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Socialist Feminism cannot ignore the brutal reality of international capitalism.
A robust critique of capitalism is the only way to achieve a global understanding of women’s oppression.
Patriarchy predates capitalism, and the oppression of women transcends class. From unpaid domestic labor to cultural expressions of misogyny, socialism must confront the specific realities of women’s lives.
The path to achieving true equality requires a focused critique of the cultural force of patriarchy.
Hey DSA of Broward County. Pleased to meet you! I understand and sympathize with the struggle of women for their political and economic rights as human beings to be recognized and their resistance against unnecessary and sometimes brutal societal pressures; which you guys call the ‘Patriarcy’ and which I generally associate with times past. But What I don’t understand is: what does the ‘Patriarcy’ have to do with innocent lives being brutally murdered in the womb? Roe V. Wade was rightfully abolished. Just because a fetus proves to be an inconvenience to the mother doesn’t give the Constitutional right or any right to abort (kill) the fetus. No one ever, at any time has the right to take away another’s life. Now don’t get me wrong I would understand if abortion is necessary to save the mothers life or because of rape or incest and I think the question of abortion should only be left to women who fit those situations. And even if the mother’s life is at risk, abortion should not be the first resort, we can advocate for the saving of both the mother and the child. The early signs of potential birth complications can be detected and prevented and the complications that can arise during child birth that could be detrimental to the mother can be treated. And Capitalism does not pepatuate oppression of women ; on the contrary, Capitalism has lifted countless women out of poverty, take Madam C.J. Walker aka Sarah Breedlove for example. And also women are not general paid less than men for the same work, in many cases women out pac men. The dilemma is that married women tend to earn less than men and less than unmarried women due to their precious and important roles as mothers. Thank you for your time!
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Pride 2022
This Pride Month, as queer people face vicious attacks from oppressors both within and outside the state, Northeast TN DSA affirms its profound commitment to fighting for the freedom of all people to determine all aspects of their lives to the greatest extent possible.
Patriarchy and heteronormativity are constituent elements of the capitalist disorder. As working people face dire crises in food and housing, those in power spread anti-queer hatred to divide the working class and divert attention from the bankruptcy of capitalism. They blame queer people for our problems in order to set us against each other and obscure the fact that we are all exploited. They push anti-trans legislation that deprives trans people of equal access to resources and thereby relegates them to a permanent, exploitable underclass. By focusing hatred on the most vulnerable among us, the ruling class secures its domination over everyone and everything.
This month and always, NTDSA stands with queer people the world over. To achieve queer liberation, oppressed and exploited people must organize themselves and show unflinching solidarity in the face of attempts to divide and intimidate. We oppose what is now the most expansive slate of anti-trans legislation in Tennessee history as it comes before the state legislature, and we will fight for queer people’s equality of rights, ability to make themselves materially secure, and freedom to live their lives as they desire both in private and in public. Happy Pride! See you at TriPride in August!
In Solidarity,
Northeast TN DSA
Silicon Valley DSA Statement Regarding SCOTUS Overturning Roe v. Wade
This Friday, the Supreme Court released their ruling on the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. As feared, an unelected and illegitimate Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, a 1973 decision that protected the right to abortion as an extension of the right to privacy. This undemocratic attack on reproductive freedom by six unelected judges cannot stand. Silicon Valley Democratic Socialists of America calls on all chapter members and supporters to mobilize immediately and join the fight to defeat this blatant act of class warfare. Commit to this fight here and join us tonight, 6/24 at 6:30 pm for an emergency rally at San Jose City Hall or tomorrow, 6/25 at 10:00 am also at San Jose City Hall.
We urge all members to support ongoing reproductive justice work. Abortion remains legal in California, but state legislatures from Texas to Missouri have already made abortion illegal and seek to impose criminal penalties on doctors and patients who seek abortions. We must commit to building solidarity with those living in states that have just banned abortion while also working to strengthen the right to abortion at home. Free abortion on demand and without apology.
We demand that Congress pass federal legislation to protect abortion as a human right and repeal the filibuster if needed to do so. We call on the California Legislature to enshrine the right to abortion in our state constitution, pass CalCare to ensure every Californian has free access to reproductive healthcare, and enact abortion sanctuary laws to protect from retaliation those who seek to have an abortion in our state.
Together, we will join a nationwide movement committed to restoring and expanding the right to abortion for all time.
Our enemies may have the courts; we have the people.
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Northeast TN DSA Statement on the Overturning of Roe v Wade
Across the nation and here in Appalachia today, the freedom to access abortion care has been severely restricted, and for people in many states made entirely illegal, by the U.S. Supreme Court. This dismantling of fundamental rights to privacy and bodily autonomy will have drastic effects on the working class in our country, as well as opening the doors to overturning, at a minimum, the Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell decisions.
In 2019, Tennessee lawmakers passed House Bill 1029, which will put a near total ban of abortion into place 30 days after today’s Supreme Court opinion. This will make it a felony for doctors to perform abortions in the state, facing 3-15 years in prison.
While an injunction on this law from US District Judge William Campbell is currently being pursued in the courts, we need to take action.
A person who receives an abortion cannot be charged with a crime as the current law is written, and you will not face charges for helping get someone to a neighboring state such as North Carolina, Virginia, Illinois, Maryland or the District of Columbia.
Here are actions you can take today:
1. Support moving the Bristol, TN, clinic across the state line to Bristol, VA, and protect access to abortion in our area: https://www.gofundme.com/f/keep-abortion-safe-and-legal-in-bristol
2. Donate to Mountain Access Brigade, a volunteer-run abortion dula collective and fund that services East Tennessee: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mountainaccessbrigade
3. Sign up to learn how to protect abortion access through Abortion Access Front—they are doing a training on July 17: https://www.aafront.org/operation-save-abortion
4. Support each other and seek out emotional support from others as you need it. This is a devastating outcome, but we can rise against it. As labor journalist Kim Kelly wrote on Twitter, today, “If we can’t be people, we can at least be a problem.”
Finally, we will leave you with a quote from the statement on this from our national body:
“The leadership of the Democratic Party have proven time and time again that they cannot be depended upon to save us. Despite many opportunities to codify Roe v. Wade into law, the Democrats in Washington failed to act. Nor can we rely on our judicial system to guarantee us civil rights. Now more than ever, we need to build a vibrant, militant, majoritarian socialist movement to defeat Republican minority rule, win legislative power, and build a better world that guarantees healthcare as a human right, including the right to free abortions on demand without apology.”
Join the fight with the Democratic Socialists of America — visit https://protectabortion.org/
In Solidarity,
Northeast TN DSA
https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=HB1029&GA=111https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/federal-judge-blocks-sweeping-anti-abortion-law-in-tennessee/2020/07/24/d153b384-cdfc-11ea-99b0-8426e26d203b_story.html (edited)
Colorado Springs DSA Statement on the Supreme Court’s Ruling to Overturn Roe v. Wade
The Senate Must Take Action
The Colorado Springs Democratic Socialists of America condemns the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade. We strongly believe that all people have the right to reproductive freedom and to practice bodily autonomy. This ruling is an extreme overstep by an authoritarian Supreme Court and is an attempt to reassert patriarchal social norms and thwart women’s liberation.
We will not let this move go unchallenged. We call on Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper to end the filibuster, codify the right to an abortion, bring forward and vote to pass legislation that would end lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court, to add additional seats to the Supreme Court to end partisan supermajorities that threaten our democracy, and to pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guarantees peoples’ right to reproductive freedom. Safe abortion access is a human right and we call on all Colorado and Colorado Springs legislators to declare it so.
In the face of rising authoritarianism, we must champion the principles of democracy and organize to defend our democratic and human rights. The Colorado Springs Democratic Socialists of America is committed to pushing back against the threat of fascist and patriarchal rule in these critical times for democracy.
Abortion is a Human Right
Emergency Protest – Friday, June 24, 6:30pm at State Capitol
Mass Meeting – Saturday, June 25, 4pm at 711 Catherine St SW
Abortion is healthcare and a human right, fundamentally tied to the principle of bodily autonomy. We condemn the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade, which will harm and criminalize working people. This decision is an act of class warfare, and we must oppose this undemocratic assault on our human rights.
This decision shows further proof of what we’ve seen for decades: that the Supreme Court has become a rogue institution uninterested in protecting the constitutional rights of the people and more focused on fulfilling the interests of major corporations and far-right Christian nationalists.
The Supreme Court has made barbaric decisions in the past, upholding segregation in the 19th century and overturning labor protections in the 1920s. These undemocratic rulings were only overturned with the power of mass working class movements that challenged instituted powers at their core. We urge people to make their voices heard and reject all politicians who oppose the right to control one’s own body.
DSA LB Roe v Wade Statement
The decision of the conservative Supreme Court to strip Americans of their right to access abortion is appalling. We are not surprised that the most conservative set of justices in... Read more »
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Pensacola DSA Statement on Defending Abortion Rights
The Pensacola chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America strongly condemns the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. This regressive ruling targets the right to privacy and bodily autonomy that has been protected under Roe v. Wade for the last fifty years and allows individual states to ban abortion entirely. At this time, thirteen states have trigger laws in place to ban abortion immediately and thirteen more are expected to follow.
The far right wing of the Supreme Court, most of whom were appointed by a president who lost the popular vote, has demonstrated beyond all debate that they are an illegitimate institution, more focused on forcing the American people to bend to their personal ideologies than on following the will of the people they serve. Just this month, the Court has weakened the separation between church and state through Carso v. Makin; ruled against a 108-year-old NY law limiting concealed carry of guns in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc v. Bruen; and set precedence to overturn Miranda v. Arizona. Today’s ruling against the right to privacy sets precedence for many other rights to come under attack: the right to same-sex marriage under Obergefell v. Hodges, the right to access to contraceptives under Griswald v. Connecticut, and the ruling that state sodomy laws are unconstitutional under Lawrence v. Texas.
Striking down Roe v. Wade is an outright attack on the working class of this country. A government that can take away one person’s bodily privacy and autonomy is one that can take it away from all of us. That is why we are committed to the liberation of all people having freedom and control over their own lives and bodies. The vast majority of Americans support and agree that abortion should be protected by the Constitution. Our autonomy should not depend on the whims of nine unelected lifetime appointments but rather on the democratic will of the people.
Now more than ever, we need to build a vibrant, militant socialist movement to defeat Republican minority rule, win legislative power, and build a better world that guarantees healthcare as a human right, including the right to free abortions on demand without apology. As the largest socialist organization in the United States, DSA is building that democratic and majoritarian socialist movement. We are building local power right here in the Panhandle of Florida, but this movement needs your help. This Tuesday we will be hosting a Defending Abortion Rights Open Forum bringing together local groups and organizers in and around Pensacola to report on the local situation for abortion access and substantive ways people can get plugged in to the struggle for reproductive justice. Click the link below to to sign up to join us this Tuesday at 7 PM on Zoom.
Help us support the Young Active Labor Leaders Summit!
Looking to join or form a union? Perhaps you’re a union worker or a DSA member looking to build organized labor’s power across the state of Texas and beyond? Join […]
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