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Chapter And Verse: Ohio Statewide Organizing Protects Abortion Rights

This issue’s spotlight is on our Ohio chapters, which organized together throughout 2023 for a major abortion rights win in a battleground state. Throughout the spring and summer, our Ohio chapters took a strong stand against a measure which would have made all future ballot initiative work in the state impossible — and defeated it!…

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From The National Director — Our Task This New Year

Biden just recently bypassed Congress to rush 14,000 tank shells to Israel and AIPAC pledges to take out the Squad. Meanwhile, Trump boasts openly of his plans to invoke the Insurrection Act and become a dictator. What is a democratic socialist organization to do less than a year before the presidential election? DSA operates on…

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Winning In Hard Times – Building A Brighter Future In The New Year

DSA members are serious about building working class power. That’s why, at this year’s National Convention, DSA members voted to create full-time, paid positions for two political leadership positions – National Co-Chairs! Meet Ashik and Megan, your new National Co-Chairs, and hear how DSA committees, chapters, and campaigns had wins in hard times during 2023,…

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the logo of Twin Cities DSA
the logo of Twin Cities DSA

The Problem With PACs and Non-Profits

In a discussion with a former Executive Director of Take Action MN, he explained some of the problems they run into as a liberal non-profit. Take Action will submit a funding request to a foundation or rich person outlining what the project is and what the budget is. Quite often the entity will respond by […]
the logo of Twin Cities DSA

What Meaning Will We Give the New State Flag?

Flags, like any symbol, do not really have meaning crafted into them by default. They are imbued with meaning from the actions and narratives that are made to associate with them. Sure the current Minnesota flag has pretty un-abstract designs of colonialism imprinted directly on it but its significance and meaning comes from it flying […]
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Toward a Twin Cities DSA Ready to Govern

2024 is going to be another pivotal election year. During a federal presidential election, the discourse on electoralism at all levels will be in full swing across the wider left and across our own organization. With this discourse we must ask ourselves, what does it mean for Twin Cities DSA to take electoral power? Is […]
the logo of Twin Cities DSA

We Are Essential Workers

Over the past year, one of the largest organizing campaigns in the country has been the effort to organize Delta Airlines. Members of Twin Cities DSA will be familiar with this campaign, as many have joined rallies in solidarity with these workers as they seek to organize over 45,000 workers at the only U.S.-based mainline […]

the logo of Twin Cities DSA