American Hospitals: Healing A Broken System

Join us for a free film screening of American Hospitals—Healing a Broken System Thursday, September 21st at 7pm! The film will be followed by a panel discussion led by Dr. Mary Owen.
One of the most striking examples of health disparities in the United States is the unequal distribution of healthcare resources. Health disparities refer to the differences in health outcomes among different groups of people, often based on factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.
This film illustrates how corporations have transformed American hospitals into profit maximizers instead of serving to improve the health of the community. American Hospitals will provide valuable insights into this critical issue - and, you will also have the opportunity to connect with others who share your passion for improving access to healthcare for all!
Mark your calendars and join us for an inspiring evening of film and discussion!

Chuck Collins | Altar to an Erupting Sun

Tenant Testimony: Cindy, 65 years old, Siegel Suites
Cindy is 65 years old, disabled, and lives on the third floor of a Siegel Suites apartment complex with a broken elevator. Due to her disability, the broken elevator makes it impossible for her to bring groceries up to her apartment or do laundry without help. Her rent of $1800+ per month makes it difficult for her to save up and find a new place to live. Siegel Suites preys on their tenants, trapping them with high rents while ignoring basic repairs and maintenance.
We’re collecting stories from tenants about their living situations and predatory landlords. Have a story you’d like to share? Fill out our tenant incident report form.
Want to get involved in our housing justice work? Join us for our next meeting September 12th @ 6pm.

Our September Meeting, This Sunday the 10th!
Join us for our monthly meeting and coffee hour! Non-members, both socialist and socialist-curious are encouraged to attend. Our first hour is dedicated to chapter business, with committee reports, updates, announcements, and other chapter news. Then at 5 pm we break for a more free flowing discussion or presentation.
This month, a representative from LEAN (Law Enforcement Accountability Network) will discuss an important case concerning racial justice in our city. Coffee and treats served!

Pride Fest, Pride Parade and The Labor Parade
This was an exhausting weekend. Super hot too. But we made tons of new community connections at the all day Saturday Pride Festival, and our button making station was a big hit. We had a good playlist that we blasted from our PA during the Sunday Pride Parade, and for Labor Day we narrowed it down to three solid labor songs.
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Sarah demonstrates our button making station. People could choose from our designs, or they could draw one of their own (popular with kids).

Swag Shop!
The good folks at Worx have put together a beginner swag shop for us. Worx is a union cooperative, and they offer print-on-demand custom branded swag, union printed with a bug. A beginner store is 3 items. We went for the t-shirt in both regular and femme cut, and the hoodie. They threw in a tote bag as well. Additional items will include a set-up fee, but the hosting is free. We make no profit from the swag, so it all goes to the workers. Click on the image to see the store.

A New Chapter in Accessibility: MDC DSA commits to hybrid GBMs

2023 DSA National Convention Retrospective: ‘The Point, However, Is to Change It'