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the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Bernie 2020: Not Him, Us

You’re listening to Revolutions Per Minute on WBAI, a socialist radio show and podcast from members of New York City Democratic Socialists of America.The Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in the United States, with 56,000 members nationwide and NYC-DSA is its biggest chapter. We are run by our 5,500+ members and organizers who are working together to build democratic socialism in all five boroughs.

To connect with us after the show you can email us at or sign-up for our newsletter to get links to what we talk about on show. You can do that on at our website You can also find us on twitter @nycRPM.

To get involved with DSA's effort in Bernie 2020:

the logo of Atlanta DSA

Heck of a YDSA Chapter

Georgia Tech’s chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America attracted more than 90 people to their fall semester kick-off meeting Aug. 26. At the chapter’s Saturday pre-kickoff business meeting, they decided on these priorities:
• Electoral / Bernie 2020
• Campus labor
• Campaign to end the ban on undocumented student enrollment
• Political education

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Rank and File: Socialism and the Struggle for Democracy in the Workplace

You’re listening to Revolutions Per Minute on WBAI, a socialist radio show and podcast from members of New York City Democratic Socialists of America.The Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in the United States, with 56,000 members nationwide and NYC-DSA is its biggest chapter. We are run by our 5,500+ members and organizers who are working together to build democratic socialism in all five boroughs.

To connect with us after the show you can email us at or sign-up for our newsletter to get links to what we talk about on the show. You can do that on at our website You can also find us on twitter @nycRPM.

the logo of Atlanta DSA

MADSA Meeting Looks Forward

In the aftermath of hosting our national convention, MADSA members met Aug. 24 to plan for future actions and new leadership, while CWA staff handled strike business in their offices next to the union hall where we meet. (The strike has since been settled)

We voted to hold an Atlanta action to “stop the war on immigrants” Oct. 12, in response to a call from national DSA’s Immigrant Rights committee. Sign up with José Perez if you want to join the planning group.

MADSA working groups reported on their plans: Eco-Socialism — Green New Deal town hall watch party at the Ga. Beer Garden Sept. 4; Electoral — Cabbagetown Canvass for Bernie Sept. 8; Immigrant Justice — in addition to Oct. 12 planning, on Sept. 7 MADSA will again visit detainees at Stewart Detention Center, hosted by El Refugio; Education — will soon start another ABCs of Socialism study series; Mutual Aid — supplies snacks for meetings and will no doubt hold more brake light clinics, TBA; Housing Justice — is supporting the Housing Justice League’s citywide tenants’ union organizing.

In other news: We are working with groups planning support for the local response to a Nazi/KKK gathering coming to Dahlonega Sept. 14; a MADSA Afro-Socialist working group is forming; and the Douglass-Debs awards dinner committee is asking for donations of seed money from “patrons” to cover initial expenses for this popular annual networking event, planned for Nov. 9 at Paschal’s restaurant (details TBA).

Finally, to strengthen our officer team’s capacity we voted to begin the process of modifying our bylaws to add a co-chair, to be included provisionally in the September (online) election for new MADSA officers.

(Photo: Reid Freeman Jenkins)

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

the logo of Atlanta DSA

Marching Against Racism

MADSA and YDSA joined a march against racism hosted by the Alliance for Black Lives. We marched with our banners, flag and signs together with 200-300 people representing 34 organizations. Speakers addressed many aspects of the struggle, from mass incarceration and police murders to immigrant justice, expressing hope that “together we can end the structural racism that contributes to police brutality, mass incarceration, injustice, economic oppression, and inequities.”

Photo: Reid Freeman Jenkins

Reid photogrphing. Photo: Steve Eberhardt

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

[EXCLUSIVE!] Fascism and Anti-Fascism

EXCLUSIVE WEB-ONLY EPISODE! Fascism is not abstract and neither is anti-fascism. Contrary to what Senator Ted Cruz and his reactionary colleagues would have us believe, anti-fascism is not domestic terrorism but a set of tactics and activities designed to prevent the rise of white supremacist, anti-Semitic, and xenophobic hate and violence. Join us on RPM to hear from anti-fascist organizers from NYC-DSA and Outlive Them NYC, a group of anti-fascist Jews and allies. What is fascism? What is anti-fascism? And how can you get involved?

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Open Borders and the Fight for Immigrant Justice

ICE’s reign of terror is tearing families apart as concentration camps of asylum seekers proliferate along the border. Trump has intensified the war on immigrants, but state violence directed against the workers of the world is a deeply rooted tradition of the American ruling class. Today we’re joined by Marvin Gonzalez, Elijah Stevens, and Britt Stern from the Immigrant Justice Working Group to discuss the collective struggle against the deportation apparatus and how we organize for the socialist horizon of a world with no borders.

the logo of Atlanta DSA

Atlanta Hosts 1,200 at DSA National Convention

Sixteen of us attended the DSA national convention in downtown Atlanta Aug. 2-4 as elected MADSA delegates, and a slew more volunteered to help make the event a success. We came from many different perspectives but shared a common goal: To continue the momentum that grew our organization from a brave remnant of about 7,000 members a few years ago to about 56,000 today, including 29 federal, state and local elected officials. We are fighting for social justice and economic democracy – can’t have one without the other we socialists say – and changing the political dialogue in this country. Our City of South Fulton comrade Councilman khalid gave both an opening and a closing speech, and several of us were quoted by the New York Times, the Atlanta Constitution, the Guardian (UK), CNN and other news outlets. We passed too many resolutions to summarize easily here; come to our monthly meeting Aug 24 for a report. Photo: Steve Eberhardt