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the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

the logo of West Suburban Illinois DSA

Nominations Are Open!

Nominations are open for two leadership roles: one is a Steering Committee position, the Internal Organizer, and the other is for a second Harassment and Grievance Officer. Please go to this link if you want to nominate yourself for one of these positions. To be eligible, you need to be a member of DSA and up-to-date with your dues payment and reside within West Suburban IL DSA territory. If you have a question about your membership status, please contact the Membership Organizer, Lisa, at

Voting for these positions will take place at the WSDSA annual convention, which is scheduled for Sunday, July 12 at 11 am via Zoom. Nominations close on Saturday, June 27 at 5 pm and the membership will be contacted via email on Sunday, June 28 with the convention agenda. This email will include the nominees and their statements so folks can familiarize themselves with them before voting takes place.

If you have any questions about the nomination process, voting, or anything else related to the WSDSA convention, you are welcome to contact the Steering Committee at

the logo of Tampa DSA

Demands regarding policing in Tampa:

June 2020

We, the members of Tampa Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), have developed a list of demands to address the violent policing system that fails to efficiently serve and protect members of the Tampa Bay community—particularly our communities of color. The urgency with which we present these demands is driven by the brutal murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police Department on May 25, 2020, the most recent in a long line of black lives lost to police brutality. Black Lives Matter.

Tampa DSA demands justice for all acts of police violence that have and continue to threaten the health, safety, and livelihood of our communities. As a democratic socialist organization that is committed to fighting all forms of systemic oppression, our list of demands is presented within an intersectional, class-conscious framework that seeks to ultimately dismantle an inherently oppressive policing system. This vision can be achieved through a series of justice-oriented actions that include demanding accountability for racist police brutality and repurposing our bloated police budget to better serve the interests of our communities.

We demand that the City of Tampa:

  • Cut 15% of the Tampa Police Department’s budget (which currently accounts for over 38% of our city’s general fund and 18.6% of the total city budget) and redirect this money towards public transportation, low-income housing, education, and community public health centers by 2022.
  • Decouple access to healthcare from policing by building separate institutions for clinical dispatches. Increase the number of 24/7 Adult and Child Mobile Crisis Teams responding to mental health crises, ensuring that each team includes both a Certified Peer Support Specialist and a licensed clinician. Dispatch only EMTs to calls of drug overdoses. Dispatch licensed clinicians with law enforcement to all calls related to domestic violence.
  • Ban the use of pepper spray, tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag bullets, LRADs, and armored vehicles by TPD against public demonstrators.
  • Ban the use of facial recognition software, such as Clearview AI, that infringe upon privacy rights.
  • Cease using quantity of arrests as a performance measure to assess officers of the TPD and instead focus on history of misconduct.
  • Keep the curfew related to public demonstrations lifted indefinitely.
  • Remove requirements for permits to exercise first amendment rights.
  • Adopt a policy to reduce asset forfeiture (which currently accounts for approximately one million dollars of TPD’s budget) including a provision prohibiting the TPD or its employees from benefiting from seized assets. For assetsnthat cannot be returned to the arrested party, the assets should be liquidated and the resultant funds should be diverted to public education and/or mental health services.
  • Dissolve Tampa PD and Hillsborough County School Board’s School Resource Officer (SRO) Program and to completely replace SROs with licensed clinical social workers, psychologists, and nurses in public schools by 2021.
  • Ban the use of no-knock warrants and choke holds.
  • Decriminalize drug possession and sex work.

We demand that Mayor Jane Castor:

  • Call on Governor DeSantis to immediately end the deployment of the National Guard within the City of Tampa.
  • Fire Police Chief Dugan for the Tampa Police Department’s violent use of force against peaceful protesters.

We demand the Tampa Police Department:

  • Issue summons or citations in lieu of utilizing custodial arrests for nonviolent misdemeanors.
  • Investigate prevalence of white supremacist groups and individuals within TPD.
  • Adopt policy requiring full transparency in officer conduct and training history.
  • Disarm all patrol officers by 2022.

Regarding the City of Tampa’s contract with the Tampa Police Benevolent Association, we demand:

  • The City of Tampa renegotiate its contract with TPBA once it expires after 2022 to remedy provisions that currently act as impediments to accountability for officers who use force in violation of the law or policy.
  • Amendments to the existing contract should:
    • Mandate yearly fitness for duty evaluations.
    • Make personnel records of TPD officers accessible to the public.
    • Keep complaints on file, even if the allegations are not deemed to be substantiated.
    • Keep letters of counseling in personnel files permanently.

We demand that State Attorney Andrew Warren:

  • Institute an office-wide policy that assistant state attorneys are not to seek cash bail.
  • Institute an office-wide policy that assistant state attorneys should advocate that defendants be released on their own recognizance unless the defendant is a danger to the community or a flight risk.
  • Immediately drop all existing charges for nonviolent misdemeanor cases.
  • Immediately stop the direct filing of juvenile cases into the adult criminal system, regardless of the severity of the crime.

We demand that the Chief Justice of the 13th Judicial Circuit and the Clerk of Court:

  • Continue the moratorium on evictions and foreclosures for the duration of the pandemic.

The post Demands regarding policing in Tampa: appeared first on Tampa DSA.

the logo of Berkshires DSA


For Immediate Release

June 10, 2020

Pittsfield, MA- The Berkshires chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America supports non-violent protest, including the ongoing efforts of local anti-fascist volunteers around the world, internationally recognized as antifa. Antifa is not an organized group but an idea that supports and defends peoples’ right to live free from oppressive abuse of power. 

“Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer unfortunately succumbed to the histrionics of the right last week, taking sides with Donald Trump in blaming antifa for outbreaks of violence at recent protests, and suggesting that antifa posed a threat to residents of Berkshire County,” says Berkshires DSA Co-Chair Christian Kennedy.

Berkshires DSA wholeheartedly supports Tyer’s desire to protect our communities from violence. We therefore call on Tyer and other elected officials to denounce and make clear the threat posed by alt-right terrorist groups. Moreover, we call on Tyer and other elected officials to support the Black Lives Matter movement and to defund the police. Funds should be diverted from policing to critically needed social services and programs in Black, Latinx, indigenous, and other communities of color.

“Antifa is not an organized group,” says Kennedy. “Antifa is an orientation to confronting and crushing fascism, whether at home or abroad.” 

While the right blames antifa for violence at recent protests, these accusations have all been proven false. The FBI Washington Field Office, for instance, found that there was “no intelligence indicating antifa involvement/presence” in the DC protests.

Antifa has made its presence felt in defending against fascism around the world in numerous significant events and ongoing actions, such as the Battle of Cable Street in London 1936, the Battle of Waterloo 1992, and the Unity Carnivals. More recently, in 2017, antifa played an important role in protecting activists protesting against the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA; despite their efforts, activist Heather Heyer lost her life to a neo-Nazi. As Democratic Socialists, we support the fight against fascism and stand in solidarity with our comrades who identify as antifa. Recent events have illustrated that standing up to fascism is more important now than ever, as the COVID-19 crisis intensifies the crises of structural racism and police brutality. We support the protesters across the country and around the world, and we will continue to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

The DSA is the largest socialist organization in the United States. DSA’s members are building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in American communities and politics. We believe that working people should run both the economy and society democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for the few. DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people.

For media inquiries, please contact Amillie Coster (413) 854 5611,

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Marxism and the Struggle for Black Liberation

You can follow Hadas Thier on Twitter @HadasThier

Her book A People's Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics will be available this Summer. You can preorder it here:

Dragonfly's work can be found here:

You’re listening to Revolution Per Minute on listener sponsored WBAI in NYC broadcasting at 99.5 FM and streaming on your favorite podcast app. To connect with us after the show you can email us at You can find us on our website or on twitter @nycRPM.

the logo of Atlanta DSA

June 15 Day of Action

Defund Police! Protect Workers! Rebuild Atlanta!

Join us for a day of action against state budget cuts on June 15, 2020.

Governor Brian Kemp is calling on all state agencies to prepare for a 14% budget cut, but we think the State of Georgia and the City of Atlanta should keep cuts where they belong! Our schools, hospitals, and public services shouldn’t suffer when we’re spending too much on police cruisers, tanks, and riot gear. Tax the rich and defund the police!

This June 15 day of action is organized by Metro Atlanta DSA in collaboration with leaders and organizers from Atlanta-area unions and Black socialist groups.

June 15 Schedule & Action Items

1:00 PM

Phone blitz!

Call your legislator to demand a just state budget.Use our script!

3:00 PM

Downtown sit-in & caravan!

Let’s make some noise! If you’re walking and want to rally at the Capitol, meet at the GSU MARTA station, and if you’re driving, meet at Grant Park.


Atlanta Budget Talks!

Call (404) 330-6090 and demand that the City of Atlanta defund the police. Use our script!

Our Full Statement

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent recession, Governor Brian Kemp released a statement on May 1st calling on all state agencies to prepare for a 14% budget cut in the 2021 fiscal year [5]. Historical experience has taught us that these cuts often disproportionately harm our most marginalized communities. Alternatively, investment in public necessities including healthcare, affordable housing, education, and transportation would help protect all residents of our state. 

The burden of Kemp’s proposed cuts will directly contribute to deepening poverty and weakening the working class’s ability to recover—specifically in low-income communities, rural regions of the state, immigrant families, and Black communities. Rather than slashing funding for the services that millions depend on for life, we call on the state of Georgia to put our most marginalized citizens first by taking a more equitable, just, and humanistic approach to balancing the budget.

More recently, in response to protests demanding justice for Black lives like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has failed to protect Atlantans, opting instead to lead a police occupation of the city. As Georgians struggle to pay rent, hold jobs, and afford healthcare, our leaders have poured money into a deadly, racist police and prison system and handouts to employers and landlords. 

While our people suffer, like furloughed service workers at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport left without healthcare or job security [1], our state and local governments respond with tax cuts and subsidies for Georgia’s wealthiest corporations [2]. Our governments have spent enormous resources to protect the ultra-wealthy, at often violent cost to the communities they exploit for profit.

We call on the people of Georgia to join us and refuse any budgets that erode our public schools, hospitals, food access, safe housing, and other vital public services without first cutting from Georgia’s violent carceral systems and its subsidies for the capitalist class. 

Instead of a broken, racist system that treats essentials as commodities reserved for those who can pay, Metro Atlanta DSA calls for a just budget that protects the crucial public services that our people depend on.

Our Demands

We demand that the City of Atlanta:

  1. End the police occupation of Atlanta, keep the curfew lifted, defund the Atlanta Police Department, and close the Atlanta City Detention Center. Reinvest recovered funds in Black communities and restorative community programs;
  2. Adopt the demands of Unite Here Local 23 [1], including guaranteeing recall rights for workers at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport for 36 months and guaranteeing healthcare for all furloughed workers;
  3. Adopt the demands of Black movement organizations in Atlanta [4], including a moratorium on books and arrests for minor offenses, a moratorium on rent, mortgage, utilities, evictions, and parking payments; emergency housing for people without homes, the immediate release of those incarcerated in the Atlanta City Detention Center and providing those released with housing, transportation and other services as needed; and the reduction of police presence in highly vulnerable neighborhoods.  

We further call on the State of Georgia specifically to:

  1. Keep the National Guard out of Georgia;
  2. Immediately end the drug war in Georgia, beginning with legalizing marijuana and immediately commuting related sentences;
  3. Move to end mass incarceration as well as the spread of COVID-19 by dramatically reducing the number of people incarcerated in Georgia, including in county and city jails, and ensure those released have access to the health, financial, transportation, and other resources needed to successfully transition out;
  4. End all special tax privileges, exemptions, and loopholes for large corporations and the rich, such as the costly film tax credit;
  5. Adopt the anti-austerity demands of the United Campus Workers of Georgia [3], aimed at reducing harm to working-class and marginalized employees, including mandating that any pay cuts or furloughs must begin with the highest-paid public employees and must be made on a progressive basis, with those of the highest earnings giving up a larger percentage of their salary or taking more furlough days;
  6. No layoffs, program closures, or department closures for state employees, or employees working for state-subsidized business, excluding the police.

Much of the catastrophe resulting from COVID-19 was avoidable, and the severity of its impact is directly tied to the injustices of capitalism. As socialists, we reject an order that places private property and wealth above human life and dignity.

We will not be sacrificed for billionaire profits!


[1] Unite Here Local 23 represents airport service workers and hotel workers across the country, including at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, which has placed its concessions workers on recall without healthcare;

They have a petition of demands, addressed to Mayor Bottoms, here.

[2] GBPI estimates that Georgia gives $9.8 billion per year in tax breaks for special interests, that setting the tobacco tax at the national average would raise $600 million per year, and that closing an itemized tax deduction loophole for high earners would generate $175 million per year;

GBPI also reports the state has nearly $1.3 billion in lottery reserves, which could fund shortfalls in HOPE college programs as well as Pre-K;

[3] The United Campus Workers of Georgia represent workers at higher education campuses across the University System of Georgia.

[4] Many organizations form The Peoples’ Response Atlanta, a collective of concerned citizens and community organizers calling for an adequate response to the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant economic crisis from Mayor Bottoms. You can read their demands here: or

[5] Recent reports indicate that the budget cuts have been revised down to 11%.

the logo of Triangle North Carolina DSA

Statement on police violence and nationwide uprisings for justice

The North Carolina Piedmont chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America strongly and unequivocally supports the nationwide uprising for justice for Ahmaud Arbery, Akiel Denkins, George Floyd, Tony McDade, Nina Pop, Breonna Taylor, and the countless Black victims of white supremacist violence and the police state.

We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter and police abolitionist movements throughout the Triangle and the United States. We condemn the police-instigated violence, including the use of chemical weapons like tear gas, and the violent arrests of demonstrators perpetrated by the Raleigh Police Department and State Capitol Police. We will continue to offer our support and join in the streets with all antiracist groups in the Triangle combating police violence, racism, and white supremacy. We also believe there is no such thing as looting by the oppressed, when we live in a land stolen from indigenous peoples and built by slaves. As anti-capitalists, we know that the real looting is done to working people by their bosses and a government that rules in the interests of those bosses.

As a democratic socialist organization, we fight for police and prison abolition because we know cops and cages don't keep us safe: we keep us safe. Toward these goals, we call on Wake, Durham, and Orange Counties and their constituent municipalities to: 1) demilitarize and defund their police forces; 2) empty their jails and prisons, which are hotspots in a pandemic that is already killing Black, Brown, and poor people disproportionately; 3) end cash bail; and 4) reappropriate funds from the police toward health care, housing, and other life-affirming social services that truly allow our communities to thrive. We will continue to support the leadership and organizing of formations like Durham Beyond Policing and Raleigh PACT, which have already made significant progress toward divesting from police and investing in communities of color.

We share the rage of all those who are making themselves heard on the streets after years of being suffocated by policing and poverty, after years of being looted by corporations, landlords, and billionaires. We will fight for a world where Black people can breathe freely. As socialists, it is our duty to fight for prison abolition, dismantle white supremacy, and build a just and liberated world.

the logo of Berkshires DSA


For Immediate Release

June 8, 2020


Pittsfield, MA — 

George Floyd.

Breonna Taylor.

Tony McDade.

Three Black individuals murdered by the police. Three among thousands.

Police violence stops here. Racism stops here.

The Berkshires chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) proudly adds our voice to the global chorus: BLACK LIVES MATTER.

We join our comrades in the streets to protest police violence and the racist order it upholds. For us, the struggle for racial justice is inseparable from the struggle for democratic socialism. We seek a world defined by our lasting commitment to each other rather than the fleeting economic value of our labor. And we will defend the vision of democratic socialism against racists, and against fascists. Right now, that means we find ourselves in the streets.

At this moment, the path to democratic socialism brings us head-to-head with anti-Black racism. We do not shy away from this confrontation, and we call on our members to join the protests unfolding across Berkshire County, and worldwide. We invite all residents of Berkshire County to join us in the streets, and we call on elected officials to support racial justice by demanding greater police accountability and by redirecting resources from the police to public programs that serve Black and Brown communities.

The DSA is the largest socialist organization in the United States. DSA’s members are building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in American communities and politics. We believe that working people should run both the economy and society democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for the few. DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people.

For media Inquiries, please contact Amillie Coster (413) 854 5611,

the logo of Central Arkansas DSA

Food Resources in Little Rock and North Little Rock

Little Rock 
Bullock Temple
1513 South Park Street, Little Rock, AR 72202 
Monday 1:00 – 2:00pm; Thursdays 4:30-6:00 pm 
Appointments preferred, ID required 

Little Rock 
Christ Temple Outreach Center 
1919 South Arch Street, Little Rock, AR 72206 
Tuesday & Thursday 10:00am – 12:00noon 

Little Rock 
Church at Rock Creek
11500 West 36th Street, Little Rock, AR 72211 
Open Tuesday, thru Friday 
Call in the mornings between 8:00 & 10:00am to schedule an afternoon appointment.  Services available for each person/family at intervals of 5-weeks, 1 service per household.  Serving Little Rock and Saline County residents ONLY 

Little Rock 
El Zocalo Immigrant Food Pantry 
5500 Geyer Springs Road, Little Rock, AR 72209 
Inside Geyer Springs United Methodist Church El Zocalo Immigrant Food Pantry organized by El Zocalo and Interfaith Arkansas.  1 box of food per month for lowincome immigrant families or families affected by immigrant detention.  No ID necessary. 

Little Rock 
Geyer Springs United Methodist Church 
5500 Geyer Springs Road, Little Rock, AR 72209 
1st & 3rd Thursday 9:00am – 12:00noon 
Serves residents of the 72206, 72209 & 72103 Zip Code area ONLY.  Photo ID required.  

Little Rock 
Greater Second Care Center
5615 Geyer Springs Road, Little Rock, AR 72209 
Open third Wednesday 10:00am – 12:00noon 

Little Rock 
Helping Hand of Greater Little Rock 
1601 Marshall Street, Little Rock, AR 72202 
Monday thru Thursday 9:00am – 12:30pm 
May only access food once each month.  Food and inexpensive thrift store clothing available.  Photo ID required. 

Little Rock 
Immanuel Baptist Church
10500 West Markham Street, Suite #107, Little Rock, AR 72211 
Tuesday 10:00am – 2:00pm 
ID and proof of residence required.  For children, must provide proof of guardianship.  

Little Rock 
Lakeshore Drive Baptist Church 
21 Lakeshore Drive, Little Rock, AR 72204 
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month 10:00am – 2:00pm 
Serving the 72204 Zip Code area ONLY 

Little Rock 
Liberty Hill Baptist Church
1215 South Schiller, Little Rock, AR 72202 
2nd Monday, 3:00pm – 6:00pm 
Photo ID Required 

Little Rock 
Little Rock Church
10701 West Baseline Road, Little Rock, AR 72209 
Open every other Monday 4:30 – 6:30pm 

Little Rock 
Little Rock Compassion Center 
3618 West Roosevelt, Little Rock, AR 72204 
Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 – 11:00am 
Photo ID required.  Serving the 72204 Zip code area only 

Little Rock 
Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas 
6221 Colonel Glenn Road ad, Suite #A, Little Rock, AR 72204 
501-5623336 (Bilingual ) 
Tuesday 2:00 – 3:30pm, must be from 72204 area, 1st come 1st served 

Little Rock 
Mount Zion Baptist Church
924 Cross Street, Little Rock, AR 72202 
Wednesday 11:00am – 2:00pm & Saturday 10:00am – 12:00noon. 

Little Rock 
Oak Forest United Methodist Church 
2415 Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72204 
1st and 3rd Thursday 11:00am – 1:00pm 

Little Rock 
Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church 
4823 Woodlawn Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205 
Open first Wednesday morning of each month at 8:30am 

Little Rock 
Quapaw Quarter United Methodist Church 
1601 South Louisiana Street, Little Rock, AR 72206 
Groceries are distributed between 1:00 – 3:00pm on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, except August.  

Little Rock 
Second Baptist Church
1709 John Barrow 
Wednesdays & Thursdays 
Photo ID and utility bill required to have matching name & address.  
10:00am – 12:00noon 

Little Rock 
St. Francis House
2701 South Elm Street, Little Rock, AR 72204 
Monday thru Friday 8:30am – 11:30am & 1:00pm – 3:00pm 
Must provide photo ID, Social Security card for each recipient.  

Little Rock 
St. John Missionary Baptist Church Unto Others Food Pantry 
2501 South Main Street, Little Rock, AR 72206 
Open the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month, 9:00am – we run out 
Must complete application, photo ID Required.  During winter weather months open only once a month. 

Little Rock
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Food Pantry 
1500 North Mississippi Street, Little Rock, AR 72207 
Thursdays, 9:15 – 10:45am 
Photo ID required 

Little Rock 
Temple Baptist Church – Food Pantry 
10710 Interstate #30,  Little Rock, AR 72209 
1st & 3rd Monday of each month 6:00pm 
Must register with the food pantry with each use.  

Little Rock 
The Van
P.O. Box #250061, Little Rock, AR 72225 
Mobile homeless services, locating and serving unsheltered homeless on the fringes of Little Rock.  Provides: Clothing, Food, Meals, as well as sundries and materials to enhance basic living conditions 

Little Rock 
Union A.M.E. Church Food Pantry 
1825 South Pulaski Street, Little Rock, AR 72206 
2nd Wednesday of each month, 1:00 – 3:00pm 
Call to confirm time 

Little Rock 
3701 Springer Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72206 
Monday thru Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm 
Call before coming to make sure food is available.  Appointments and referrals are preferred.  Social Security card or number is preferred.  Must have photo ID.