One Struggle with Joel Brooks and North New Jersey DSA
We may be across a “state” line from each other, but organizers in New York and New Jersey know what unites us is much more than what divides us. On tonight’s show, we’re joined live by our comrades from North New Jersey DSA to discuss their chapter’s organizing to abolish ICE and close immigrant detention facilities, conduct mutual aid and harm reduction work with their communities, and elect socialist and union leader Joel Brooks to City Council in Jersey City.
To learn more about Joel Brooks’ campaign for City Council, visit https://www.joelbrooksforjerseycity.com/ or follow @VoteJoelBrooks.
You can reach out the North New Jersey Mutual Aid Working Group at: nnjmutualaidwg@gmail.com or contribute to their fundraiser for the Ramapough Lunaape Turtle Clan’s Munsee Three Sisters Medicine Farm in Newton, NJ: https://www.gofundme.com/f/RLsolidarity
Click here to learn more about the North New Jersey Immigrant Justice Working Group: https://linktr.ee/ImmigrationNNJ
To learn more about North New Jersey DSA, visit https://north.dsanj.org/ or follow @NorthNJDSA.

INTERVIEW: DSA's Internationalist Experiment

Fascists Bound to Lose
“I'm gonna tell all you fascists, you may be surprised/ People all over this world are getting organized”
Legendary folk singer Woody Guthrie wrote those words in 1944 and here in 2021 they ring truer than ever. The far-right is on the rise globally and socialists, communists, feminists, anarchists, and unionists are joining forces to fight back. Join Revolutions per Minute host Amy Wilson for an hour of antifascist story and song, featuring recordings from the DSA National Antifascist Working Group introductory call on July 11. We’ll hear from DSA members from Long Island, Chicago, Kansas City, Houston, and Portland on what they’ve done to build antifascist response in their community and the lessons they’ve learned. We also hear classic antifascist folk songs recorded specially for Revolutions per Minute.
To learn more about the DSA National Antifascist Working Group, please visit https://www.dsausa.org/working-groups/anti-fascist-working-group/ or follow @DSAAntifascist on Twitter.
Special credits for this episode go to Rob G for audio production, SAREEN for audio composition, and Dan Wyman of Sing in Solidarity, NYC-DSA’s music working group, for musical performance. We send our thanks as well to comrades who participated in this episode who would prefer to stay anonymous, and all those organizing to oppose the rise of fascism where they are.

Coulee DSA Potluck 7/25
Coulee DSA cares about creating a connection amongst our members, where we can form bonds that uplift one another, and our greater community. And there is no better way to build connections than spending time with one another!

Come join Coulee DSA for a late afternoon potluck at Chad Erickson Park, Sunday July 25th at 4 PM! (Facebook event here) It’s been a long year, and we hope that relaxed time together outside and with a good meal will help us connect!
CDSA will be providing the main course (vegetarian options also available) and we’d love for members and friends to bring sides, sweet treats, and drinks to share, as they are able.
If you have questions about the event, or upcoming socials and service activities through Coulee DSA, e-mail couleedsa@gmail.com
The post Coulee DSA Potluck 7/25 first appeared on Coulee DSA.

Rust Belt Socialism on the Rise
On June 22, the name India Walton skyrocketed into the mainstream after the DSA-endorsed candidate won the democratic primary for the Mayor of Buffalo. Walton was endorsed by Buffalo DSA and National DSA, as well as the DSA slate in Albany. When elected in November she will be the first socialist Mayor of a large city since 1960, but she joins a number of socialist, like Pennsylvania Representative Summer Lee, who are winning elections in the rust belt. Today we'll be joined by Steven Jackson from Buffalo DSA to talk about India Walton’s incredible victory and the rise of socialism in the rust belt.
Follow Buffalo DSA on Twitter at @BuffaloDSA and on Instagram and Facebook
Visit www.IndiaWalton.com to support India's campaign
Join the Gas Bill Strike against National Grid's North Brooklyn Pipeline at www.nonbkpipeline.org/strike

DSA Big Big Newark July Weekend
Thursday, July 8th, 2021, Newark NJ
This weekend in Newark, the North New Jersey Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) will be kicking off a very socialist summer. Local DSA members and their comrades will be leading a host of events across the city on Saturday, July 10th, and Sunday, July 11th. Between political education discussions and rallies, to tenant organizing and mutual aid, we’re painting Newark red. Here’s what’s going on, and how to get involved:
Friday, July 9th
Start the weekend off early and join our #FreeThemAll phonezap, hosted by DSA organizers and coalition partners across New Jersey and New York. Build up to Sunday’s immigration justice rally by targeting the politicians that allow ICE detention to continue in NJ jails. 12:00pm over Zoom.
Saturday, Juy 10th
North NJ DSA member and Newark activist, Chigozie Onyema, is kicking off his candidacy to represent the West Ward in Newark’s City Council! The campaign launch will be from 12:00pm to 2:00pm at Akwaaba Gallery.
And our Caucus of Rank-and-file Education Workers (CREW) is meeting to discuss getting cops out of schools. Join teachers and organizers in Branch Brook Park from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
Sunday, July 11th
At noon on Sunday the 11th, DSA is organizing a rally with the Abolish ICE NY-NJ coalition to demand releases, not transfers, of people from ICE detention. While the state legislature approved a bill to ban future ICE contracts, the current ICE jails in NJ are dangerously transferring people to other detention centers around the country. Join us in the fight to unite the working class against the racism and nationalism of our borders! 12:00pm at the Rodino Federal Building.
Meanwhile, our housing justice working group continues its efforts to build a tenants union and confront the landlord of Ivy Hill Apartments, which is the largest, privately owned housing complex in the state. It is rife with building issues like rodents and roaches, security issues, and tenant harassment by management, including illegal evictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. DSA is joining with Homes for All Newark, Brick City Mutual Aid, and Newark Water Coalition to canvass the buildings, distribute know your rights materials, get tenants to sign a petition, and join an organizing committee. Join us at 1:00pm!
And Brick City Mutual Aid will be conducting its regular monthly food and resource share at Peter Francisco Park! We share food, water, hygiene, and self care products unconditionally with the community as well as engage people on issues happening in and around the city. On our tables you can also find water from Newark Water Coalition, Naloxone kits and fentanyl test strips, zines on police abolition, tenant’s and immigrant’s rights, where to get vaccinated and more. Come say what’s up on the second Sunday of every month. 12:00pm to 2:00pm.
Newark has long been home to radical thinking, activism, and community organizing. The North NJ DSA is grateful to play a part in this legacy today, learn from the Newark community, and grow the movement for democratic socialism together. Next weekend is just the start to what will be another summer of socialism! With so much going on, stay up-to-date by following @NorthNJDSA on Twitter and @north_nj_dsa on Instagram.
The post DSA Big Big Newark July Weekend first appeared on North NJ DSA.

Democratic Socialists to Host Action-Packed Weekend in Newark
Insider NJ July 8, 2021, 2:01 pm
NEWARK — This weekend in Newark, the North New Jersey Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) will be kicking off a very socialist summer. Local DSA members and their comrades will be leading a host of events across the city on Saturday, July 10th, and Sunday, July 11th. Between political education discussions and rallies, to tenant organizing and mutual aid, we’re painting Newark red. Here’s what’s going on, and how to get involved:…..
The post Democratic Socialists to Host Action-Packed Weekend in Newark first appeared on North NJ DSA.

We Who Believe In Freedom
In the words of civil rights giant Ella Baker, “Until the killing of black men, black mothers' sons, becomes as important to the rest of the country as the killing of a white mother's son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest until this happens.”
As the summer of 2021 continues to heat up, reactionaries and conservatives are escalating their assault on our struggle for multi-racial working-class liberation -- but socialists are continuing to fight back and rack up gains. On tonight’s show, we’ll speak to members of Suffolk County DSA about the recent election of DSA member Colin Palmer to the Riverhead Central District school board and how school boards are a crucial front for community control and democracy. We’ll also hear from the DSA’s new National Antifascist Working Group which is working to connect anti-fascists and anti-racists across the country.
RSVP for the AFWG introduction call on July 11 here: https://dsausa.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uOOnljlAR0mn7UzUHlv83Q. Follow the working group on Twitter at @DSAAntifascist or subscribe to their mailing list: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/national-dsa-antifascist-working-group-mailing-list-registration
Follow along with Suffolk DSA’s efforts to organize for socialism in the suburbs on Twitter @SuffolkDSA or at suffolkdsa.org. Follow Colin Palmer, Riverhead Central School District board Trustee and the first democratic socialist elected in Suffolk County, at @CJTPalmerEsq.

CouleeDSA’s Next Reading: Under A White Sky
Are you suffering from chronic anxiety as our planet burns around us while our politicians act without any sense of urgency? Coulee DSA book club has the book for you!
The reading group is starting a new book, Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future by Elizabeth Kolbert. The book focuses on the climate crisis and how much damage has already been done, as well as the cutting edge of technology and geoengineering that will be necessary if human civilization as we know it will survive.
The group is now meeting on Thursday nights at 7 PM online. Next Thursday, July 8th will be the first night with reading from the new book.
If you are interested in hearing more, email us at couleeDSA@gmail.com. We are looking for feedback on possible barriers to participation. If you don’t like our book selections, or don’t feel invited to participate for any other reason, please reach out to us. We will keep your information confidential.

The post CouleeDSA’s Next Reading: Under A White Sky first appeared on Coulee DSA.