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the logo of Boise DSA

Canvas and Movie Social

Date February 24th


Location: Library! at Bown Crossing, Eberle Room

Time: 12:30 PM

Join us to gather signiatures for Medicaid for Idaho!

Our state lawmakers have balked at the idea of Medicaid expansion, but the vast majority of Idaho voters say they are disappointed with the failure of the Idaho Legislature to address the Medicaid issue. A recent Boise State survey found that 70 percent of Idahoans favor legislative action to close the Medicaid gap. Medicaid expansion has enjoyed substantial support from voters in both parties. Eleven states led by Republicans have expanded Medicaid.

We can win. Last summer, when we joined the statewide conversation about the need to close Idaho’s Medicaid gap, we found widespread support all across Idaho. Today, a grassroots movement led by people in every corner of the state is taking action to expand access to affordable healthcare. We hope you’ll join this movement.

Movie + Social

Location Xanadu, Idaho Burners Alliance

Time 4 PM

We will be watching the movie 13th.

the logo of Boise DSA

General Meeting: Bylaws Passed!

Date February 21st

Location: Xanadu, Idaho Burners Alliance (5015 Bond St)

Time: 7:00 PM


  • Action: Assign Roles of Facilitator and Scribe

  • Intro to Boise DSA and Tonight's Agenda

  • Report from Denver DSA / Emily / 5 minutes

  • Medicaid for Idaho / Ashley / 10 minutes

  • Bylaws Overview / Bylaws Committee Member / 10 minutes

  • Background of Bylaws and Consensus Process / Chris and Robert

  • Action: Consensus Process to Approve Bylaws

  • March Election of Steering Committee

  • Action: Sing Solidarity Forever

  • Action: Folding Flyers and Discussion Groups

Find Boise DSA Bylaws here


Mark It Down Paste or drag and drop rich content from a webpage or a text editor in the first box (no HTML tags should be visible), then press "Convert" to convert to Markdown. Scribe-lings

Start 7:20pm

Night goal - pass bylaws. Yuup

New attendee - Josh!

Introductions and Denver DSA Report

Medicaid for Idaho 7:45pm

December meeting vote

Active! Campaign launch, one-on-one meeting with Luke, canvassing

ACA background on issue.

Sign petition

Distribute petition

Canvass - practice having conversations around issue with strangers

District 16 (Garden City) / Robert Chris

District 18 / Ashley

Levy and Bond elections March 13th. Need volunteers for 4 hour shifts

Bylaws 7:55pm

Basics, starting point

Looked at Portland and East Bay as examples (larger numbers)

Meeting Types: General (all included, decisions made), Conventions (elections, direction), and Regular (new proposals), Informational (educational, committee reports, social)

Point of Order Proxy voting - signed written message versus texted or messaged

Explanation of Schulze Condorcet.

Point of Order: Call, text, in addition to email announce general?

Facilitator training

Qualification of “Block” and

Glossary for organizing, “local” “quarter”

Roles of Spokespeople

Dave has ideas for later additions to bylaws

Bylaws passed as is 8:36pm

Organize Regional










March Special Election

Tuesday the 20th 7pm, Xanadu

Nominate beforehand?

Define Roles


Proposal: Table at Treefort. Political?

DSA Canvass for Medicaid for Idaho at Tree Fort

Pins! Other markers

Alex Speech! Community! Leadership!

Proposal: Online / digital communications

Start 7:20pm

Night goal - pass bylaws. Yuup

New attendee - Josh!

Introductions and Denver DSA Report

Medicaid for Idaho 7:45pm

December meeting vote

Active! Campaign launch, one-on-one meeting with Luke, canvassing

ACA background on issue.

  1. Sign petition

  2. Distribute petition

  3. Canvass - practice having conversations around issue with strangers

    1. District 16 (Garden City) / Robert Chris

    2. District 18 / Ashley

  4. Levy and Bond elections March 13th. Need volunteers for 4 hour shifts

Bylaws 7:55pm

Basics, starting point

Looked at Portland and East Bay as examples (larger numbers)

Meeting Types: General (all included, decisions made), Conventions (elections, direction), and Regular (new proposals), Informational (educational, committee reports, social)

Point of Order Proxy voting - signed written message versus texted or messaged

Explanation of Schulze Condorcet.

Point of Order: Call, text, in addition to email announce general?

Facilitator training

Qualification of “Block” and

Glossary for organizing, “local” “quarter”

Roles of Spokespeople

Dave has ideas for later additions to bylaws

Bylaws passed as is 8:36pm

Organize Regional










March Special Election

Tuesday the 20th 7pm, Xanadu

Nominate beforehand?

Define Roles


Proposal: Table at Treefort. Political?

DSA Canvass for Medicaid for Idaho at Tree Fort

Pins! Other markers

Alex Speech! Community! Leadership!

Proposal: Online / digital communications

the logo of Long Beach DSA

the logo of Religious Socialism Podcast

Avi Garelick on Gentrification, BDS and the Jewish Concept of Redemption

Avi Garelick wears many hats: he runs a Hebrew school associated with the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York city, he is active in Northern Manhattan is Not For Sale, an anti-gentrification group focused on Washington Heights and Inwood, and he's a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. In this interview, Garelick describes participating in a rent strike when his landlord turned off the heat, how his socialist philosophy informs his role as a manager at his job and how the Jewish concept of redemption guides his social justice activism. Photo by Noah Benus.

the logo of Snohomish County DSA


We are the Snohomish County chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America

Logo of the Everett Democratic Socialists of America, December 2017.

Everett DSA is a local of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). We are a political and activist organization, not a party; through campus and community-based chapters DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people.

The Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in the United States, founded originally in 1982. DSA’s members are building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in American communities and politics.

At the root of our socialism is a profound commitment to democracy, as means and end. As we are unlikely to see an immediate end to capitalism tomorrow, DSA fights for reforms today that will weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of working people. For example, we support reforms that:

  • decrease the influence of money in politics
  • empower ordinary people in workplaces and the economy
  • restructure gender and cultural relationships to be more equitable.

We are activists committed to democracy as not simply one of our political values but our means of restructuring society. Our vision is of a society in which people have a real voice in the choices and relationships that affect the entirety of our lives. We call this vision democratic socialism — a vision of a more free, democratic and humane society.

You can find us on Twitter and Facebook.

the logo of Boise DSA

the logo of Boise DSA

NSP Reading Series: ABC's of Socialism

Date January 20th

Location: Boise State University, Student Union, Farnsworth Room

Time: 4:00 PM

Join Boise DSA and NSP for the ABC's of Socialism!

Find a digital copy here

There's no way to be informed without devoting effort to the task, whether we have in mind what's happening in the world, physics, major league baseball, or anything else. Understanding doesn't come free. It's true that the task is somewhere between awfully difficult and utterly hopeless for an isolated individual. But it's feasible for anyone who is part of a cooperative community...a community — an organization — can be a basis for action, and while understanding the world may be good for the soul (not meant to be disparaging), it doesn't help anyone else, or oneself very much either for that matter, unless it leads to action.

  • Noam Chomsky

the logo of Religious Socialism Podcast

Why Dr. Debbie Almontaser finds being called a "moderate Muslim" offensive

Dr. Debbie Almontaser is a Yemeni-American and Muslim community leader and activist, founder of the Bridging Cultures Group and the Khalil Gibran International Academy, a New York public school with an English and Arabic bi-lingual program. Almontaser discusses growing up in a largely white neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, rediscovering her Muslim faith in her 20s and making the decision to wear the hijab, the controversy that led to her resigning as head of Khalil Gibran Academy, and winning her ensuing wrongful termination lawsuit against the Department of Education. She also discusses how the aftermath of 9/11 prepared the Muslim community for the election of Donald Trump, and why she finds being called a "moderate Muslim" offensive. Photo cred from Twitter.

the logo of West Suburban Illinois DSA

the logo of Religious Socialism Podcast

"Capitalism has a spiritual formation plan" —Rev. Andrew Wilkes

A conversation with Reverend Andrew Wilkes, a an African Methodist Episcopal pastor of young adults and social justice and leader in a black Christian community in Jamaica, Queens. Unlike some of our interviewees, Rev. Wilkes identifies as a democratic socialist, and has spent a lot of time working out those principles with his faith. He discusses why socialism is a theological commitment, what democratic socialist policies could look like in practice, why leftist politics has a race problem — and why joy is the most important feeling of Christianity. Photo cred: Huffpost.