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the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Colonial Violence and the Struggle for Justice in Palestine

You’re listening to Revolutions Per Minute, a socialist radio show and podcast from members of New York City Democratic Socialists of America. NYC-DSA is the biggest chapter of the largest socialist organization in the United States. We are run by our 5,500+ members and organizers who are working together to build democratic socialism in all five boroughs.

To connect with us after the show you can email us at or sign-up for our newsletter to get links to what we talk about on the show. You can do that on at our website You can also find us on twitter @nycRPM.

the logo of Long Beach DSA

the logo of Fort Collins DSA

Events Calendar

Do you use Google Calendar already? You can add our calendar by clicking the plus sign (+) in the bottom, right corner of the calendar. All events on our calendar are open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend.

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

A Red New York - The NYC DSA Convention

The New York City Chapter of the Democratic Socialist of America is the biggest chapter of the largest socialist organization in the United States since the Second World War. We are run by our more than 5,500 members and organizers who are working together to build democratic socialism in all five boroughs and beyond. This past week we held our annual convention where we assess our progress and develop our platform for the future. Check out our latest episode to learn about the collective struggle for a Red New York.

Check out our new "Call to Action" list:

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

The Decriminalization of Poverty with Tiffany Caban

Tiffany Caban’s campaign for District Attorney of Queens has sparked a movement to decriminalize poverty in a borough of 2.3 million people after 28 years of the punitive reign of former DA Dick Brown and the Queens Machine. In this episode we’ll stalk about the stories of those affected by criminal injustice in Queens and the movements response envisioned by the Tiffany Caban campaign.

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Housing is a Human Right!

The tenant movement in New York State is approaching a critical crossroads. Hear from experts and affected communities about the Housing Justice for All campaign and how to get involved.

Here's what to do!
Call your state-level representatives and urge them to pass all 9 bills. Even if they are sponsors, it’s important to show that the public supports this.
To find out who your assembly person and senator is go to and enter your address
Today is #tenanttuesday - join the discussion on housing rights on your favorite social media platform - remember to tag your elected officials: many of them are on twitter/facebook/instagram too
Donate at and follow
the housing justice for all campaign on twitter and facebook @housing4allNY

the logo of Atlanta DSA

Demo at DeKalb Jail Met With Violent Arrests

(Based on eyewitness accounts, the call to action, and video by Atlanta Indymedia.) — On Wednesday, May 15 2019, protesters including several MADSA members, hosted by the Atlanta Incarcerated Workers’ Organizing Committee (a prisoner-led section of the Industrial Workers of the World) and the Atlanta Anarchists Black Cross, marched to DeKalb County Jail in metro Atlanta, in solidarity with prisoners who have been protesting inhumane conditions there. Another protest is planned for 5/16.

“People locked up at Dekalb County Jail are in a crisis,” said the organizers. “The food they eat is contaminated with mold, and so is the air they breathe. Their cell blocks are infested with flies and other insects. People are getting sick and being refused adequate medical help. Some prisoners have complained that they cannot breathe. Those who speak out are being attacked and isolated by guards. We cannot let this continue.”

In the run-up to the 5/15 protest, DeKalb Sheriff Mann made every effort to suppress dissent both inside and outside the Jail. Prisoners waved and broke holes in their small windows so they could send notes. Police attacked the protesters and arrested four activists, including three IWW members. A prisoner yelled that he was being “sprayed.” See the action here.

A fundraiser has been established for bail expenses for those arrested, through the Atlanta Solidarity Fund. Any surplus funds will go toward their legal defense, and to bail for arrestees at future protests.

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Sex Workers on Why Decriminalization

Sex work is work and we must protect sex workers by decriminalizing their work. We talk to Jessica Raven, steering committee member for Decrim NY, along side Tracy and Maya, sex workers who are organizing within the sex trade. This effort is targeting Albany now, but pushing further not just for decriminalization of the sex trade, but decarceration of sex workers who are already in jail, vacating the sentences of people who have already been prosecuted and de-stigmatizing sex work.

To find out more you can go to or to volunteer you can email

the logo of Long Beach DSA

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

ICE Out of Courts!

Today we’re discussing how the struggle for immigrant justice continues as the forces of reaction continue to demonize and terrorize our most vulnerable neighbors in our city. Throughout the episode we’ll speaking with Pamela, an organizer from the Immigrant Justice Working Group, about organizing against the deportation apparatus and for the empowerment of immigrant communities. We’ll also be hearing an interview with Elijah, another organizer with the Immigrant Justice Working Group, on canvassing for the Protect our Courts Act alongside the Tiffany Caban campaign.