousands of lives that have been and will be lost and upended in the current conflict. There is one, and only one way to end the violence: End the apartheid. End the Israeli government’s occupation. End the genocide. Support the liberation of the Palestinian people.

The Biden administration has pledged further unconditional support for Israel, on top of the 3.8 billion dollars per year in military funding they already receive. We condemn in the strongest possible terms our nation’s continued and unqualified support of the apartheid regime in Israel. We demand the end to military funding of Israel, and an end to the blockade. There must be an immediate ceasefire and provision of humanitarian aid.

We remember the devastating results of Islamophobia and dehumanization in the wake of the attacks on September 11th, and are distraught by the militaristic and genocidal rhetoric that we are seeing yet again from our country’s political leaders and in the news media. Social media is awash with this as well, as false claims spread even more quickly and easily.

Standing in solidarity with the powerless in the face of oppression is often difficult, when so many are so eager to side with the powerful. We as socialists must not back down in the face of bad faith criticism, opposition, and disinformation intended only to silence critics and manufacture consent for the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine.


the logo of Washington Socialist - Metro DC DSA

the logo of DSA National: NPC Dispatch and Newsletter

Peace for Palestine — Your National Political Committee newsletter

Enjoy your October National Political Committee (NPC) newsletter! Our NPC is an elected 18-person body (including two YDSA members who share a vote) which functions as the board of directors of DSA. This month, phonebank for peace in Palestine, sign up for a study group, join our Housing 101 training, and more!

And to make sure you get our newsletters in your inbox, sign up here! Each one features action alerts, upcoming events, political education, and more.

From the National Political Committee — Weekend of Action

This week, an Israeli airstrike massacred over 500 Palestinians and wounded countless more in an attack that directly targeted a hospital in Gaza. Bombing a hospital is an unspeakable atrocity. This is the latest escalation in an ongoing genocide, from the beginning of the Nakba 75 years ago to today.

We honor the lives of the Palestinians who died this week and extend condolences to their families. Since October 7, more than 3,000 Palestinians have been killed, 10,000 injured, and 1.1 million displaced — all at the hands of the Israeli military. While our hearts are with Palestinians grieving everywhere, our minds and bodies must be in action alongside them.

From the Capitol to centers of capital, comrades across the country are springing into action. Join the demonstrations scheduled in your area for the upcoming National Weekend of Action for Gaza in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

Join an Action Near You This Weekend

Over the last week, Israeli Occupation Forces rained over 6,000 bombs on the people of Gaza, while armed Israeli settlers murdered over 50 Palestinians and burned Palestinian villages to the ground in the West Bank. The US government provides unconditional financial, political, and military support of Israel, making us all complicit in these crimes against humanity. It is our responsibility as socialists in the heart of empire to do everything in our power to force Biden and Congress to stop the genocide of the Palestinian people and end all US aid to Israel.

While the war machine is working overtime to manufacture consent for these escalating atrocities, Reps. Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib introduced a resolution in Congress to demand a ceasefire now, which we are proud to endorse.

Today more Americans stand with Palestine than ever — we must make it undeniable. Jewish comrades are fighting back against attempts to weaponize their grief to fund war and reject smears of antisemitism. DSA Labor has formed a subcommittee to coordinate the work of comrades in the labor movement in support of the demands for a ceasefire and for Palestinian liberation.

This week, DSA chapters are planning solidarity phone banks targeting politicians to demand they support an immediate ceasefire, and vote NO on additional funding for Israel to commit ethnic cleansing. Hundreds of comrades have made over 80,000 calls so far — the pressure is working, and we will keep pushing. The events are open to DSA members in good standing. Please be sure to register with the email associated with your membership.

Join a DSA Phonebank to Demand No Money for Massacres!

As DSA members committed to justice and the freedom of Palestine, it is our responsibility to stand in solidarity with our Palestinian neighbors locally as they grieve and gather. It is our responsibility to stand in support of their liberation and right of return. We’ve put together a toolkit that all members can use to stay informed, take action, and fight for liberation. It contains important guidance for members and chapters on communications, security, and what you can do right now to help.

Read our Palestine Solidarity toolkit here.

No Money For Massacres. End the Occupation.

From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.

In Solidarity,

The DSA National Political Committee

New Electoral Website — Check Out Endorsements and Phonebanks Starting Wednesday 10/25

The National Electoral Commission proudly announces our website redesign — check it out! New additions include more detail on our current and past campaigns, announcements and other news, and a listing of upcoming phonebanking and textbanking opportunities for our nationally endorsed campaigns.

Join our Housing Justice Commission Monday 10/30 and Thursday 11/2 for Housing Training 101

The DSA Housing Justice Commission (HJC) and Growth and Development Committee (GDC) are launching Housing Training 101 (HT101) this fall, open to all DSA members looking to become housing leaders in their local chapter. This training covers 2 days and will be held on Monday 10/30 and Thursday 11/2. Both trainings will be held at 8:30pm ET/7:30pm CT/6:30pm MT/5:30pm PT.

By the end of Day 1, participants will be more equipped to communicate about the capitalist housing market, outline HJC’s four pillars of social housing, and tenant organizing-centered theory of change to achieve social housing.

By the end of Day 2, participants will be more equipped to recruit peers into DSA to join their Emergency Tenant Organizing Committee (ETOC) cohort and to recruit DSA comrades into their ETOC cohort.

RSVP for Abolition Study Group on Cop Cities Wednesday 11/1

DSA’s National Abolition Working Group is hosting a study group on cop cities to develop a collective understanding of the emergence of these militarized training centers and why campaigns to oppose their construction are crucial if we are to move toward a socialist horizon. We’ll be meeting virtually on Wednesday 11/1 at 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT. Texts will be emailed out to participants a week before the study group. This is open to DSA members and non-members alike. See you there!

Quarterly Harassment and Grievance Officer Meeting Sunday 10/29

Join the National Committee of Grievance officers for our next CGO gathering call on 10/29 at 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT. On this call, we will be talking about how to train and onboard new HGOs and discuss ways to recruit for and retain comrades in this role. Whether you are a new HGO yourself or you want to be able to train your comrades and pass along knowledge, this will be a space to share with and learn from each other.

Discussion Board Relaunch — Check it Out!

The NTC has done a refresh of our National Discussion Board. If you haven’t logged in in a while, visit the Discussion Board here. If you haven’t signed up, create an account here! The NTC is currently looking to expand member input with our Forum Committee and our Moderator Team. There’s information on the Discussion Board for how to join those, or you can reach out to for more info!

The post Peace for Palestine — Your National Political Committee newsletter appeared first on Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Border country: migrant solidarity in New York City

Revolutions Per Minute explores migrant solidarity efforts in Brooklyn, exploring the broader context of the global migration crisis as Israel continues its military offensive against Gaza. RPM interviews people who have recently arrived in New York from Mauritania, and we meet Jaz Walker from Assemblymember Emily Gallagher's office. 

the logo of Triangle North Carolina DSA

A Successful Step on the Path to the Bolin Creek Greenway!

On Tuesday, October 17th, 2023, the Carrboro Town Council voted to move forward with the Bolin Creek Greenway selecting the path along the Creekside sewer easement as the preferred alignment. After over a decade of unnecessary delay, Carrboro will make progress toward a green infrastructure project that will play a crucial role in fighting the climate crisis on a local scale. The expanded greenway will create shared natural spaces that everyone can safely use to get around town and help cut off our car and fossil fuel dependency. 

Our engagement with town showed that those who opposed this measure were, as expected, a small but vocal minority. Our petition for building the greenway eclipsed all others and the survey put out by the town showed overwhelming support for the creekside easement. Support for creekside by leading environmental groups like the Sierra Club show that the faux-environmentalist concerns are not substantiated. The direction of municipal governments are often swayed by the small but vocal but today, democracy won. 

We are thankful for our partners in this fight including NEXT and Triangle Blog Blog as well as efforts made by our UNC chapter of the YDSA. They showed us that when progressive groups work together we can get amazing things done. We are proud of all our chapter members whose work in postering, writing, canvassing, and engaging community members delivered a crucial win for Carrboronians. We are thankful to the town council and staff for their efforts in ensuring that the many, and not the few, guided this public policy decision. And most of all, we are beyond excited to see y’all on the finished Bolin Creek Greenway.

the logo of The Activist - Young Democratic Socialists of America

The Activist’s Reading List on Palestinian Liberation

The Activist Editorial Board has compiled a reading list to understand the current moment in Palestine, the history of conflict and colonialism in the region, and the role of socialists and the international left in Palestinian liberation. We hope these readings can help facilitate individual political thought and development as well as political education events hosted by YDSA chapters across the country.

The post The Activist’s Reading List on Palestinian Liberation appeared first on YDSA.

the logo of West Suburban Illinois DSA

Which Side Are You On? – Solidarity with Palestine + Actions You Can Take

It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the death of Wadea Al-Fayoume, a six-year-old boy who was attacked in Plainfield along with his mother by their landlord on Monday. We unequivocally condemn the hatred that led to this violence. This attack may have happened in our area, but it is motivated by a campaign of hate that is being perpetrated worldwide and championed by our own elected officials. A campaign of hate that is being waged to continue funding an Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people that has taken thousands of lives and displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their home just over the last week.

Now is the time to choose which side you’re on. Now is the time to stand in solidarity with Palestinians and use the little power we hold to tell our representatives that we demand they don’t continue funding this genocide. Join us and Chicago DSA Wednesday, October 18th at 6 pm to mobilize more people to call their reps. Now is the time to show our collective power, so come join us! Click here to RSVP:

In Solidarity,

West Suburban IL DSA.

the logo of Twin Ports DSA

Act Now To Save Stop Ethnic Cleansing and Possible Genocide

As Twin Ports DSA endorsed City Councilor Azrin Awal noted in her statement on October 16, Duluth is about the same length as the Gaza Strip. But Gaza has a population of 2 million people, compared to our 85,000. Israel has already dropped over 6000 bombs on Gaza during the past week, and an invasion is in the works. DSA has launched a No Money For Massacres phone bank campaign. Sign up to participate here.

Below is Councilor Awal’s statement in full.