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January 5 Runoff Voter Guide

On January 5th, Georgia will be at the center of national attention for runoff races that will decide the party leadership of the United States Senate. While Metro Atlanta DSA holds no allegiance to any capitalist political party, we recognize the significance of these races and the issues at stake.

In addition to the US Senate, there is also a closely contested election for Public Service Commission, an agency which oversees utility rates, power company regulations, and access to broadband across the state.

Metro Atlanta DSA believes the working class should be informed about the workings of government, and the issues at stake in elections. Our members have worked to put together the following voter guide that discusses the races on the ballot, the significance of the offices being decided, and provides information about how to reliably and safely vote in this election.

Over the course of this runoff campaign, Metro Atlanta DSA plans to be actively organized in supporting voting rights, as well canvassing and phone banking voters about key working class issues at stake. Join MADSA if you want to be involved!

the logo of North New Jersey DSA - Press Releases

Fund People NOT Police

On Election Day, the state of New Jersey overwhelmingly voted “yes” on Public Question 1. This public question sought to legalize the possession and use of marijuana for persons age 21 and older, and legalize the cultivation, processing, and sale of retail marijuana.

We at the North New Jersey Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America initially viewed this a victory. It seemed this would provide relief for communities that have historically been targeted by cannabis criminalization by having one less aspect in which they engage with the police.

It took no time at all for NJ State Senators Steve Sweeney (D-Gloucester) and Nicholas Scutari (D-Union) to cook up a bill in which most of the tax revenue from cannabis sales would go toward subsidizing police training.

Knowing that this would be wildly unpopular, these senators made sure that the public had only three hours on a Friday night to contest this before sending the bill to a vote. Thanks to the work of activists, the vote has been postponed and we have time to fight it. 

We find this bill and these actions to be abhorrent. 

Following a summer in which there was a historic call to defund the police, it is unthinkable that our local politicians would have the gall to actually put forward a bill that would provide those same police with more funding.

We demand that the subsidies from the sales of marijuana, in the state of New Jersey, fund communities that have been ravaged by the war on drugs to fund initiatives like: 

  • public and behavioral health
  • job training
  • legal aid for civil and criminal cases
  • health education programs
  • housing assistance
  • food assistance
  • healthcare services
  • youth recreation
  • violence prevention
  • poverty mitigation
  • mentoring
  • literacy programs


North New Jersey Chapter of DSA is exponentially growing by the day, and we hope you will join us in fighting for a just bill. 

You can help us by contacting your two assembly people and your senator by phone, email, Twitter, or anyway possible. 

To enable , we will be hosting call-in day trainings on:

Friday, December 4th 7-9pm
Register for zoom link:

Sunday, December 6th, 2-4pm
Register for Zoom link:

This task can’t be conquered individually. It is in moments like these that we must UNITE! For through comradery, we achieve economic justice for all. 

In Solidarity, 

North New Jersey DSA!

The post Fund People NOT Police first appeared on North NJ DSA.

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Religion and Socialism: What Connects Us

The winter holiday season of 2020 begins this week, bringing with it opportunities for challenging and fruitful conversations about the hot topics of religion and politics. On this week’s show, we speak with members of NYC-DSA’s Religion and Socialism Working Group on how faith and spirituality blend with our socialist organizing efforts. We also hear an update from our South Brooklyn branch and Sunset Park Popular Assembly on the inhumane conditions at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center, a Federal prison in our backyard, and the organizing to demand justice for murdered inmate Jamel Floyd.

To contact the RS Working Group, you can email: or follow @ReligSocialism on Twitter or @religoussocialism on Instagram. 

RSVP for the next working group meeting

The RSWG is also co-sponsoring a Tax the Rich teach-in on Tuesday, December 1st:

For more details on the December 4th action at MDC and the demand for Justice for Jamel, follow

the logo of North New Jersey DSA - Press Releases

North NJ Democratic Socialists Join Historic Public Outcry Against ICE

For Immediate Release-
November 25th, 2020
Jake Ephros | 973-303-8129 |

North NJ Democratic Socialists Join Historic Public Outcry Against ICE
Hudson County Freeholders vote ‘YES’ on ICE contract during 12-hour public meeting

The North New Jersey Democratic Socialists of America (NNJ DSA) condemns the Hudson County Board of Freeholders for its callous indifference and dismissal of public outrage against the county’s relationship with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Following almost twelve hours of public testimony to close the Hudson County ICE Detention Center, the Hudson County Freeholders voted to renew the 10-year contract with ICE, putting profit over the value of human lives. Former ICE detainees, immigration lawyers, doctors and healthcare workers, community organizers, and faith leaders expressed absolute opposition to the renewal. This renewal is a total reversal of a 2018 commitment by County Executive Tom DeGise and other Freeholders to pull out of the contract by the end of this year.

NNJ DSA, as a coalition member of Abolish ICE NY-NJ, worked with activists and advocates to organize this historic turnout for public comment on the ICE contract renewal. Following the first nine hours of universal opposition to renewal, including testimonies of survivors of ICE detention and more, the Freeholders cut off public comments with people still in queue to speak. “Despite every single person telling Freeholders to end this contract, despite numerous immigration advocates reassuring Freeholders that ending the contract is the only right decision, and despite the trauma that detainees and the community faces from ICE, Freeholders turned their backs on their community and the detainees for nothing,” said NNJ DSA member Aissa Heath.
Several of the Freeholders argued against renewal. Freeholder William O’Dea referenced the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Freeholders Fanny Cedeño and Joel Torres also voted against the renewal, citing the number of their constituents who are immigrants. The rest of the Board voted in favor, renewing the ICE contract “for as long as permitted by law.” While all are in the Democratic Party, it’s difficult to see any difference between their policy and the current Trump administration’s war on immigrants.

North Jersey DSA particularly condemns freeholder Caridad Rodriguez for her ignorant nativism, invoking her family’s “safety” against an imaginary criminal immigrant threat, and freeholder Albert Cifelli, who hid behind purported concern for the 93 current detainees despite explicit offers of legal representation from immigration attorneys on the call. When repeatedly pressed by community members about what steps he would actually take to better the lives of those current detainees, Cifelli called the question “rhetorical” and refused to answer. “It was discouraging to hear Cifelli repeatedly lie and claim the people currently detained in Hudson want the contract to continue, ignoring direct testimony,” said Katia Oltmann of DSA, who also spoke at the meeting against the contract. NNJ DSA believes Hudson County deserves better than this shameful behavior.

Public comment re-opened after other agenda items were voted on and speakers continued to rally against the renewal for hours more until about 1:00AM. Throughout the 12-hour meeting, members of NNJ DSA, Central NJ DSA, and New York City DSA continued to express the voices of opposition. The freeholders occasionally censored the free speech of participants by banning profanity, a clear violation of the First Amendment. Several teenagers spoke of their disillusionment with politics and the Democratic Party after witnessing the travesty of a meeting. NNJ DSA applauds their courage and invites them to join in fighting for a better world. “What we saw last night was yet another example of the moral bankruptcy by those who are supposed to represent the interests of their constituency. As members of the DSA, we recognize that only through the independent political organization of the working class– formed through class struggle campaigns and direct action– can we build the mass movements capable of winning transformative demands like Abolishing ICE,” said Jorge Maldonado, co-chair of the NNJ DSA.

Currently, 93 are detained by ICE in Hudson County Correctional Center. As DeGise has been given a blank check to do as he pleases with the ICE contract, NNJ DSA will continue to fight against immigration detention in Hudson County and beyond and at the other three detention centers in our state. We will all continue to work to replace these cruel and indifferent so-called representatives of the people, and to destroy the detention and deportation machine entirely. We will not stop because no human is illegal!

The post North NJ Democratic Socialists Join Historic Public Outcry Against ICE first appeared on North NJ DSA.

the logo of Religious Socialism Podcast

Jewish Traditions of Socialism W/ Rabbi Andy Bachman

Jewish Traditions of Socialism Our latest episode of ‘Heart of a Heartless World’ is a recording of our October 26th webinar conversation between Rev. Andrew Wilkes and Rabbi Andy Bachman, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Project and former senior rabbi at Congregation Beth Elohim, about how Jewish traditions of socialism, from Martin Buber’s reflections on Utopia to the labor organizing and organic intellectuals of the early twentieth century, have helped create a political economy where workers’ dignity and decision making power is prioritized and can, going forward, inform and inspire contemporary movements of religious socialism.

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Billionaires and Fascists: Blood Red Lines ft. Brendan O'Connor

If you think the election of Joe Biden means the defeat of fascism, think again. The twenty-first century American fascist beast feeds off the monstrous rot of neoliberalism. DSA member and union organizer Brendan O’Connor joins RPM to discuss his new book, Blood Red Lines: How Nativism Fuels the Right. We also hear directly from organizers who experienced police brutality at the Black Lives Matter protests this past summer.

the logo of Religious Socialism Podcast

From Protest To Politics - A Conversation about Bayard Rustin w/ John D'Emilio

John D'Emilio joins "Heart of a Heartless World" to discuss the history of Bayard Rustin, a Quaker and democratic socialist who introduced nonviolent tactics to the civil rights movement and organized the March on Washington. After years of organizing protests, Rustin argued after Lyndon B. Johnson's election that the left needed to move "from protest to politics" and engage directly with the political system while building broad-based coalitions. In this episode John D'Emilio charts the similarities between Rustin's engagement with LBJ's administration and the left's challenge with an incoming Biden administration. John D’Emilio is a pioneer in the field of gay and lesbian studies and is professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago where he taught in the Gender and Women’s Studies Program and the Department of History. He is currently president of the board of the Gerber/Hart Library and Archives, a Chicago community-based LGBTQ history archives and cultural center. Resources: John D'Emilio, Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin (2003): Interview with John D'Emilio with Meagan Day, "Capitalism made gay identity possible. Now we must destroy capitalism." (2020): John D'Emilio, "Capitalism and Gay Identity" (1983): John D'Emilio, Queer Legacies: Stories from Chicago's LGBTQ Archives, (2020):

the logo of Religious Socialism Podcast

The End of the World, As We Know It: Faith and Ecosocialism beyond Apocalypse

Our latest episode of ‘Heart of a Heartless World’ is a recording of a webinar DSA’s NYC chapter hosted with faith leaders on how American apocalyptic thinking gets in the way building a better future, how to decolonize the apocalypse, and the potential for societal transformation through a just transition towards ecosocialism. On October 13th Ryan Felder (3rd Year MDiv at Union Theological Seminary) facilitated the panel which included Rev. Chelsea MacMillan (interfaith minister, Extinction Rebellion Activist, and co-founder Brooklyn Center for Sacred Activism), Shay O’Reily (Lutheran lay leader and climate organizer), and Nathan Albright (writer with The Flood and Catholic Worker). 
 Our next webinar discussion will feature Rev. Andrew Wilkes and Rev. Sekou, artist, author, and public theologian, in conversation about the ethical and religious streams of the Black radical tradition on Thursday, November 19th. For more information and to register:

the logo of Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Socialism Uptown and DSA on the March

On Saturday, major news networks called the Presidential election for Joe Biden after it became clear he had won the State of Pennsylvania. New Yorkers took to the streets to celebrate the defeat of President Donald Trump as much as to celebrate Biden’s victory. On tonight’s show, we’ll talk with NYC-DSA co-chair Chi Anunwa about Saturday's march as well as DSA’s organizing strategy under a Biden administration. 

We also have Ariadna Phillips from NYC-DSA’s Bronx Upper Manhattan Branch live with us to talk about DSA’s mutual aid work to feed South Bronx community members. The New York Times recently published an interview with Bronx and Queens congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after centrist democrats claimed leftist demands such as Medicare for All, a Green New Deal and defunding the police had caused the Democrats to lose races in swing states. We’ll talk with Ariadna about the necessity of such policies in her South Bronx community and more.   

To support South Bronx Mutual Aid and Undocumented Women’s Fund by volunteering, donating, or requesting assistance, please click here:

the logo of Charlotte DSA

North Carolina Demands that Every Vote be Counted!

Trump and the Far Right are doing everything they can to subvert the will of the people. We must be prepared to fight any effort to subvert the democratic will of the working class. We cannot allow the Republican party to disenfranchise people with the same Jim Crow playbook they've been using for generations in order to continue their deadly authoritarian agenda on every level of government.

Sign the pledge now to show your support for counting every vote and are willing to mobilize if any attempts are made to steal the election. Add your name now to pledge your commitment to take action to ensure that every vote is counted.

No matter what happens, we will continue to fight for democracy, Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and more. A better world is possible.

The Democratic Socialist of America Chapters of North Carolina
Asheville DSA
Charlotte Metro DSA
Greensboro DSA
Piedmont DSA
Wilmington DSA
Winston Salem DSA