Becoming More Powerful than the Boss with Claire Valdez
Tonight, we’re talking to Claire Valdez, a NYC-DSA endorsed candidate for Assembly District 37 in Queens about what being endorsed by NYC-DSA and UAW Region 9A means to her, how she plans to bring her union organizing experience of becoming ‘more powerful than the boss’ to the halls of power in Albany and much more.
There are currently 8 socialists endorsed by NYC-DSA serving in Albany in the Senate and Assembly. If electoral organizers get their way- that number could be 11 next year - the largest socialist block ever elected in New York.
NYC-DSA has voted to endorse three new-insurgent candidates this year- Claire in Queens, Eon Huntley in Brooklyn and Jonathan Soto in the Bronx.
As we do every year, we will talk to all of the new-dsa endorsed candidates here on Revolutions Per Minute and tonight is the first in that series of interviews with the NYC-DSA’s 2024 slate. So stick around to hear from Claire, a union organizer running for Assembly District 37 in Queens - stretching from Long Island City, Sunnyside and Maspeth to Ridgewood.
To learn more visit https://claireforqueens.com/ and to sign up for a canvassing shift https://claireforqueens.com/events/

Nitehawk Workers Union

Should the DC left fear ranked choice voting or semi-open primaries?

DSA's National Campaign for Trans Rights & Bodily Autonomy
This past weekend, DSA held their inaugural kickoff for their new nationwide campaign for Trans Rights & Bodily Autonomy. Spearheaded by the Trans Rights and Bodily Autonomy Campaign Commission, DSA will mobilize the organization’s tens of thousands of members across 150+ chapters across the country, not only to combat the advances of the far-right and their systematic attempt at every level of government to remove trans people from public life & restrict access to abortion, but also to advance a positive vision of queer liberation that protects queer spaces, our rights as workers, students & educators, and as human beings. Tonight, we will hear from Genevieve, joining us from Ithaca, NY and one of the leaders of this organization-wide project, to break down all the pieces of this ambitious campaign, how DSA will rise to fight the far-right, and why the struggle for trans rights & bodily autonomy is a struggle for the whole working class.
Join DSA's Trans Rights & Bodily Autonomy Campaign Commission: https://airtable.com/appxkhakxWCUXVVqO/pag9jCfy3jpsn74do/form
Support Tech Guild Workers organizing for trans rights at The New York Times:

Member Meetup: Democracy Social Discussion Group
Is the United States a democracy? What steps could we make today to improve democracy here? What will potential roadblocks be, and how do we overcome them to achieve a society that works for instead of against the working class? Join the Education Committee’s Democracy Social Discussion Group for a series of informal discussions about [...]
Read More... from Member Meetup: Democracy Social Discussion Group
The post Member Meetup: Democracy Social Discussion Group appeared first on Democratic Socialists of America | San Diego Chapter.

How Do I Utilize An HGO
When you are having trouble navigating relationships and dynamics or whether you have a grievance you wish to file, an HGO can help you. HGOs serve a specialized role with Central NJ DSA. If you feel you need an HGO to help with a topic you are facing please do reach out as soon as possible. You can reach an HGO through this form or by emailing HGO@central.dsanj.org.
A HGO will help you in a compassionate and professional manner navigate tough obstacles and can be used to help further difficult communication amongst a set of people or a group.
Obstacle: You just joined the chapter and you don’t feel like you are communicating well with others or relating.
Action: An HGO will reach out to you and do a basic intake for your needs. After discussing the obstacles you face, a restorative approach plan will be made, and accountability guidelines will be set. Accountability is not always a tricky thing and could mean setting goals.
Follow-ups: Follow ups will be scheduled for the original obstacle brought forward, and ways to measure the change from previous conversations will be used. This may look like counting how many committee meetings you have attended and how many comrades you have spoken to. It could also mean group accountability, where a group of people have to be involved. (It takes a commune is true here!)
Obstacle: I feel like I said something to harsh
Action: An HGO will reach out to you and do a primary intake for your needs. After discussing the obstacles you face, a restorative approach plan will be made, We will explore together the language used and the tones expressed. Depending on what was said, harm may have been done. A plan will be in place to reach out to all parties involved and mediation would be offered. There is no shame in making a mistake if one occurs. If mediation is turned down another approach would be enacted.
Follow-ups: Follow ups will be scheduled for the original obstacle brought forward, and ways to measure the change from previous conversations will be used. This could be a further mediation session or a follow-up on resources provided to ensure this does not affect people like it previously did, and if behavior needs to change, a progress update on feedback will occur.
Contacting and HGO does not mean harm was done and that is often assumed. HGOs serve a valuable role in helping comrades navigate dynamics. Every case a HGO handles is unique and must be cared for in that nature. There is no easy solution to an HGO case and you can rest assured that your approach will be tailored to your needs and the community at large. You have a voice in how your case is handled.
The post How Do I Utilize An HGO appeared first on Central NJ DSA.

A call to DSA comrades: stand in solidarity with Rojava!
Since October, Turkey has ramped up its attacks on North-East Syria. Increasingly, they are targeting civilians and their infrastructure, especially with the striking of power plants, hospitals, grain silos and water stations. These attacks are blatant violations of the Geneva Conventions and signify a total disregard for human life. The damage has been so devastating that half of all civilian infrastructure there is now destroyed.
Rojava is the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria (DAANES), a society which adheres to the libertarian socialist principles emphasized in Abdullah Öcalan’s ideology of democratic confederalism. They have enshrined women’s equality through active female participation in all scores of democratic and organizational life. Rojava is a movement fighting for self-determination, cooperative economy, social ecology and against the ultranationalist, far-right government of Turkey and Islamic State forces in the region.
We demand that our DSA-member United States Representatives, especially Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib respect the will of the people of Rojava and vote to keep U.S. troops on the ground in North-East Syria, which are vital in maintaining suppression of IS forces and preventing further Turkish advancements. This is not a call for U.S. occupation of North-East Syria, or indefinite deployment of U.S. troops there; we desire that the U.S. retain existing support for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) until Turkey and its militia affiliates withdraw from the Afrin region and commit to no further aggression to Rojava and its people. Moreover, we ask of our public officials that the U.S place Economic and Political Sanctions on the far-right leadership of Turkey, put an end to the sale and delivery of weapons to Turkey which is being used in a genocide against the Kurdish people and insist upon Rojava being given a seat at the Syrian peace negotiations.
Further, we demand the U.S. back out of the $20 billion F-16s deal with Turkey. We urgently call on DSA and YDSA chapters across the U.S. to combine their support for this petition and stand in solidarity with the revolution in Rojava. Solidarity forever!
#RiseUp4Rojava #WomenDefendRojava #SmashTurkishFascism
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Lawrence University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at UW-Madison
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Marquette University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Princeton University
Libertarian Socialist Caucus of the Democratic Socialists of America
Young Democratic Socialists of America at UC-Merced
Democratic Socialists of America Metro Detroit
(this petition will be updated when more YDSA/DSA chapters sign on using this form)

Austin DSA in ActionJanuary 2024
by Sara G.
Our chapter is kicking off the year with new campaigns that will get us out on the streets in February, talking to our neighbors about how, together, we can change Austin. We’ll be canvassing for local political candidates, talking to workers in local businesses about how they can support Palestinian liberation, and escalating our labor support.
In the past month…
- Our chapter proudly endorsed District Attorney José Garza for his re-election campaign. José has shown a commitment to empowering sexual assault victims, holding police officers accountable, and creating community-driven solutions for public safety. We began going door-to-door to make sure that our neighbors get to the polls in March to vote for the candidate who is working to support the working class in Texas.
- On the 18th, we joined with others from the Austin for Palestine coalition for a rally in front of City Hall. Members have been calling city council, pleading with them to pass a ceasefire resolution, following in the footsteps of many other cities like San Francisco, Atlanta, and Detroit. Gumbo, a member of the chapter Leadership Committee, testified before the council, and our co-chair Garrigan published an op-ed in the Austin Chronicle. City council did not join their peers around the nation in passing a resolution.
- Our Membership Engagement Committee kicked off the chapter’s Rose Buddy Mentorship program. After attending orientation, new members will have the option to be paired with a more experienced member to help them understand all the ongoing campaigns and events while building deeper relationships within the chapter.
- Also from Membership Engagement, Socialist Sprouts volunteers will provide child watching for parents attending our General Body Meetings.
- The Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee has been helping workers at a Fedex Office here in Austin organize their workplace. The Fedex workers describe the unsafe conditions that led them to taking action.
- As part of our political education series, member Andrew Hairston spoke with the chapter about his trip to Cuba as part of DSA’s delegation in October. Our organizational commitment to international solidarity means learning from movements in other countries and showing support for comrades everywhere. Read more in this interview with Andrew.
- As part of our Schools for All campaign, we started talking to families in South Austin about the community school model, where public schools provide wraparound services based on the specific needs of their neighborhood, and invite community members to engage in shared decision-making.
The post Austin DSA in Action
January 2024
first appeared on Red Fault.

Organizations Call on Land Bank to Commit to Affordable Housing
Public land should be used for the public good.
On January 25th, 2024, five local organizations sent a letter to the Columbus Land Bank making this demand and asking it to commit to reserving all its properties suitable for residential development for projects that are 100% and permanently affordable. The Columbus Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America authored that letter because we believe a just future depends on our public institutions committing to bold action in order to provide housing for all.
The Columbus Land Bank is the government body responsible for acquiring land using public funds and making it available for housing. Along with its partner organization the Franklin County Land Bank, it has the potential to address one of the primary obstacles to the construction of affordable housing: the high cost of land. In recognition of this potential, Mayor Andrew Ginther announced that his administration would allocate 25% of 2022’s $200 million affordable housing bond to the land banks.
This is welcome news, but only if the Columbus Land Bank takes steps to avoid the developer-friendly policies that have plagued much of the rest of the City’s housing strategy. For example, Ginther and City Council recently decided to expand their controversial residential tax abatement program to the entire city. Under this program, developers are eligible to receive a 15-year 100% property tax break in exchange for pricing 20% of their units at below-market rents for 15 years–or by buying their way out of the affordability requirement entirely. Aware that many Columbus residents are opposed to this program, City Council also voted to award $75,000 to a marketing firm to educate the public about the “benefits” of tax abatements.
The Columbus Land Bank has sometimes operated as though its primary purpose is to redistribute cheap public land to developers. According to public sale records, in one instance, the Land Bank has sold public land for as little as $5,700 to a private developer who resold it for $490,000 after building a single-family home on it. This is unacceptable in a county where at least 52,000 households are severely burdened by housing costs and many others struggle to make rent or pay property taxes. At a time when City leaders are bending over backwards to grant additional tax breaks and other financial incentives to developers, reserving public land exclusively for projects that benefit the public is more important than ever.
Publicly-owned land is one of the most valuable assets the City has at its disposal to address the housing crisis. Selling off this land at a pittance to private developers to build expensive single-family homes is not only a poor policy choice but also morally indefensible. We are sick and tired of the City prioritizing the financial interests of wealthy developers over the wellbeing of its residents. That is why we are calling on the Columbus Land Bank to live up to its institutional purpose and use public lands in a way that actually serves the public.
Letter sent to the Columbus Land Bank on January 25, 2024
To the Columbus Land Bank,
The signatories to this letter are organizations committed to the principle that every member of our community deserves to live in truly and permanently affordable housing. As such, we broadly support the Columbus Land Bank’s mission to acquire land and make it available for housing. High land prices are one of the primary barriers to the construction of affordable housing. By purchasing land using public funds, the Land Bank has the ability to bring down housing costs and facilitate the creation of additional affordable housing. Unfortunately, the Land Bank has not always operated in this fashion.
Over the years, the Land Bank has sold many of its properties at a steep discount to for-profit developers. In some cases, these for-profit developers have built single-family homes on the properties, while in others, they have merely rehabbed existing ones. In all cases, they have benefited financially by buying public land on the cheap and selling it at market rates. Developers have resold some former Land Bank properties for over $400,000, many in historically-deprived neighborhoods. These unaffordable single-family developments make it harder to build the dense housing the city needs and instead incentivize landlords to raise rents.
As organizations committed to housing justice, we believe that publicly-owned land should be used exclusively to further the public good. Providing low-cost land to for-profit developers does not advance a public aim. Providing low-cost land for the construction of affordable housing does. That is why we are calling on you to commit to reserving all Land Bank properties suitable for residential development for projects that are permanently and 100% affordable.
You recently announced your intention to reserve most of your inventory for affordable housing projects going forward. This is welcome news, but it does not go far enough. The Land Bank has a vital role to play in creating and preserving affordable housing in Columbus. The Land Bank should join us, and all concerned Columbus residents, to help truly address the housing crisis.
Columbus Democratic Socialists of America
Central Ohio Food Not Bombs
First Collective
Heer to Serve
People’s Justice Project