November 30th, 2021 Runoff Voter Guide
Thank you for using our 2021 municipal voter guide for the Nov. 30th runoff elections! This guide was written by the Atlanta DSA Electoral Committee and is limited in scope to address the Atlanta elections for Mayor and City Council. Authors approached writing this guide with socialist values and a progressive, pragmatic lens. We see this as an opportunity to share information with fellow Atlanta DSA members, Atlanta voters, and other community members about the central questions shaping Atlanta politics.
Key issues that resurface throughout this voter guide include the vote to clear-cut the South Atlanta forest and build an 85-acre, $90 million Cop City, the long-running campaign to close the Atlanta City Detention Center (ACDC), and grassroots efforts to defund the Atlanta Police Department, including the Rayshard Brooks Bill and the vote on the FY22 police budget. Where applicable, we assess the candidates based on their stances and votes on these topics. (Special thanks to Mainline Zine for their thorough coverage of these issues!)
Atlanta DSA’s membership votes on endorsements, and we only campaign for endorsed candidates. However, many people already plan on voting and want guidance from a socialist perspective. Where we can, we provide assessments of candidates and identify those we believe are likely to cause the least harm. These assessments come from Atlanta DSA’s Electoral Committee, not the entire Atlanta DSA chapter.
Read the Full Guide Here:
Read our original November 2 2021 Voter Guide here.
Updated November 18, 2021

Vote Red Wave By October 15th [Podcast Exclusive!]

A New Deal for CUNY: A Collective Demonstration of Union Power

PRESS RELEASE: Rally for #ReleasesNotTransfers October 7th, 2021
October 6, 2021
Media Contact: Julia Tache, North Jersey DSA Immigrant Justice Working Group communications chair. Email: jat2167@columbia.edu , Phone: 201-707-5203.
Kearny, New Jersey– On October 7th, 2021 at 6 PM, immigrant rights activists from the North New Jersey Democratic Socialists of America and the Abolish ICE NY/NJ coalition will be rallying outside of the Hudson County Detention Center to demand releases not transfers for those currently detained by ICE. Although contracts with ICE have been canceled across the state, the fight is far from over.
“We demand the release of all immigrant detainees at Hudson County Correctional Center prior to the scheduled November 1 end of ICE detention. It is unconscionable that the long-awaited end of ICE detention in Hudson County would lead to the cruelty of forced transfers,” said Brett Robertson, an organizer with both the Immigrant Justice Working Group of the North Jersey Democratic Socialists of America and the Abolish Ice New York New Jersey Coalition.
Approximately 34 people are currently in Hudson County detention. There are plans for the center to be “depopulated” by November 1st. Individuals were only given TEN days to submit a release request by October 4th, which will be reviewed by several ICE offices. Talia Peleg, Associate Professor of Law at CUNY, characterizes Hudson’s release request process as “manifestly unjust. The process is opaque; ICE rarely provides a decision on release requests (or at best, a cursory decision) and there is no mechanism through which an individual can appeal a denial.” Folks who are not released will be transferred to Orange County. We demand ALL those in detention be released back to their families and communities. The pandemic continues to wage war on those in close quarters in ICE facilities, which are notorious for inhumane and unsafe conditions. Our communities are far from “safe” if folks continue to live in fear that ICE will tear their families apart and those imprisoned face awful treatment and isolation.
Releasing everyone is the right thing to do, a widely popular policy that immigrant justice activists have been demanding for ages. Both New Jersey Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez wrote a letter in support of releases from Hudson. We reside on colonized and occupied Lenape land and any declaration that deems people “illegal” is illegitimate. There will be representatives and speakers from the immigrant community as well as testimonies from folks in detention at this event.
The North Jersey and New York City community is invited to join this action and show support for releases from ICE detention and immigrant rights!
The post PRESS RELEASE: Rally for #ReleasesNotTransfers October 7th, 2021 first appeared on North NJ DSA.

Fighting the Good Fight for Housing Justice with Alexa Avilés
On Friday rent will be due for millions of New Yorkers. For tenants struggling to pay rent, this summer has been a roller coaster of ups and downs as hard fought for eviction moratoriums at the state and federal level have been won, overturned and finally reinstated here in New York, providing crucial protections until Jan 15, 2022. Today we will talk with NYC-DSA endorsed candidate and democratic nominee for City Council District 38 Alexa Avilés about why she was arrested earlier this summer fighting for housing justice, what caused New York City's housing crisis in the first place, and what her housing priorities are once she becomes a member of city council next year.
For more info follow the Housing Justice for All campaign @housing4allNY on Twitter and Alexa Avilés @alexaforcouncil

"Pro Life"? That's a Lie!
"Because of my access to birth control and abortion, I was able to have my first child last year when my husband and I were financially stable enough, emotionally ready and could be the best parents we could be for him. Family planning is a human right for all birthing bodies and after experiencing childbirth I am an even stronger advocate for everyone’s right to an abortion, on demand for any reason they decide to," writes tonight's host Desiree Joy Frias.
For too long, anti-abortion forces have claimed the label of “pro-life” while passing laws and encouraging actions that cause direct harm to people’s lives and bodies. As the right-wing assault on abortion access in the United States continues to escalate, organizers in New York City are fighting back and standing up for politics that center bodily autonomy, human rights, and reproductive freedom. Hear from New York City for Abortion Rights on the local struggle to protect abortion clinics and ensure access to abortion by any means necessary.
Plus, we visit the New York Taxi Workers Alliance sit-in at City Hall to discuss another life-or-death issue: medallion debt forgiveness. Taxi workers are demanding that New York City provide adequate debt relief for drivers as soon as possible.
Follow NYC4AR on their website abortionrights.nyc or on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nycforabortionrights/. Visit https://linktr.ee/nycforabortion to sign the petition to stop clinic harassment in Cobble Hill or donate to an abortion fund in Texas. The next Cobble Hill counter-protest will be held on October 9.
The NYC-DSA Debt & Finance Working Group is calling on DSA members and allies to show up in solidarity with New York taxi workers this Friday, September 24. Learn more and RSVP at bit.ly/DSAforNYTWA.

Coulee DSA Reads: A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear
Coulee DSA’s reading group keeps trekking on! Next up on the reading list is a fun book that promises to be have more humor than most of our entries. Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling’s A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear tells the story of an attempted Libertarian utopia that, to no one’s surprise, goes awry. Check out an interview with the author here. If it sounds interesting, email us at CouleeDSA@gmail.com to get hooked up with the book club.

The post Coulee DSA Reads: A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear first appeared on Coulee DSA.