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Abortion is a Human Right

Emergency Protest – Friday, June 24, 6:30pm at State Capitol
Mass Meeting – Saturday, June 25, 4pm at 711 Catherine St SW

Abortion is healthcare and a human right, fundamentally tied to the principle of bodily autonomy. We condemn the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade, which will harm and criminalize working people. This decision is an act of class warfare, and we must oppose this undemocratic assault on our human rights.

This decision shows further proof of what we’ve seen for decades: that the Supreme Court has become a rogue institution uninterested in protecting the constitutional rights of the people and more focused on fulfilling the interests of major corporations and far-right Christian nationalists. 

The Supreme Court has made barbaric decisions in the past, upholding segregation in the 19th century and overturning labor protections in the 1920s. These undemocratic rulings were only overturned with the power of mass working class movements that challenged instituted powers at their core. We urge people to make their voices heard and reject all politicians who oppose the right to control one’s own body.

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the logo of Pensacola DSA

Pensacola DSA Statement on Defending Abortion Rights


The Pensacola chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America strongly condemns the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. This regressive ruling targets the right to privacy and bodily autonomy that has been protected under Roe v. Wade for the last fifty years and allows individual states to ban abortion entirely. At this time, thirteen states have trigger laws in place to ban abortion immediately and thirteen more are expected to follow.

The far right wing of the Supreme Court, most of whom were appointed by a president who lost the popular vote, has demonstrated beyond all debate that they are an illegitimate institution, more focused on forcing the American people to bend to their personal ideologies than on following the will of the people they serve. Just this month, the Court has weakened the separation between church and state through Carso v. Makin; ruled against a 108-year-old NY law limiting concealed carry of guns in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc v. Bruen; and set precedence to overturn Miranda v. Arizona. Today’s ruling against the right to privacy sets precedence for many other rights to come under attack: the right to same-sex marriage under Obergefell v. Hodges, the right to access to contraceptives under Griswald v. Connecticut, and the ruling that state sodomy laws are unconstitutional under Lawrence v. Texas.

Striking down Roe v. Wade is an outright attack on the working class of this country. A government that can take away one person’s bodily privacy and autonomy is one that can take it away from all of us. That is why we are committed to the liberation of all people having freedom and control over their own lives and bodies. The vast majority of Americans support and agree that abortion should be protected by the Constitution. Our autonomy should not depend on the whims of nine unelected lifetime appointments but rather on the democratic will of the people.  

Now more than ever, we need to build a vibrant, militant socialist movement to defeat Republican minority rule, win legislative power, and build a better world that guarantees healthcare as a human right, including the right to free abortions on demand without apology. As the largest socialist organization in the United States, DSA is building that democratic and majoritarian socialist movement. We are building local power right here in the Panhandle of Florida, but this movement needs your help. This Tuesday we will be hosting a Defending Abortion Rights Open Forum bringing together local groups and organizers in and around Pensacola to report on the local situation for abortion access and substantive ways people can get plugged in to the struggle for reproductive justice. Click the link below to to sign up to join us this Tuesday at 7 PM on Zoom.

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the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Petro in Colombia and Refund NYC

For the first time in the nation’s history, the Colombian people have elected a leftist to the presidency. Gustavo Petro defeated far-right populist, Rodolfo Hernández. The former guerilla has pledged to challenge economic inequality and fight climate change by transforming the country’s energy system. What does this victory mean for socialism in Latin America? DSA National Political Committee Member Marvin Gonzalez joins us to discuss that and much more. Here in New York City, the city council and Mayor Adams passed a new budget last week that funnels money to private creditors and the cops while cutting funds for education and other social services. We’ll hear from Kay Gabriel on why this budget is an attack on the working class and how NYC-DSA plans to build a movement to fight back.

the logo of Washington Socialist - Metro DC DSA
the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Legislative Let-Down: Fighting for Good Cause and Public Renewables

The elected officials of New York State ended their legislative session in Albany on June 2nd. They are headed home for the summer after failing to secure the rights of tenants or meeting New York state’s climate goals, refusing to pass Good Cause Eviction and the Build Public Renewables Act. What happened? To try and answer this and more, we bring on socialist organizers  to break down what happened in Albany and how New York lawmakers left tenants and the climate out to dry. Tonight, we are joined by Avi, a tenant organizer fighting for the Right to Remain, and RPM’s co-host and ecosocialist specialist, Lee Ziesche. We will assess the situation in Albany and the movement necessary, both inside and outside the halls of the State Capitol, to defeat the corporate opposition and make Good Cause and BPRA a reality in the Empire State.  


Visit to learn more about the ongoing campaign to pass Good Cause Eviction legislation in New York state.


On this show, Lee references the Sane Energy Project ( and No NBK Pipeline Coalition ( as well as the NYC-DSA Ecosocialist Working Group (


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