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Tampa DSA Stands in Solidarity with the Hunger Strikers at USF

Since October 7th, 2023, over 32,000 innocent people in Gaza have been martyred, of which over 40% are children. Those that are still alive have now been forced into famine. Throughout this campaign of genocide, the University of South Florida has maintained its investments in corporations that profiteer off this mass suffering.

On March 18th, in response to USF complicity in this evil, 19 USF students began a hunger strike to urge the university to divest from the genocide in Gaza. 

Their demands are as follows:

1. USF president Rhea Law call for a ceasefire and for humanitarian aid to be let into Gaza.

2. The USF investment portfolio from 2013-2023 and onwards is immediately made transparent and open to the public.

3. A Student Oversight Committee is established by Fall 2024, ensuring student input in future investments.

4. USF immediately divests from Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Hewlett Packard, and Caterpillar, for their complicity in genocide.

Instead of meeting these demands, instead of disinvesting from genocide, the University of South Florida chose to retaliate against students who are fighting for humanity. Instead of recognizing its position of complicity in these horrific acts, the University chose to mischaracterize its own investments as apolitical. We echo these brave students in acknowledging that the “starting point of investments are already political when you invest in a genocide.”

Ignoring their students’ calls for divestment is a tradition for the university. In 2013, a student referendum calling for the boycott and divestment of companies that profit from the Israeli occupation of Palestine passed with popular support. However, the university declared it “null and void” and was accused of violating the first amendment rights of students. The following year, Students for Justice in Palestine responded by collecting 10,000 signatures on a divestment petition. Still, the university ignored student voices. In 2016, the student senate voted overwhelmingly in support of a divestment resolution, still no commitment to divest. After more than a decade of student organizing, USF must listen to student voices.

Join us in our condemnation of the USF Foundation and USF administration by emailing USF President Rhea Law and the Board of Trustees to demand that they divest now

Tampa DSA

Follow the hunger strikers at their Instagram account

Call Rhea Law at (813) 974-2791 and the Board of Trustees at (813) 974-6442.

The post Tampa DSA Stands in Solidarity with the Hunger Strikers at USF appeared first on Tampa DSA.

the logo of Grand Rapids DSA

Park or Parking Lot: the Future of John Ball Park

In our growing city, greenspace is a premium. As infill and density increase, natural spaces that don’t require a car trip to the exurbs (or farther) are so valuable to the quality of life, physical and mental health of the residents. A place to have a picnic. A place to touch grass. A place to hear the birds chirp and the insects buzz. A place that one can walk to and enjoy an afternoon playing with friends and family. A place like that is something every resident of Grand Rapids deserves.

On January 25th, the Kent County Board of Commissioners voted to approve the John Ball Zoo’s 2023 Master Plan Amendment to pave 10+ acres of park greenspace for new parking spaces. Parking spaces which will not be enough in 10 years, according to Zoo CEO Peter D’Arienzo. With that vote, the Commissioners gave up any County oversight until the next Master Plan Amendment is submitted by the Zoo. 

In 2013, Kent County set up a public-private partnership with the newly formed John Ball Zoo Nonprofit Corporation. In that lease agreement the County retained ownership of the land while transferring the public zoo’s assets to the corporation. The property is split between the private area for the zoo and the public park–now just a “publicly accessible park.” 

The neighborhood around John Ball Park had a community advisory board that worked with the Zoo from 1987-2015. When the Zoo became a nonprofit, it decided it had the ability to advise itself and shut down this group. In that same year, the Kent County Board of Commissioners approved a wildly unpopular Master Plan that placed a massive parking lot smack in the middle of the park. The Zoo did not move forward with this plan presumably due to public outcry.

After 8 years, the Zoo decided in 2023 to create a new Master Plan that also destroys a huge part of the park.  The Zoo was able to leverage the previously approved Master Plan–a plan that they themselves said they didn’t want–to pressure the Commission to approve a plan to pave green space. As Commissioner Sparks put it, “Are we playing chicken? … Or is the Zoo willing to listen to the community?”

The County Commission decided they were playing chicken. Though it is not specified in the Lease, the majority of current Kent County Commissioners believe they cannot negotiate with the Zoo to achieve a better outcome for the public. Their role is a simple up-down vote with no room for negotiation or adjustment. Effectively, a rubber stamp committee. The Grand Rapids DSA condemns this abdication of responsibility by the County Commission and the Zoo’s disregard for the local community who use this park every day.

We admire the work of Save John Ball Park and the other community members who have fought to keep their park throughout this process. Without their pushback the expansion would have been much more destructive, and even now they’re working to keep the community in the conversation. They are in talks with the Zoo to establish a Community Benefits Agreement. Some items they are looking to get the Zoo to commit to are better communication regarding construction dates, special events, and other things that might impact the neighborhood residents and businesses.

Thank you to the Commissioners who voted against this expansion:

  • Diaz (District 20)
  • Sparks (District 12)
  • Hennessy (District 14)
  • LaGrand (District 16)
  • McCloud (District 13)
  • Antor (District 2)

Approve – Green
Against – Red
Abstain – Blue
No response – Grey

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the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Homes of Our Own: The Campaign to Build Green Social Housing Across New York State

Today in Albany, New York tenants numbering in the thousands descended onto our State’s Capitol Building in a Day of Mobilization, urging the New York Legislature to pass key legislation, such as Good Cause protections for tenants and greater rent support for low-income families facing eviction. Amidst the calls made by tenants and housing justice organizers for greater protections against the worst injustices of the current housing system, there also exists a new transformative vision of what housing could look like in our state. A new bill co-written by DSA-endorsed State Assembly member Emilly Gallagher representing North Brooklyn, would establish the New York Social Housing Development Authority and empower the state to build & maintain substantial new housing developments across the State that will be publicly funded, environmentally sustainable, permanently affordable by law, and democratically-controlled by tenants. If passed, the social housing authority would work to shift the balance of power over our whole housing system towards tenants and the state government and away from wealthy private developers that have no interest in building affordable housing, and the landlords that get rich from its scarcity. Tonight, we will hear from Renette, a DSA member and tenant organizer with HOPE Tenant Union, and Genevieve, a housing justice organizer with Ithaca DSA, on the importance of this new bill and the campaign to build beautiful, abundant, & affordable social housing for the whole working class of New York. 

the logo of Religious Socialism Podcast

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Uncommitted: Organizing the Vote to End Genocide in Palestine

Today is day 158 of Israel’s genocidal assault on the Palestinian people in Gaza and also primary day for voters in Georgia, Mississippi and Washington.  

Over the last several weeks, hundreds of thousands of people across the country have voted "uncommitted" in the presidential primaries, to send a message to President Biden calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.  Tonight we’re joined by Ali and Tzara to talk about DSA’s role in the Vote Uncommitted campaign and what comes next to achieve a lasting ceasefire and the liberation of Palestine.  

To become a member of the Democratic Socialist America:

To follow Ali & Detroit DSA: @alihallalmi and @detroitdsa

the logo of Las Vegas DSA

Las Vegas Democratic Socialists Endorse Valerie Thomason for Assembly District 10

The Las Vegas chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America announced their endorsement of Valerie Thomason, candidate for Assembly District 10. LVDSA played a significant part in Bernie Sanders’ sweep of the Nevada caucuses in 2020 and the election of the Progressive Slate that took over Nevada’s Democratic Party leadership in the spring of 2021. Thomason’s endorsement is the chapter’s first of its kind since its members adopted a more stringent endorsement process in the summer of 2021. LVDSA says it commits to turning out volunteers for Thomason’s campaign as it looks to lead a significant ground game for the Assembly District 10 seat.

Valerie Thomason is a Teamster, single mother, and organizer within the community. If elected, she would become Nevada’s first openly democratic socialist state legislator. Her campaign’s top priorities include rent control, universal childcare, and strengthening unions. She was an organizer for the Bernie Sanders’ 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns, a Clark County Democratic Party Board Member from 2021-2023, and has served on the Steering Committee of LVDSA. Thomason has also earned endorsements from Run for Something and People’s Action PAC alongside Congress Members Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other left-wing legislators. Learn more about Valerie Thomason at


  • LVDSA Co-chair Shaun Navarro: “From her work on the Bernie campaign, to leadership in LVDSA and now with the Teamsters, Val has proven her commitment to her community and fighting for the working class  in Las Vegas. She not only has our endorsement but she lives the values that LVDSA is all about.”
  • LVDSA Co-chair Anthony Lambert: “Val is a fantastic organizer and a great representative of our values. She understands what the working class is going through, and she’s not going to bend to corporate lobbyists or toe a moderate line.”
  • Candidate Valerie Thomason: “I’ve been a member of the Las Vegas DSA for a long time. I am incredibly proud of the work we’ve done together and of the things this organization has accomplished. I believe that this is another step towards building real power for working class people in Las Vegas and I am thrilled to not only be endorsed but to work together towards this future.”

Editorial note: The Las Vegas chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America may be short-handed as “LVDSA”, “Las Vegas DSA”, or “Las Vegas Democratic Socialists”.

the logo of Red Fault -- Austin DSA

Musicians, Culture Workers Boycott SXSW for Platforming Genociders

South by South-Which Side Are You On?

by Gumbo V.

Over two dozen artists who were scheduled to perform at South by Southwest in Austin, TX have announced that they are boycotting the festival in solidarity with Palestine and in protest of SXSW’s ties to military contractors. The artists include Squirrel Flower, Eliza McLamb, Proper, TC_Superstar, Mamalarky, The Curls, and many others, as well as author Dr. Devon Price.

The boycott announcements began flooding social media on Tuesday, 5 March 2024, just days before the festival was scheduled to kick off. The day before, the United Musicians and Allied Workers, a non-profit organization consisting of musicians and fellow travelers struggling for better pay and working conditions, announced their own demands of SXSW in solidarity with the Austin for Palestine Coalition’s  “War Mongers out of SXSW” campaign. The Austin for Palestine Coalition consists of Austin-based organizations including Austin Democratic Socialists of America, the Party for Socialism and Liberation – Austin, Jewish Voice for Peace – Austin, the Palestine Solidarity Committee at UT Austin, and Austin With Palestine.

Austin for Palestine Coalition’s “War Mongers out of SXSW” campaign began on 21 February 2024 with an instagram post articulating a list of demands and a call to action:

We are protesting the inclusion of Raytheon (RTX), its subsidiary Collins Aerospace, and BAE Systems at the South By Southwest festivals and conference. Raytheon (RTX) manufactures missiles, bombs, and other weapon systems for the Israeli military to use against Palestinians. Collins Aerospace provides crucial components for military aircraft used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). BAE Systems has supplied weapons and equipment used in the occupation of Palestinian territories. We urge that SXSW take the following actions:

We are protesting the inclusion of Raytheon (RTX), its subsidiary Collins Aerospace, and BAE Systems at the South By Southwest festivals and conference. Raytheon (RTX) manufactures missiles, bombs, and other weapon systems for the Israeli military to use against Palestinians. Collins Aerospace provides crucial components for military aircraft used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). BAE Systems has supplied weapons and equipment used in the occupation of Palestinian territories. We urge that SXSW take the following actions:

1. Disinvite Raytheon, Collins Aerospace, and BAE Systems from the festival
2. Reevaluate the inclusion of agencies in the Department of Defense in events and discussions hosted by the festival.
3. Use its platform to raise awareness about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and advocate for peace, justice, and the protection of human rights.

Logo for the South by Southwest boycott campaign reading "War Profiteers Out Of SXSW"

The campaign began as a targeted email campaign directed towards the SXSW board of executives, including Co-President and Chief Programming Officer Hugh Forrest, Co-President and Chief Brand Officer Jann Basket, Chief Logistics Officer Michele Flores, Vice President of Film & TV Claudette Godfrey, and Chief Culture & People Officer Autumn Nicole Amuesca.

A material analysis of the festival’s conditions included understanding whose labor SXSW profits from, and how that labor might be wielded to amplify demands. Members of the Austin for Palestine Coalition representing Austin DSA and the Austin chapter of the Party for Socialism and Liberation thus reached out to United Musicians and Allied Workers and the Austin Federation of Musicians local 433 to determine how organized labor could stand in solidarity with Palestinian liberation.

This is far from the first time that artists have protested SXSW. Just last year, UMAW and AFM 433 began their Fair Pay for Fair Play at SXSW campaign due to stagnant pay rates for artists for over a decade. The stakes are even higher in 2024, as the entire world watches a genocide be livestreamed in real time and the companies that manufacture weapons to perpetuate it are invited to speak about their “innovations” at SXSW’s opening Startup Crawl on 8 March. In April 2021, SXSW was acquired by mass media conglomerate Penske Media Corporation, and the organized labor behind SXSW’s cultural legacy have drawn direct connections between the corporatization of SXSW, the festival’s refusal to pay artists a fair wage and provide labor protections, and its platforming of genocidal military-industrial companies.

Penske Media Corporation (PMC) is owned by founder Jay Penske, heir to father, Roger Penske’s, transportation company Penske Corporation, Inc. known for its truck rentals service and racing investments. Jay Penske has been compared to Rupert Murdoch and William Randolph Hearst for his amassing of media holdings, including Rolling Stone, Variety Magazine, Deadline, IndieWire, and over two dozen other brands. The comparison is especially prescient as both media moguls are notorious for their mass accumulation of capital at the direct expense of their workers, Murdoch for his forced displacement of the working class Wapping neighborhood of London and Randolph Hearst for being the target of the 1899 Newsies Strike

There is no small irony in the corporatization of South by Southwest. The shift towards being a “capitalist carnival for the young and energetic” has been decried for many years and is part and parcel with Austin’s rise as the so-called Silicon Valley of the South. Regardless of its corporatization, however, one is left to wonder: what place do military contractors and the U.S. Department of Defense have at a music and film festival?

As stated above, the musicians’, cultural laborers’, and Austin for Palestine Coalition’s demands are quite simple:

  1. Remove and deplatform the companies with public and explicit ties to the Israeli genocide in Gaza;
  2. Reflect on what the festival has become such that the U.S Army, DoD, CIA, NSA, and many others have decided to make it a vessel for cultural warfare; and
  3. Use the global platform of SXSW for moral and material good

To contact that SXSW board with these demands at the click of a button, please visit:
For more information about the Austin for Palestine Coalition, please visit and come to the Falasteen Street Museum during SXSW outside of Austin City Hall from 5pm-9pm on 8-10 March and 15-17 March!

The post Musicians, Culture Workers Boycott SXSW for Platforming Genociders first appeared on Red Fault.

the logo of Red Fault -- Austin DSA

José Garza Wins Overwhelming 2:1 Victory in DA RaceWorking Class Ally Thumps Proxy for the Right

by Sara G.

Tuesday night, we celebrated. At Hotel Vegas, as a live band played, we ate tacos and toasted democracy. The crowd chanted “four more years” as our District Attorney José Garza took the stage for his acceptance speech upon winning reelection with a remarkable 33% lead.

Jose Garza speaks during 2024 primary celebration with wife Kate
Jose Garza speaks during 2024 primary celebration with wife Kate

José campaigned on supporting survivors of sexual assault, prosecuting wage theft and abusive cops, and offering community-based justice solutions. His opponent Jeremy Sylestine didn’t speak about the issues, but a dark money group from Dallas called Saving Austin spoke for him. Fearmongering mailers featuring a dark hand clasped over a child’s mouth were sent to the most progressive districts in Austin. A group of bikers from Pflugerville followed volunteers for José from house to house to intimidate them on Sylestine’s behalf, much like they did during council member Mackenzie Kelly’s 2020 campaign. Silicon Valley billionaires donated heavily to Sylestine, and conservative media celebrities like Joe Rogan, Bari Weiss, and Libs of TikTok threw their weight behind his campaign. Austin’s most famous proponent of the Great Replacement Theory, Elon Musk, even tweeted his support, only to delete the tweet in shame once he saw the results. In total, Sylestine raised over $1.2 million compared to José Garza’s $200,000.

On José’s side, we had the power of people. José has a strong labor background, serving as  Executive Director of the Workers Defense Project and working with the Department of Labor and the NLRB. He received strong endorsements from local labor unions. Volunteers from our chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, labor unions, University Democrats and other community groups all pitched in to spread the message of how crime has decreased with José Garza as DA. In one weekend, DSA knocked on over 1,400 doors for José. Where they had the money, we had the people.

Together we have proven that you can run as an open socialist, you can have all of the money of Silicon Valley, local billionaire elites and national right wing demagogues against you, and you can win. By building a mass movement from the bottom up, we can take on any opponent.

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José Garza Wins Overwhelming 2:1 Victory in DA Race

Working Class Ally Thumps Proxy for the Right
first appeared on Red Fault.

the logo of Northeast Tennessee DSA

Monthly General Meetings – Now the FINAL Wednesday of Each Month!

In order better to accommodate some of our members’ schedules, we have moved our monthly general meetings to the final Wednesday of each month. That means our March general meeting, open to members and non-members alike, will take place on March 27th. The time and place for the meetings will remain unchanged: 6:30PM at the Appalachian Liberation Library (419 W Market St in Johnson City) or by Zoom ( See you there!

the logo of Washington Socialist - Metro DC DSA